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Pido and Stephæn Visit Jeff's Place: Black Pearls and the Sign of Aquarius

It was a true pleasure to have my friends Stephæn Harrell (left) and Pete Riggle (right) stop by for a little hi-fi tomfoolery on Saturday. Stephæn brought by some tasty pizza from Greek Islands Cuisine, and we had a grand time sipping a little Pinot Noir from the Sonoma region of sunny California, along with  some Newcastle brown ale... Read More »

Fanfare for the Common Man: The RS Line of Duelund Capacitors

I just heard about the recently released line of Duelund RS capacitors, which I had totally missed because I was so engrossed in writing the Duelund-WRSE Project Part 2 article for Positive Feedback Online. I'll try  to find out more about the recently released line of Duelund RS  capacitors from Frederik (a future interview perhaps?), but... Read More »

Pete's Place: Pete's got a sixteen inch Woody and a massive pair of B's

It's always a real pleasure to visit the irrepressible Peter Pan of audio, Pete Riggle. It was a real bonus that Ron (below center left), Leo (not pictured), Stephaen (center right), Bill (lower right), and John (left) were there too, they're my audio heroes one and all! Some of you may remember Bill from my 6Moons... Read More »

The Duelund-WRSE Project, Part 2: Duelund CAST Silver Capacitors and Duelund CAST Silver & Copper Autotransformers - Introduction

I just completed the second Duelund-WRSE Project article and sent it to Editors Dave & David at Positive Feedback Online. I ended up at 42 pages of Word text and 69 photographs by the time I finished it. I have to say I'm pretty excited about the article, and I really hope you all enjoy... Read More »

Sunday Afternoon at Jeff's Place

I had my friends Leo, George, Ron, Stephaen (6Moons), my girlfriend Rosalie, and Santos, over for a listening session last Sunday afternoon. First we listened to some interesting grounding loops from Mark Coles (Sablon Audio) that can be used on speaker cables, interconnects, and the Duelund-WRSE connections. Mark says the grounding loops are basically short loops of... Read More »

The Week in Review and a Look Ahead!

It has been a busy couple of months here at Jeff's Place, with lots going on across multiple fronts. On the hi-fi front it has been non-stop excitement with the Duelund CAST components from Frederik Carøe in Denmark as Part 2 of the Duelund-Westminster Royal SE External Crossover Project kicks into high gear! Duelund-WRSE external crossovers... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Sophia Electric Magik Box!

After I finished up my review of the super-sweet Sophia Electric 91-03 integrated 300B amplifier for Positive Feedback Online for Issue 72, Sue asked me if I'd like to give their new Magik Box a listen (below). I told Sue that I  couldn't review the Magik Box at this time due to a combination of... Read More »

Review: The Sophia Electric 91-03 300B Stereo Integrated Amplifier

I thought I would start mirroring the reviews I write for Positive Feedback Online here at Jeff's Place. The tradeoff is that my reviews will appear in print earlier at PFO, so if you want the latest reviews you'll want to tune in there. On the other hand, here at Jeff's Place I can include... Read More »

Duelund Silver CAST Caps, NOS RCA Black Plate 6L6GCs, New Vinyl, Vintage Vinyl, and Other Stuff

Last Sunday George, Leo, Ron, and myself had a blast listening to music, drinking some fine wines, and munching down on pizza. I mentioned how impressed we were with Ron's pristine vintage H.H. Scott stereomaster integrated vacuum tube amplifier on the big Tannoy Westminster Royal SEs ... ...  but something I hadn't mentioned, and wanted to... Read More »

Another Vintage Sunday at Jeff's Place: The H.H. Scott stereomaster

It was another fine vintage Sunday at Jeff's Place with Ron bringing over his beautiful example of the H.H. Scott stereomaster vacuum tube integrated amplifier from his vintage collection. Ron, Leo, George and I had a ball listening to music as usual! Food, good wine, good music, and friends makes for a great Sunday of... Read More »

Panicos Checking In: News from New Valve Order

Most of you remember me writing about Panikos Kontemeniotis, the music lover & hi-fi aficionado - a man of superb taste in many things - who happens to be the exporter of the New Valve Order designs of talented fine audio constructeur, Andreas Hadjiminas, working out of Nicosia, Cyprus. Panicos sent me a note telling me... Read More »

2013 in Review, Secret Insights, and a Look Behind the Veil of 2014!

The end of 2013 is arriving rapidly and 2014 will be on us in no time! I thought it would be fun to take a look back at 2013's notable moments and to take a look behind the veil of 2014 to see what might be waiting. First up are those treasures that I wrote... Read More »

The Duelund-Westminster External Crossover Project: Part 5 – Listening and Conclusions!

It's Christmas morning here in the Americas. I've got a fire burning in the fireplace, a hot cup of good coffee in my hand, and I've got Northwest Public Radio playing a lot of really great Christmas themed material today through my vintage McIntosh MX110Z's vacuum tube tuner. Heaven. At the moment NPR is playing... Read More »

The 10th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2013 - The Best of the Best!

For the complete 10th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2013 click here. As an excerpt, here's my Awards for 2013: It is time once again for the Annual Positive Feedback Online's Writers' Choice Awards, which means that it is time once again for yours truly to sift through my past year of reviews... Read More »

First Listening Impressions of the Silver Duelund CAST Capacitors - Wow!

The Duelund-Westminster Special Edition (SE) external crossover project was a rousing success, and you can read about its step-by-step progression by following the links in the Review Archives here ... ... or you can cut to the chase and read the final feature article I wrote about it for Positive Feedback Online here. For those of... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: Duelund CAST Silver Capacitors!

As I mentioned in my Sneak Peek a little while back, Frederik Carøe, the founder of Duelund Coherent Audio, was building up a set of his exotic Duelund Coherent Audio CAST Silver Capacitors for me to try in the Duelund-Westminster Royal SE High-Frequency Crossover! Well, today they arrived - talk about an exciting development! I was... Read More »

Sneak Peek: The Making of Duelund CAST Silver Capacitors!

A little while back Frederik Carøe - the founder of Duelund Coherent Audio - asked me if I would like to try a set of his exotic Duelund Coherent Audio CAST Silver Capacitors in the Duelund-Westminster Royal SE High-Frequency Crossover, and of course I said yes! Frederik asked me which of the capacitor positions in the... Read More »

The Duelund-Westminster External Crossover Project: Part 4 – Rewiring the WRSE Loudspeaker

As I've promised in earlier posts, I’m archiving the Duelund-Westminster External Crossover article here at Jeff’s Place so you can find everything in one place for reference purposes (Part 1 - Intro, Part 2 - Breadboarding, Part 3 - Final Design). The full version of the article was just published in Issue 70 of Positive... Read More »

Hi-Fi Road Trip: George's Place

It's always a lot of fun to gather together with friends for a little Hi-Fi listening, and Leo, Ron, and myself had a blast visiting George's Place for a little Hi-Fi fun and games. That's George's system below, with Leo, George, and Ron, left to right. Here's a description of George's system starting with the... Read More »

The Duelund-Westminster Project is Live on Positive Feedback Online!

The Duelund-Westminster Project is live on Positive Feedback Online in Issue 70! As I mentioned in an earlier post, the article is huge with over 40 pages of text and 137 photographs. Editor Dave decided to break it up into two parts to make it a little more manageable to read on the website, and... Read More »

The Duelund-Westminster External Crossover Project: Part 2 – Breadboarding the Duelund Crossovers

The full Duelund-Westminster External Crossover Project article has been submitted to the Ye Olde Editors Dave and David of Positive Feedback Online for publication in the November 2013 issue next week. The article is 41 pages long and includes 137 photographs - it is a doozy! As I mentioned in my Part 1 sneak peak,... Read More »

The Week In Review and a Look Ahead! McIntosh, FM, Duelund, and Vinyl

This has been quite an eventful week (and weekend!). Yesterday the the restored vintage mint+ McIntosh MX110Z tuner-preamplifier that I purchased from vintage vacuum-tube specialists Tom Manley & Terry DeWick in Knoxville, Tennessee, arrived. The MX110Z was in pristine condition (mint+ actually) and needed hardly any restoration, with only a few internal components needing to be... Read More »

The Duelund-Westminster External Crossover Project: Part 1 - An Introduction

I'm working hard writing the Duelund-Westminster External Crossover Project article for Positive Feedback Online right now. I can't even begin to guess how many hours I've got into this project between doing the project and writing about it - a lot - and I've enjoyed every minute of it! I thought it would be fun... Read More »

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