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♫ Archives

I started writing about Hi-Fi for 6Moons in 2003 (52 articles), then started writing for Positive Feedback in 2008 (83 articles and counting), and then started my Jeff's Place blog in 2009 (1055 articles and counting).

Here's my attempt to document the review articles I've written, as I thought would be a good resource for you. It may take me a while to get caught up on all the articles and links, as I've written quite a few articles over the last 20 years.

It's been a lot of fun writing for all of you, and thank you for reading along all these years!

Cheers! 🙂  


  1. 47 Laboratory OTA Cable Kit - September 2005
  2. 47 Laboratory  4723 MC Bee Shigaraki Phono Cartridge & Shigaraki 4718 Phono Stage - October 2005
  3. Almarro A205A EL84 Integrated Amplifier Preview - March 2004
  4. Almarro A205A EL84 Integrated Amplifier - May 2004
  5. Almarro A205A Mk II EL84 Integrated Amplifier - March 2006
  6. Atelier de Synergie Acoustique (ASA) Monitor Baby Loudspeakers - February 2007
  7. Acoustic Reproduction Technology (ART) Emotion Signature Loudspeakers - November 2007
  8. Auditorium 23 "Green" Speaker Cables & Step-Up Transformer for Denon 103 Phono Cartridge - April 2005
  9. The Da Vinci Cables: Cardas Lightning 15 Digital Cable, Cardas Golden Reference Interconnects, Cardas Golden Reference Speaker Cables, Cardas SE 9 Speaker Cables, Cardas SE 9 Avantgarde Duo Wire Harness - February 2004
  10. DIY RCA Shootout: "3 RCA Connectors at the OK Corral" - March 2007
  11. DIY Cables: White Lightening Moonshine Interconnects & Speaker Cables - September 2007
  12. DIY Power Cords: Furutech G-320Ag-18 IEC and G-320Ag-18F8 Power Cables Versus White Lightening Moonshine Power Cords (Woods Yard Master Patio Cordsold by Wal-Mart) With Furutech FI-25 & FI-25M Rhodium-plated IEC Connectors & Furutech FI-11 & FI-11M Gold plated IEC Connectors - September 2007
  13. Fi 2A3 Mono Amplifiers by Don Garber - July 2004
  14. Fi 300B Mono Amplifiers by Don Garber - July 2007
  15. Fi Yph Phono Equalizer by Don Garber - July 2005
  16. Garrard Project Part 1: Introduction - September 2004
  17. Garrard Project Part 2: The Plinth - May 2005
  18. Garrard Project Part 3: The Finale! - October 2006
  19. Hi-Fi for Grown Ups: Harbeth Monitor 30 Loudspeakers - December 2003
  20. Harbeth Super HL5 Loudspeakers (Music Lovers Series) - February 2007
  21. KAB Speed Probe - February 2005
  22. Leben CS-600 Integrated Amplifier (Music Lovers Series) - February 2007
  23. Leben CS-660P Stereo Power Amplifier - May 2008
  24. Leben RS-28CX Full Function Preamplifier - February 2008
  25. Magnum Dynalab Triode Series MD-90T FM Tuner - November 2003
  26. Manley Labs Steelhead Phono Equalizer - February 2006
  27. Merrill Zigmahornet Loudspeakers - April 2007
  28. Michael Fremer's 21st Century Vinyl Turntable Setup DVD - January 2007
  29. Miyabi 47 Phono Cartridge - September 2006
  30. Miyabi Standard Phono Cartridge - June 2006
  31. Music Lovers Series: Introduction - May 2006
  32. Music Lovers Series: Road Tour - Pitch Perfect Audio - October 2006
  33. Music Lovers Series: Computer Audio - MacBook, Hag USB, 47 Laboratory Shigaraki DAC - August 2007
  34. Naim 112 Preamplifier and NAP 150 Amplifier - December 2003
  35. Nirvana Transmission Digital Interface Cable - November 2004
  36. Omega Super 3 Single Driver Loudspeaker - December 2004
  37. Omega Super 3 XRS Single Driver Loudspeaker - August 2006
  38. Origin Live Silver Tonearm - February 2005
  39. Origin Live Silver Mk II Tonearm - November 2006
  40. Paschetto Analog Engineering 2008 Turntable - May 2007
  41. Pass Labs XA 30.5 Amplifier - February 2008
  42. Red Wine Audio Modified Olive Musica - January 2007
  43. Shindo Laboratory Monbrison Amplifier & Cortese Preamplifier - October 2007
  44. Shure SE530PTH Headphones - September 2007
  45. Sonic Impact T-Amp - September 2004
  46. Sonic Impact Son of T-Amp - October 2005
  47. SuperScope PSD 300 CD-R/RW Recorder-Player & Music Practice Tool - January 2005
  48. Tom Evans Audio Design (TEAD) Linear A Stereo Amplifier - August 2005
  49. Tom Evans Audio Design (TEAD) Groove + Phono Equalizer - April 2006
  50. Tom Evans Audio Design (TEAD) Vibe Lithos 7 Preamplifier & Pulse Power Supply - December 2005
  51. Wavelength GAS Junior - April 2004
  52. Yamamoto Sound Craft A-08 45 SET Amplifier - November 2004

Positive Feedback

  1. Mhdt Labs Paradisea + USB DAC - Issue 38
  2. Analysis Plus Guitar & iPod Cables - Issue 38
  3. The Acoustic Revive Chronicles Chapter 4: RPT-2 & RPT-4 Ultimate Power Distributors, Power Reference  AC Power Cords - Issue 39
  4. Get Better Sound by Jim Smith (a book review) - Issue  40
  5. The Acoustic Revive Chronicles Chapter 5: The REM-8 EMF Canceler - Issue 40
  6. Lavry Engineering Lavry Black DA 10 DAC - Issue 41
  7. Acoustic Revive RWL-3 Acoustic Conditioner, CB-1DB Receptacle Base Plate, the CFRP-1F Carbon Fiber Outlet Plate, and CS-F2 Outlet Stabilizer - Issue 42
  8. Leben Hi-Fi Stereo Company RS-30EQ Phono Equalizer - Issue 43
  9. The Teaching Company: The Great Courses - Understanding the Fundamentals of Music - Issue 43
  10. Mhdt Labs Havana USB DAC - Issue 45
  11. Getting Top Performance From Your Digital Media: Shine Ola Optical Disc Cleaner, the Acoustic Revive RIO-5II Negative Ion Generator, and the Acoustic Revive RD-3 Disc Demagnetizer - Issue 45
  12. Lavardin Technologies Model IT Integrated Amplifier - Issue 46
  13. Leben Hi-Fi Stereo Company RS-100 & RS-100U Line Preamplifiers - Issue 46
  14. The Acoustic Revive Chronicles Chapter 7: Custom Series Loudspeaker Stands, the RST-38 & TB-38 Quartz Under-Boards, and the RAF-48 Air Floating Board - Issue 47
  15. Tannoy Westminster Royal Special Edition Loudspeakers - Issue 49
  16. The Acoustic Revive Chronicles Chapter 8: Single Core Speaker Cables, Single Core RCA Interconnects, and the RCI-3 Cable Insulators - Issue 49
  17. Sablon Audio Robusto AC Power Cord - Issue 52 (November-December 2010)
  18. Jeff's 7th Annual Positive Feedback Online's Writers' Choice Awards for 2010: Tannoy Westminster Royal SE Loudspeakers, Leben RS-30EQ Phono Equalizer, Acoustic Revive RST-38 & TB-38 Quartz Under-Boards, Acoustic Revive Single Core Speaker Cables - Issue 52 (November-December 2010)
  19. Sophia Electric Model 91-01 300B Mono Amplifiers - Issue 53 (January-February 2011)
  20. The Acoustic Revive Chronicles Chapter 9: The RAS-14 AC Power Conditioner and the USB-1.0SP USB Interconnect - Issue 55 (May-June 2011)
  21. Sablon Audio Panatela Interconnects - Issue 56 (July-August 2011)
  22. Sophia Electric Royal Princess 300B Vacuum Tube - Issue 57 (September-October 2011)
  23. New Valve Order Audio SPA-II Phono Preamplifier - Issue 57 (September-October 2011)
  24. Jeff's 8th Annual Positive Feedback Online's Writers' Choice Awards for 2011 - The Best of the Best!: Sophia Electric Royal Princess 300B Vacuum Tubes, New Valve Order Audio SPA-II Phono Preamplifier, and Sablon Audio Panatela Interconnect - Issue 58 (November-December 2011)
  25. Get Better Sound by Jim Smith, Three DVD Equipment Set-Up Reference Set - Issue 59 (January-February 2012)
  26. Sablon Audio Gran Corona AC Power Cord - Issue 60 (March-April 2012)
  27. Sablon Audio Panatela Special Edition Component Speaker Cables - Issue 63 (September-October 2012)
  28. Tempo Electric Aurum Ag Big Twist Interconnects - Issue 63 (September-October 2012)
  29. Sophia Electric 300B Vacuum Tube Tasting: Royal Princess™ 300B, Princess™ Carbon Plate 300B, Princess™ Mesh Plate 300B, and Globe Mesh Plate 300B - Issue 64 (November-December 2012)
  30. Tannoy Kingdom Royal Loudspeaker - Issue 64 (November-December 2012)
  31. Jeff's 9th Annual Positive Feedback Online's Writers' Choice Awards for 2012 - The Best of the Best!: Jim Smith's Get Better Sound Three DVD Reference Set, Sablon Audio Panatela Special Edition Component Speaker Cables, and Tannoy's Kingdom Royal Loudspeakers - Issue 64 (November-December 2012)
  32. ASR Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue Amplifier - Issue 66 (March-April 2013)
  33. ASR Basis Exclusive Phono Equalizer - Issue 67 (May-June 2013)
  34. Sablon Audio - The Corona Family of Power Cords: The Petit Corona, the Gran Corona, and the Quantum Gran Corona - Issue 68 (July-August 2013)
  35. The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 10 - Issue 68 (July-August 2013)
  36. New Valve Order SPA one Phono Equalizer - Issue 69 (September-October 2013)
  37. The Duelund-Westminster Project is Live on Positive Feedback Online! - Issue 70, Part 1 & Part 2 (November-December 2013)
  38. The 10th Annual Positive Feedback Writers’ Choice Awards for 2013 – The Best of the Best! - Issue 70 (November-December 2013)
  39. The Mhdt Lab Stockholm V2 USB DAC - Issue 71 (January-February 2014)
  40. The Sophia Electric 91-03 300B Stereo Integrated Amplifier - Issue 72 (March-April 2014)
  41. Duelund Coherent Audio from Denmark: The Duelund-WRSE Project, Part 2: Duelund CAST Silver Capacitors and Duelund CAST Silver & Copper Autotransformers - Issue 74 (July-August 2014)
  42. The Acoustic Revive Chronicles - The Eleventh House!: RR-888 Ultra Low-Frequency Pulse Generator, Single Core PC-TripleC, PCOCC-A, and Line-1.0RS RCA Interconnects, Oyaide R-0 AC outlet, and cruzeFIRST Audio Maestro AC outlet - Issue 76 (November-December 2014)
  43. The Eleventh Annual Positive Feedback Online Writers Choice Awards for 2014 - Issue 76 (November-December 2014)
  44. The Vintage McIntosh Experience: A Musical Ride With The MX110Z Tuner/Preamplifier and the MC30, MC225, and MC240 Amplifiers - Issue 77 (January-February 2015)
  45. The SPEC RSA-M3 EX Real Sound Amplifier - Positive Feedback - Issue 78 (March/April 2015)
  46. The Garrard Project 2015: From Simple to Spectacular! - Positive Feedback - Issue 79 (May/June 2015)
  47. Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki - Positive Feedback - Issue 81 (September/October 2015)
  48. The 12.5-Inch Woody SPU Tonearm™ from Pete Riggle Audio Engineering (Issue 88)
  49. The Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Premium Tinned-Copper 'Vintage Tone' Cable (Issue 88)
  50. The Acoustic Revive RPC-1 Power Supply Conditioner: Power to the People! (Issue 89)
  51. Lefson: French High-End Analog Audio Devices - The Lefson Resistor (Issue 91)
  52. The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 13: The RPT-6 Absolute NCF Power Distributor, the Power Reference TripleC NCF AC Power Cord, and the RAS-14-TripleC NCF Power Stabilizer (Issue 91)
  53. The Murasakino Musique Analogue Sumile MC Phonograph Cartridge from Japan! (Issue 92)
  54. An Adventure in the Art of Tone with the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA Series of Tinned-Copper Cables, Part 1 (Issue 92)
  55. Sexy Blue Tubes: The Sophia Electric EL34-ST and Aqua 274B Vacuum Tubes! (Issue 93)
  56. The Arai Lab MT-1 Step-Up Transformer for Moving Coil Phonograph Cartridges (Issue 93)
  57. The "Tunable" Audio MusiKraft Denon DL-103 Phonograph Cartridge - Positive Feedback - Issue 95 - January 2018.
  58. Peter Ledermann is the Artisan Smithy of Sound: The New Soundsmith Carmen Mk II Phonograph Cartridge! (Issue 98)
  59. The New First Watt SIT-3 Stereo Power Amplifier by Nelson Pass! (Issue 98)
  60. Peter Ledermann is the Artisan Smithy of Sound, Part 2: The New Soundsmith Zephyr Mk III Phonograph Cartridge! (Issue 98
  61. Still Audio EL84 Integrated Amplifier: Affordable Handcrafted Exotica! (Issue 99)
  62. Peter Ledermann is the Artisan Smithy of Sound, Part 3: The Soundsmith MMP3 Mk II Phono Preamplifier! (Issue 100)
  63. The Acoustic Revive Chronicles - Chapter 14: The Absolute Power Cables, The RCA Absolute FM Interconnects, and the PC-TripleC/EX Headshell Leads (Issue 100)
  64. Three Simple and Cost Effective Hot-Rod Mods for the Classic Thorens TD-124 Turntable! (Issue 103)
  65. The Hanze HiFi HAT Turntable Power Supply (Issue 104)
  66. The Duelund-Altec Project – Dare to Dream! (Issue 105
  67. The Pass Labs XA25 Class A Stereo Amplifier - "The Little Engine That Could" (Issue 105)
  68. The Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature Integrated Amplifier – An Affordable Masterpiece! (Issue 108)
  69. The Leben HiFi Stereo Company CS-600X Integrated Amplifier – An Old Friend Gets Even Better! (Issue 109)
  70. Sexy Blue Tubes, Part 2, The Sophia Electric EL34-ST and KT88-ST Vacuum Tubes! (Issue 110)
  71. The Pass Labs XP-12 Line-Level Preamplifier: A Musical Masterpiece! (Issue 111)
  72. The Audio Note (UK) CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD Player: A CD Player that Reveals the Soul of the Music! (Issue 112)
  73. The Pass Labs XP-17 Phono Preamplifier: Wayne’s World! (Issue 113
  74. The Art of Vacuum Tubes: Sophia Electric 45 Mesh Plate Triodes and Aqua 274B Rectifier (Issue 115)
  75. The Triode Lab 45 EVO Single-Ended-Triode Integrated Amplifier: The Evolution of the First Watt! (Issue 115)
  76. The Audio Note (UK) Io I MC Phono Cartridge, AN-S4 Step-Up Transformer, AN-V Silver Interconnects, and AN-SPe Silver Loudspeaker Cables: An 'Out of this World' Listening Experience! (Issue 116)
  77. The New First Watt F8 Stereo Amplifier from Nelson Pass: Time Travel In a Black Box! (Issue 117)
  78. Leben Hi-Fi Stereo Company CS-300F Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifier - A Blockbuster of an Integrated Amplifier! (Issue 118)
  79. The Audio Note (UK) CD 4.1x 'Level Three' Red Book CD Player: Digital Transcendence! (Issue 121)
  80. Audio Note (UK) Meishu Phono Silver Tonmeister 300B SET Integrated Amplifier: The Mighty Master of Tone! (Issue 122)
  81. The Triode Lab 2A3 P-SET RSR Monaural Amplifiers - Double the SET Fun! (Issue 120)
  82. Book Alert: The Perfect Sound: A Memoir in Stereo by Garrett Hongo (Issue 123)
  83. The Audio Note (UK) AN-K/SPe Loudspeakers: The Life and Emotion of Music! (Issue 124)
  84. The Mactone XX-440 Line Preamplifier and MH-120 Stereo Amplifier: Adventures in Max-tone! (Issue 126)
  85. The Audio Note (UK) CD 5.1x Red Book CD Player - Unicorn Sighting! (Issue 129

 The Acoustic Revive Chronicles

  • Chapter 1: RR-77 Schumann Ultra Low-Frequency Pulse Generator - 6Moons, February 2008
  • Chapter 2: RIQ-5010 / RIQ-5010W Quartz Insulators; QR-8 Quartz Resonators - 6Moons, March 2008
  • Chapter 3: RCC-24 Ground Conditioner; SIP-8F RCA Input Shorting Plugs; QR-8 Quartz Resonators - 6Moons, May 2008
  • Chapter 4: RPT-2 & RPT-4 Ultimate Power Distributors, Power Reference  AC Power Cords - PFO Issue 39
  • Chapter 5: The REM-8 EMF Canceler - PFO Issue 40
  • Chapter 6: RWL-3 Acoustic Conditioner, CB-1DB Receptacle Base Plate, the CFRP-1F Carbon Fiber Outlet Plate, and the CS-F2 Outlet Stabilizer - PFO Issue 42
  • Chapter 6 "a": RIO-5II Negative Ion Generator & RD-3 Disc Demagnetizer - PFO Issue 45
  • Chapter 7: Custom Series Loudspeaker Stands, the RST-38 & TB-38 Quartz Under-Boards, and the RAF-48 Air Floating Board - PFO Issue 47
  • Chapter 8: Single Core Speaker Cables, Single Core RCA Interconnects, and the RCI-3 Cable Insulators - PFO Issue 49
  • Chapter 9: The RAS-14 AC Power Conditioner and the USB-1.0SP USB Interconnect - Issue 55 (May-June 2011)
  • Chapter 10: RR-777 Schumann Pulse Generator, the RL-30 Mark III Analogue Disc Demagnetizer, the CB-1DB receptacle base plate, CFRP-1F carbon fiber outlet plate, and the Acoustic Revive modified Oyaide R-1 receptacle - Issue 68 (July-August 2013)
  • Chapter 11: RR-888 Ultra Low-Frequency Pulse Generator, Single Core PC-TripleC, PCOCC-A, and Line-1.0RS RCA Interconnects, Oyaide R-0 AC outlet, and cruzeFIRST Audio Maestro AC outlet - Issue 76 (November-December 2014)
  • Chapter 12: Acoustic Revive RPC-1 Power Supply Conditioner - Issue 89 2017.
  • Chapter 13: The RPT-6 Absolute NCF Power Distributor, the Power Reference TripleC NCF AC Power Cord, and the RAS-14-TripleC NCF Power Stabilizer (Issue 91)
  • Chapter 14: The Absolute Power Cables, The RCA Absolute FM Interconnects, and the PC-TripleC/EX Headshell Leads (Issue 100)

Adventures In 'Real Sound' with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki

  1. Today’s Fresh Catch: The SPEC RSA-M3 EX Real Sound Amplifier from Japan! - January 2015
  2. Today’s Fresh Catch: The SPEC RSP-901EX Real Sound Processor - February 2015
  3. Review: The SPEC RSA-M3 EX Real Sound Amplifier - February 2015
  4. The SPEC ‘Real Sound Amplifier’ and ‘Real Sound Processors’ Review is Now Live at Positive Feedback Online! - March 2015
  5. Follow-up: The SPEC RSP-901EX Real Sound Processors on the Duelund-Westminster Royal SE Loudspeakers - March 2015
  6. The Vintage Beat: A Forgotten Voice from the American Recording Studio - April 2015
  7. The Vintage Beat: Western Electric WE16GA Speaker Cable - April 2015
  8. The Great Capacitor Adventure! The aroma of solder is in the air! - May 2015
  9. The McIntosh MC30 ‘Capacitor Adventure’ just became … - May 2015
  10. The Great Capacitor Adventure! Part Two - May 2015
  11. Today’s Fresh Catch: The SPEC AP-UD1 Analog Disc Sheet - May 2015
  12. “You will soon meet a life long kindred spirit.” - June 2015
  13. Jeff checking in … Western Electric, Belden 8402, McIntosh, Westminsters and a Woody! - June 2015
  14. The Vintage Beat: Western Electric WE16GA in the Duelund-WRSE Low-Frequency Crossovers - June 2015
  15. An Experiment: Western Electric WE16GA in the Duelund CAST WRSE HF Crossovers - June 2015
  16. The British Fineness of Tone: Haltron 5U4G and Mullard ECC83 - July 2015
  17. Having Fun with Real Sound and Mono! - July 2015
  18. A Friday Afternoon Listening Session With Ron & Leo - July 2015
  19. Personal Thoughts About “Real Sound” from Yazaki-san of SPEC Corporation - July 2015
  20. Saturday Afternoon Jazz … and other stuff - August 2015
  21. The Vintage Beat: Klipschorns with Western Electric WE16GA - August 2015
  22. Vintage Western Electric WE16GA - August 2015
  23. Jeff checking in … Western Electric, vintage phono cartridges, music, and more! - September 2015
  24. Vintage Western Electric WE16GA Wire as Interconnects - September 2015
  25. Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki – Sneak Peek - September 2015
  26. Adventures in Real Sound With Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki – Sneak Peek 2 - September 2015
  27. Saturday Afternoon At Jeff’s Place - September 2015
  28. Yazaki-san checking in … DA30 DH-SET monaural amplifiers! - September 2015
  29. Siedy Checking In from The Netherlands: Listening Adventures With SPEC Real Sound Amps! - September 2015
  30. Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki is now live at Positive Feedback! - September 2015
  31. Another Akihabara Adventure: Yazaki-San Reporting from the "Tube Audio Show " in Akihabara in Tokyo (more show photos added) - October 2015
  32. The Jeff Awards for 2015 ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Shirokazu Yazaki ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ - December 2015
  33. Yazaki-San Checking In: The Adventures in Real Sound Continue! - October 2016
  34. Yazaki-san checking in: A kindred spirit in Surabaya, Indonesia! - November 2016
  35. A New Adventure With Yazaki-san! Update #2. - January 2017
  36. A look into the future through the audio crystal ball! Part 3 – Yazaki-san and Western Electric & Vintage McIntosh! - February 2017
  37. A Guest Article from Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki: "My Adventure With My Old Marantz Model 7" Part 1. - May 2017
  38. A Guest Article from Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki: “My Adventure With My Old Marantz Model 7” Part 2. - May 2017
  39. A Guest Article from Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki: “My Adventure With My Old Marantz Model 7” Part 3. - June 2017
  40. A Guest Article from Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki: “My Adventure With My Old Marantz Model 7” Part 4! - June 2017
  41. A Guest Article from Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki: “My Adventure With My Old Marantz Model 7” Part 5! - June 2017
  42. A Guest Article from Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki: “My Adventure With My Old Marantz Model 7” Part 6! - July 2017
  43. A Guest Article from Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki: “My Adventure With My Old Marantz Model 7” Part 7! - April 2018
  44. A Guest Article from Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki: “My Adventure With My Old Marantz Model 7” Part 8! - November 2019
  45. A Guest Article from Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki: “My Adventure With My Old Marantz Model 7” Part 9! - November 2020
  46. A Guest Article From Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki: "My Adventure with My Old Marantz Model 7" Part 10 - November 2021
  47. Yazaki-san checking in from the Sentimental Cafe! - September 2017
  48. A Yazaki-san Adventure: Yazaki-san visits Kritapas-san! - October 2017
  49. Today's Fresh Catch: Custom Spec RSP-AZ9EX Real Sound Processors for the Vintage Altec 832A Corona by Yazaki-san! - June 2018
  50. First Impressions: Custom Spec RSP-AZ9EX Real Sound Processors by Yazaki-san for the Vintage Altec 832A Corona loudspeakers! - June 2018
  51. Adventures in Real Sound with Yazaki-san: Alan-san's GEC PX25 monaural SET's! - November 2018
  52. Preview: Yazaki-san will be telling us all about his experiences hot-rodding the Marantz Model 7 Replica for Roy-san! Update: Listening impressions from Roy-san! - October 2018
  53. Adventures in Real Sound with Yazaki-san: Alan-san’s GEC PX25 monaural SET’s - Part 2! - November 2018
  54. Adventures in Real Sound with Yazaki-san: Alan-san’s & Harald-san's GEC PX25 monaural SET’s - Part 3! January 2019
  55. Adventures in Real Sound with Yazaki-san: Alan-san’s GEC PX25A (DA30) Monaural SETs - Part 4! May 2019 
  56. Adventures in Real Sound with Yazaki-san: Alan-san’s GEC PX25A (DA30) Monaural SETs - Part 5! Oct 2022
  57. Adventures in Real Sound with Yazaki-san: Alan-san’s GEC PX25A (DA30) Monaural SET’s - Part 6 Sept 2023
  58. A New & Exciting Audio Adventure from Yazaki-san: The iPhone Adventure! March 2024

The Duelund-Westminster Project

  1. The Duelund-Westminster Project Part 1 (December 2013)
  2. The Duelund-Westminster Project Part 2 (December 2013)
  3. The Duelund-Westminster Project Part 3 (July 2014

Duelund Coherent Audio Cables

  1. An Adventure in the Art of Tone with the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA Series of Tinned-Copper Cables, Part 1 (August 2017)
  2. Duelund Coherent Audio website product line overview of tinned-copper cables (October 2023)

The Duelund-Altec Project

  1. The Vintage Beat: "Stokowski" Altec's Arrive at Jeff's Place November 2015
  2. Announcing the Duelund Coherent Audio & Stokowski Altec Project for 2018! January 2018
  3. The "Stokowski" Altec's Move into the Main Music System in Preparation for the Arrival of the Duelund CAST Sn-Cu Components for the Duelund-Altec Project. September 2018
  4. The Duelund CAST Tinned-Copper Capacitors, Inductors, and Resistors Arrive at Jeff's Place  September 2018
  5. The Duelund CAST Sn-Cu Air Core Inductor: A Breath of Fresh Air for Low Frequencies! September 2018
  6. The Duelund CAST Sn-Cu Capacitor: The World’s Finest Capacitor! October 2018
  7. The Duelund CAST Carbon/Sn-Cu Resistor: The "Jeffistor" makes its debut! October 2018
  8. Laying Out the Breadboards for the Duelund CAST Sn-Cu Crossovers! October 2018
  9. Installing the Duelund CAST Sn-Cu Crossovers into the High-Frequency Cabinets of the "Stokowski" Altec's October 2018
  10. The Duelund-Altec Project: First Listen to a Duelund CAST Sn-Cu Crossover! January 2019
  11. The Duelund-Altec Project: First listen to the completed crossovers! January 2019 
  12. The Duelund-Altec Project: Further listening to the completed CAST Sn-Cu crossovers! January 2019
  13. The Duelund-Altec Project: A weeks worth of listening! January 2019
  14. The Duelund-Altec Project: Two weeks worth of listening! February 2019
  15. The Duelund-Altec Project: Three weeks worth of listening! February 2019
  16. The Duelund-Altec Project: The Fifth Week Update! OMG! March 2019
  17. The Duelund-Altec Project: Overview & Update. March 2019
  18. Duelund-Altec Project: Duelund 600V DCA12GA, DCA16GA, or DCA12GA on the "Stokowski" Altec's as speaker cables? March 2019
  19. The Duelund-Altec Project – Dare to Dream! (October 2019

Audio Note (UK)

  1. The Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature Integrated Amplifier – An Affordable Masterpiece! (Issue 108)
  2. The Audio Note (UK) CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD Player: A CD Player that Reveals the Soul of the Music! (Issue 112)
  3. The Audio Note (UK) Io I MC Phono Cartridge, AN-S4 Step-Up Transformer, AN-V Silver Interconnects, and AN-SPe Silver Loudspeaker Cables: An 'Out of this World' Listening Experience! (Issue 116
  4. The Audio Note (UK) CD 4.1x 'Level Three' Red Book CD Player: Digital Transcendence! (Issue 121)
  5. Audio Note (UK) Meishu Phono Silver Tonmeister 300B SET Integrated Amplifier: The Mighty Master of Tone! (Issue 122)
  6. The Audio Note (UK) AN-K/SPe Loudspeakers: The Life and Emotion of Music! (Issue 124)
  7. The Audio Note (UK) CD 5.1x Red Book CD Player - Unicorn Sighting! (Issue 129)

Jeff's Place Posts

There's now more than 1058 Jeff's Place posts written over the last 10 or so years, which are too many to create a simple index of, so I recommend you use the Positive Feedback search engine or the Jeff's Place category function for particular topics, but here's a few links to articles that particularly stimulate my imagination, or are handy references for some practical reason. I'm just getting started with these links, so more will appear in time.

Altec Alchemy

  1. The Vintage Altec Experience. March 2019
  2. Custom Altec's Built for Conductor Leopold Stokowski. March 2019.
  3. Gary Fischer's restoration of my Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
  4. Altec 832A Corona's HERE
  5. Markus Klug's 'Klughoerner' hand-crafted wood replicas of historic Altec multi-cell horns! June 2016

DIY Articles

  1. A DIY 'Vintage Tone' USB Interconnect Using Tinned-Copper 'Pushback Wire'! November 2015
  2. Prototype 0.22uF Duelund CAST Sn-Cu cap's in the MX110Z! November 2016
  3. An Adventure With DIY High-Performance Phono Cartridge Headshell Leads! June 2017
  4. How to: A DIY 600V Duelund DCA12GA Power Cable Project! February 2019

Handy Reference Articles

  1. Leben CS600/CS660P Vacuum Tube Settings Tables. March 2010.
  2. Audio Classics McIntosh MX110Z volume potentiometer rebuild! February 2019

Musings and Meditations on High-Fidelity

  1. High Fidelity: Is hifi system voicing a matter of taste? Part 1. January 2019
  2. High Fidelity: Is hifi system voicing a matter of taste? Part 2. January 2019
  3. High Fidelity: Is hifi system voicing a matter of taste? Part 3. January 2019
  4. Meditations on High-Fidelity: An introduction ... (December 2020)
  5. Meditations on High-Fidelity: In the beginning was music ... (December 2020)
  6. Meditations on High-Fidelity: My audio system sucks, what should I do? (February 2021)
  7. Meditations on High-Fidelity: The history and evolution of the audio arts ... (February 2021)
  8. Meditations on High-Fidelity: A brief history of equalization in the recording arts and its relevance to audio enthusiasts today. Part 1. (February 2021)
  9. Meditations on High-Fidelity: Andy Moore shares his audio insights from the Land Down Under! (February 2021)
  10. What Is High-Fidelity? (January 2023)

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