♫ Westminster Royal SE's
My Tannoy Westminster Royal Special Edition loudspeakers based audio system is my primary music listening system, and has tended to morph quite a bit over time due to rotating equipment in and out for audio reviews.

Primary music system, April 27th, 2022.
This is certainly the most enjoyable system I have ever listened to, and I like it better than any other system I have heard, ever.

Left to right: Audio Note (UK) CD 4.1x, Triode Lab 45 EVO, Leben RS-30EQ, and Audio Note (UK) AN-S4 SUT.
At the moment, this system consists of the Tannoy Westminster Royal SE Loudspeakers with custom external Duelund CAST crossovers, the Triode Lab 45 EVO SET integrated amplifier, the Leben RS-30EQ phono equalizer, the Audio Note (UK) Io I MC phono cartridge, AN-S4 step-up transformer, AN-V silver interconnects, and Audio Note (UK) CD 4.1x CD player.
I live in a rather small & modest nuevo bungalow home, with my living room area serving as my primary listening room (it is 27’6’’ long by 20’4’’ wide, and with variable ceiling height from 9 to 20 feet).
The positioning of my Westminster loudspeakers is in a typical audiophile arrangement, with a modified rule of thirds/fifths sort of positioning.
The front of my West's are 77 inches out from the front wall, sides are 48 inches from the side walls, and the loudspeakers are 112 inches apart, center-to-center.
The listening position is about 12 feet from the Westminsters, and the rear wall is about 12 feet behind my listening 'couch'.
This arrangement, in typical audiophile fashion, gives a wide and deep soundstage when playing magnetic era stereo recordings, with exceptional imaging.
Room construction consists of sheet rock walls and a partial cathedral ceiling, and a rock-solid concrete slab floor (carpeted).
The rear of the living room behind the listening position opens to a combination kitchen/dining room, and is also open to an entryway on the right side wall.
The electrical grid here provides clean and plentiful inexpensive power, much to the delight of local fi-fi buffs.
Thanks for stopping by!