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The Week In Review and A Look Ahead: AC, Music, Vinyl, Valves, and Duelund!

High Performance Audio Starts With The In-Wall AC In Chapter 10 of the Acoustic Revive Chronicles I wrote about a high-performance in-wall Acoustic Revive AC interface that consisted of the combination of the CB-1DB receptacle base plate, the CFRP-1F carbon fiber outlet plate, and the Acoustic Revive modified Oyaide R-1 receptacle. I was impressed during... Read More »

The Week In Review and A Look Ahead: Musical Nirvana, LPs, Chapter 10 of the Acoustic Revive Chronicles, and Upcoming Reviews

I have achieved a level of musical nirvana over the last week that I haven't experienced since the departure of the wonderful ASR Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue amplifier designed by the talented Friedrich Schaefer in Germany. In fact, my system is performing at a level quite a ways above even what I was experiencing when that... Read More »

The Week in Review and a Look Ahead: Vintage Gear, Chapter 10 of the Acoustic Revive Chronicles, NVO SPA one, and more!

Hi everyone! I hope you're having a nice weekend! I was out of commission part of this week as a victim of a stomach bug that's been going around, so you could say this week is ending a lot better than it started. Last weekend was an awesome vintage weekend of listening to Ron’s quad of... Read More »

DIY: Binding Post Bypass Adapters for the McIntosh MC240

Yesterday I posted in Today's Fresh Catch about the spade terminal adapters for vintage McIntosh amplifiers with terminal strips that I found and purchased on eBay. While the price was right at slightly less than $10 USD, the performance and design of the adapters was not really up to what I wanted for use with... Read More »

The Week In Review and A Look Ahead: Acoustic Revive, Duelund & Tannoy, and Vintage McIntosh!

Chapter 10 of the Acoustic Revive Chronicles This weekend I am hard at work writing Chapter 10 of the Acoustic Revive Chronicles. As many of you know, I really love the Acoustic Revive audio accessories that are designed and manufactured by Mr. Ken Ishiguro in Japan. If you’ve looked closely at the photos in my... Read More »

Frank Checking In From Canada: The Duelund-WRSE Project

The Duelund-WRSE Project has been truly exciting, both in working through developing the external Duelund crossovers, and also hearing from those of you who are working on your own projects. Frank just finished up his Duelund-WRSE Project, took some great photos, and wrote it all up  to share with all of us. Thank you Frank!... Read More »

Coming Reviews and Other Stuff

Here’s what’s in my current review queue and what you can expect to see reviewed at Positive Feedback Online in the future. The last reviews to be finished up were of the wonderful ASR Basis Exclusive phono equalizer and ASR Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue amplifier (above). I'm still in withdrawal after their departure - wonderful... Read More »

The Duelund-WRSE Project: Sablon Audio Panatela WRSE Internal Wiring – Part 2

As I mentioned in Part 1 of this post, I got back from Idaho yesterday afternoon where I had joined with my family to celebrate my Dad's 90th birthday! It was awesome! After getting home I unboxed the Panatela WRSE internal wiring set that Mark Coles had sent for the Duelund-WRSE Project. This project has... Read More »

The Duelund-WRSE Project: Sablon Audio Panatela WRSE Internal Wiring - Part 1

I was excited to the see the package arrive from Mark Coles containing the custom internal Westminster Royal SE Sablon Audio Panatela wiring harness that Mark made for the Duelund-WRSE Project. These are the exact same custom Panatela Special Edition Component Speaker Cables that Mark optimized for the WRSEs with Paul Mills' input that I reviewed in... Read More »

The Duelund - WRSE Project: The Crossover Isolation Stands are Finished!

As I mentioned in my last progress report about the Duelund - Westminster Royal SE Project, my buddy Dave and I made some real progress putting the isolation bases together that the Duelund crossovers are mounted on. Dave brought in the finished frames to the office yesterday, I gave their newly lacquered finish time to... Read More »

It Was a Fine Vintage Amplifier Day Here at Jeff's Place

The last time Ron stopped by it was a real treat to listen to his vintage Harmon-Kardon Citation II and Citation V amplifiers, as well as his beautiful deHavilland 50A mono amps (new at the time). Man what a day we had listening to those fine amps! It was a Hi-Fi celebration! Harmon-Kardon Citation II... Read More »

The Duelund - Westminster Royal SE Project: Progress!

Over the last couple of weekends I have made quite a bit of progress on the Duelund-WRSE Project. Last weekend my buddy Dave and I worked on the final chassis design for the outboard Duelund crossovers, and we went into Dave's woodworking shop to get the chassis started and made a lot of progress. As I... Read More »

The Duelund Westminster Royal SE Project: A Few Listening Notes & Next Steps

I've been listening to the breadboarded versions of the Duelund crossovers on the Westminster Royal SE's this week, in the evenings after I got home from the office, and man, what a revelation! I decided to take today off and get some more work done on Duelund-WRSE Project.  Before getting started on what I need to... Read More »

The Duelund-WRSE Project: A Stereo Pair for Sunday

I just finished up installing the other Duelund crossover on the right Westminster Royal SE, so now I have a stereo pair up and running. Not bad progress for a weekends worth of work! I was able to improve the layout of the right channel pair of Duelund crossovers and make it quite a bit more... Read More »

The Duelund-WRSE Project: First Listening Impressions of the Duelund Crossover

I was chatting with Frederik Carøe in Denmark this morning by email while waking up with some nice hot coffee (medium roasted Kenya beans). I wanted to give Frederik an update on how things are going with the Duelund-WRSE Project, and ask Frederick for any suggestions he might have on improvements and such.   I... Read More »

The Duelund-WRSE Project: A Fine Friday with Pete & Stephaen - Updated

Stephaen sent an early morning email: "I'm going to stop at the El Fat Cat Grill taco truck and get us lunch, and I'll meet you and Pete at your place at noon." While the El Fat Cat Grill is actually a taco truck, referring to it as 'taco truck' is like referring to the... Read More »

The Duelund-WRSE Project: Duelund Coherent Audio Silver / Carbon Resistors

In the Duelund-WRSE Crossover Project we are using the Duelund Coherent Audio Silver / Carbon resistors exclusively in the circuits (seen on the far right in the photo below). Resistors are inherently simple electrical devices that are used to control the flow of current in a crossover circuit by providing a constant resistance that does... Read More »

It's going to be a Duelund sort of Day!

I'm up early this morning drinking coffee and listening to the Beatles' Rubber soul LP from the new box set through the Sophia Electric 91-03 300B integrated amplifier. Particularly considering the 91-03 hasn't even been playing for an hour, its sounding really good. Very natural, sweet, and musical. Today Pete Riggle & Stephaen Harrell (6Moons) are coming over to... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The New Duelund Coherent Audio CAST Mylar 200uF Capacitor

Today's Fresh Catch is the new Duelund Coherent Audio CAST Mylar Capacitor. For those of you who have been following the developments of the Duelund-WRSE Project, where we are building custom outboard crossovers for the Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers using the state-of-art Duelund Coherent Audio CAST components, you know that Frederik Carøe created a... Read More »

The Duelund-WRSE Project: Breadboarding with Pete & Stephaen

I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday than eating wood-fired pizza, drinking some nice Italian & Argentinian wines, and laughing & talking with Pete Riggle and Stephaen Harrell while breadboarding the Duelund-WRSE crossovers. We started with a full set of the Duelund CAST components for the crossover. (seen below sitting on... Read More »

Send a photo of your Tannoys in your room!

Pambos just sent me an email with an excellent suggestion about posting photos of peoples' Westminster Royal or Canterbury loudspeakers in their listening rooms, based on the interactions we've had for upgrading the crossovers on those two speakers. We've got a lot of Tannoy owners that drop by, and I didn't want to exclude anyone,... Read More »

The Duelund CAST Air Core Inductor: A Breath of Fresh Air for Low Frequencies!

In my last post I described all of the attention to detail that goes into producing the hand-made & labor intensive Duelund CAST capacitors, and in this post I want to tell you about the Duelund CAST Air Core Inductor that we will be using in the Duelund-Westminster Project as shown in positions L1 and L2 below. An inductor... Read More »

The Duelund Coherent Audio CAST Capacitor: The World's Finest Capacitor!

Many of you who read Jeff's Place consider the Duelund Coherent Audio CAST capacitors to be the best capacitors in the world for audio applications, so I thought it would be interesting to learn about them in a little more detail. I asked Frederik Carøe (founder of Duelund Coherent Audio) if he would tell us... Read More »

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