Immediately after posting about Gary Bronner's adventure at Sun Audio in Akihabara, I received a delightful message from Yazaki-san to Gary Zabel & Daryl Stahler at Arizona Capacitors & me about another Akihabara adventure, the "Tube Audio Show" which Yazaki-san just attended.

Closeup of the SPEC and Arizona Capacitor display at the "Tube Audio Show" Yazaki-san attended in Akihabara.
Dear Gary-san, Daryl-san and Jeff-san,
"Tube Audio Show" is now held in Akihabara / Tokyo from 11th to 12th / Oct. This is our 4th time exhibit. At the show we have the rare chance to make a direct sale of " Blue Cactus ", " Green Cactus" and our mica capacitor for the visitor.
Thankfully, we met a lot of repeat purchasers of AZ-cap and the mica capacitor today. And all of them told us that they are very satisfied with the sound of these capacitors. Yes, of course, I am so happy to hear that.
In this afternoon at the show, I just came across the astonishment. A visitor from Hong Kong dropped by our corner and I introduced AZ-cap. He called out that I already saw you on Jeff-san's blog!! I was also surprised to be able to meet Jeff-san's blog reader in Hong Kong at this place.
And he bought 4 pcs each of 0.22 Blue Cactus and 0.01 Mica Capacitor and will start his " Capacitor Adventure". I hope all of you could see his happiest face at that time.
Once again, I recognized Jeff-san's influence is great!!
So tired but very nice show for us.
Shirokazu Yazaki
Many thanks to Yazaki-san for sharing his visit to the "Tube Audio Show" he attended in Akihabara, and I really appreciate his kind words about my humble blog. 🙂

In this photo you can see a very special selection of Blue, Green, and Red Arizona Capacitors that Yazaki-san brought as a gift for my good friend Ron-san, as well as an issue of 'The Tube Kingdom' that focussed on the A5 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers. Thank you Yazaki-san!
In the near future I'm going to be sharing a lot more with you about Arizona Capacitors, about their important history and their influence on the audio arts, about an exciting discussion I had with Yazaki-san about the performance of Arizona Capacitors based on a recent listening session, some more exciting discussions I had with Daryl Stahler & Gary Zabel at Arizona Capacitor about some upcoming Arizona Capacitor projects following the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, and the very, very, good news that Arizona Capacitors will become more widely available to audio enthusiasts through Parts ConneXion in the near future.
Many thanks to Yazaki-san for sending us more show photos from the "Tube Audio Show " in Akihabara (below)!
Yazaki-san said, "It is not a big scale show, but we could get rare NOS parts, and also, it might be the place of information
exchange among tube amplifier enthusiasts."
Stay tuned, there's lots of exciting news and audio projects to come!