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Send a photo of your Tannoys in your room!

05-01-2013 | By Jeff Day |

Pambos just sent me an email with an excellent suggestion about posting photos of peoples' Westminster Royal or Canterbury loudspeakers in their listening rooms, based on the interactions we've had for upgrading the crossovers on those two speakers. We've got a lot of Tannoy owners that drop by, and I didn't want to exclude anyone, so I've just broadened the post. Also, let us know how you have them positioned in the room.

Here's my Westminster Royal SEs:

System photo

Here's Jim Smith's Canterbury SEs:

Jim Smith

Here's Theodoros' Westminsters:

Theodoros 2

Here's Pambos' Westminsters (thanks for sending your room information!): Room size: W610cm x L720cm x H250cm; Distance of the center of each speaker from the back wall 100cm; Distance between the speakers 220cm; Distance of the listening position from speakers 330cm; Angle of speakers : crossing 30cm behind the listener sitting in the listening position.

Pambos 1

Pambos just finished up his custom enclosures for the outboard Duelund crossovers, so I thought you'd like to see how they turned out (very nice!). Here's a closeup:

Pambos DXO 1

Another closeup:

Pambos DXO 2

Shown to scale with the loudspeaker:

Pambos DXO 3

Here's a photo showing the connection to the back of the Westminster:

Pambos DXO 4

Here's Moofi's Kensingtons (thanks for the room information!): Room size: W500cm x L640cm x H240cm; Distance of the center of each speaker from the back wall 50cm; Distance between the speakers 7.47 feet; Distance of the listening position from speakers 9 feet; Angle of speakers : 10 degree toe in listening position.

moofi 1

moofi 2

Here's Mike's Canterburys: "Room's overall "footprint" is 30' x 20.5' w/ 9.5' ceilings. However, one of the long (30') walls is evenly split by an outcropping that sticks 6' into the room and is 7.5' long. My system is positioned directly to the left of this outcropping. The speakers' tweeters are about 7.5' apart; the seating position is 8' from each speaker (slightly elongated isosceles triangle). Speakers are about 3.5' ahead of the front wall. Lots of space behind the seating position. Toed-in to cross over just barely behind the seating position."

Mike 1

Here's Lance's Canterburys: Room size is 6.5 m L x 4.7 m W x 3.0 m H. The distance between speakers is 1.6 m and 400 mm from the back wall. The listening seat is 3.4 m to the front edge. Thanks for sending this Lance - beautiful system!

Here's Alistair McLeod's beautiful Canterbury based system: Alistair says the room size is 5.5m x 5m 2.3m high, with the speakers 3.3m from listening position, about 50cm from back wall, and 2.4m apart.

McLeod Canterburys

 "The rest of the kit is a Leben RS100 pre, Rogue Audio Zeus power amp and a Marantz SA-7S1 SACD"

McLeod gear

Howard in the UK sent me some photos of his Duelund crossover'd Westminsters in his listening room, and he's put together a really nice system. Check it out!


Howard told me, "The speaker cable are Missing Link bi-wired - UK company cryo pure silver in PTFE jacket litz style - very revealing! The amp is on music works pure perspex (acrylic) stand - (no metal at all!). Mains re-wired with 100 amp cable straight to the equipment. Nordost Valhalla mains cables. Red carpet - we like red wine. (Me too! - Jeff). Very emotional listening experience."


Howard has also upgraded his crossovers with Duelund components: "The other guys systems look really good and very impressed with the external Duelund crossover. I have a complete set of photos of the internal mods to the Westminsters. Over the years there were several phases! I removed the 300 Hz filter and have the Duelund 8 SWG cast Inductors - they are huge- but the speed of the bass is awesome. All components inside are on silicon rubber mats and fixings acrylic. Replaced binding posts with best platinum WBT posts mounted on custom acrylic panel. (above)"

"The picture of the big Duelund inductor is half way through the mod - critical viewers might notice that there is no connection to the tweeter! That came slightly later - all connections were soldered with high percentage silver solder. The 6.8 uF capacitor in series with the tweeter is a Duelund cast silver capacitor weighing a lot! You don't want to know the price of these! I upgraded all resistors to the Duelund (black) cast resistors." (below)


I asked Howard if he'd share a little with us about his listening room: "The room was a garage initially. The floor was flattened and is solid concrete. The floor cover is acoustic foam and thick carpet. All walls 2 layers of chip board on top of 6 inches sound insulation! The room is 17 feet long by 14 feet wide. The Westminsters are on the 14 foot wall angled to form a triangle in front of the listeners. They are close to corners but bass traps and wall sound material sorts this out. I got a company specializing in studios to do all the sound panels."

Howard, you've put together a fantastic system! Thank you so much for sharing what you've done with all of us!

Thanks everyone for your photos - awesome! This is so cool to see your systems!

Send me your system photos!

Thanks for the idea Pambos!

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