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Jeff Hangin' at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2015

I just got back from the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2015 in Denver, Colorado. Kudos to Marjorie and everyone else involved, they really did a great job of putting on the show! It's been quite a while since I've ventured out to an audio show. I got burned out on them years ago, but I... Read More »

Siedy Checking In from The Netherlands: Listening Adventures With SPEC Real Sound Amps!

Listening Adventures With the Wonderful SPEC Amps! By Siedy Abee I am one of those guys who is a regular reader of Jeff's Place. It is always a great pleasure to open up Jeff's website and to read about his newest adventures. This year Jeff reported about a new amp from SPEC (here). I had never heard about the SPEC... Read More »

Chad Kassem checking in ... Westminster Royal SEs and more!

Most of you probably know Chad Kassem as the founder of Acoustic Sounds, Inc., the superb Analogue Productions record label, the Blue Heaven Studios recording studio, and most recently the Quality Record Pressings record pressing facility (there's a nice overview on Wikipedia) Thursday, when I went back to my office after a meeting, the light... Read More »

Saturday Afternoon Jazz ... and other stuff

I like to bring my Mom & Dad over to visit on the weekend, fix them a nice dinner, and spend some time catching up. They've been through a hard time the last few years, starting with when my Dad took a bad fall at home, ended up in the hospital, then a skilled nursing facility,... Read More »

Personal Thoughts About "Real Sound" from Mr. Yazaki-san of SPEC Corporation

If you've been following the blog posts here at Jeff's Place, you know that I asked Mr. Yazaki-san if he would tell us some of his thoughts about "Real Sound", and I'm very pleased to be able to share with you what he has written. Here's what Mr. Yazaki-san has written for us about "Real Sound": Dedicated to my... Read More »

The 2015 Annual ANVIL Awards Celebration!

It's always a great evening of fun & games when Stephaen Harrell (6Moons) and Pete Riggle (Pete Riggle Audio Engineering) host the Annual ANVIL Awards celebration, and the fun continued in 2015! In case you’ve never heard of the the ANVIL Award, it’s the ultimate annual audio award for the Audiophile Not Very Intelligent Lately, and... Read More »

Happy 92nd Birthday, Dad!

June 4, 1923, was when my Dad, Jack, entered into the world, and now 92 years later we're celebrating the day, or should I say, the Day, Jack Day. Happy 92nd Birthday, Dad! We love you! 🙂 We had a nice evening of socializing, having dinner, and drinking a bit of Champagne. After dinner, a slice of... Read More »

Happy 90th Birthday, Mom!

Happy 90th Birthday, Mom! We (Dad, Mom, and me) had a terrific 90th birthday celebration for Mom yesterday here at Jeff's Place. For dinner I played chef and cooked mesquite grilled filet mignon, Beurre Monté lobster tails, baked potatoes with trimmings, carrots, and champagne to drink. Birthday cake and Portland's Stumptown fresh roasted coffee for dessert.... Read More »

Frank Rodgers Checking In: State of the Duelund-WRSE System Report

It's always a treat to hear from Frank, and Frank's system is looking awesome! Hi Jeff,  The Tannoy/Duelund story has been quiet so I thought it was time to bring you my new and perhaps final musical experience resting place. A few weeks ago you reported on “Howard Checking in from the U.K.” about his Tannoy/Duelund... Read More »

A Time To Be Thankful!

This last week was Thanksgiving Holiday week in the USA, where we commemorate the 1621 celebration of thanksgiving at Plymouth, Massachusetts, where early settlers & Native Americans shared a feast of thanksgiving for the good harvest that ensured their survival (depicted in the Brownscombe painting below from Wikipedia). Back then a good harvest meant you survived through the winter months, and to quote Mfu's... Read More »

James Checking In: Tannoy Canterbury SEs

I absolutely love it when you take time to write me and tell me about your hi-fi. I got a message from James telling me about his Tannoy Canterbury SE based system, and I thought James' hi-fi was so nicely done I wanted to share it with all of you! Beautiful! Hi Jeff,  Attached is a photo of my Canterbury... Read More »

Chad’s Second Annual ‘Seattle Through The Back Door’ Bicycle Tour

Last week was my second annual 'Seattle Through the Back Door' bicycle tour with my buddy Chad (below), so I thought I'd share a few of the highlights with you. In case you're wondering about the title, it's a tip of the hat to one of my favorite Europe tour providers, Rick Steves, who's based in Edmonds,... Read More »

The Third Annual ANVIL Award Celebration!

Labor Day weekend here in the States signals the greatly anticipated arrival of the annual ANVIL Award gathering put on by those inveterate audio statesmen, Stephaen Harrell (6Moons) and Pete Riggle (Pete Riggle Audio Engineering). In the photo below, that's Stephaen on the left, Pete on the right, and this year's ANVIL awardee, 'My Last... Read More »

Stephæn’s Black Pearls Aquarius Phono Stage Article is Live at 6Moons!

I just got a note from Stephaen that his Black Pearls Aquarius phono stage review is live at 6Moons here. Check it out, it is a fun read! Thanks for stopping by!

Upcoming Review Ideas: Vintage McIntosh, Leben, and Lenco. What do you think?

I've had a couple of ideas for reviews that I've been wanting to write up for Positive Feedback Online for a while now, but time just hasn't allowed for it, as life has been incredibly busy both on the day job and on the personal front. Now there appears to be a little window of... Read More »

Pido and Stephæn Visit Jeff's Place: Black Pearls and the Sign of Aquarius

It was a true pleasure to have my friends Stephæn Harrell (left) and Pete Riggle (right) stop by for a little hi-fi tomfoolery on Saturday. Stephæn brought by some tasty pizza from Greek Islands Cuisine, and we had a grand time sipping a little Pinot Noir from the Sonoma region of sunny California, along with  some Newcastle brown ale... Read More »

The World of Music, The First American Edition (1963), and The Leopold Shakspere (circa 1870's)

If you read the post where David King checked in to tell us about the beautiful leather bound volume (below) of ‘The World of Music’ by Kjell Bloch Sandved, you know I was intrigued, and I ordered a copy of a later edition from a used book seller on Amazon (because I couldn't find the same one... Read More »

David King Checking In: 4-Point Support for Tannoy Westminster Royals

It's always a pleasure to hear from fellow enthusiasts, and David King always has some great things to share with us about getting the most performance out of Tannoy Westminster Royals. In David's latest message he tells us about his result experimenting with 4-point support for the big West's:  Enjoy!   Tannoy Westminster Royal HE -... Read More »

Get Better Sound! Quarter Notes, Issue 15. Thanks Jim!

As many of you know, I've always been a big fan of Jim Smith and his efforts to help music lovers and hi-fi nuts like myself get the maximum performance out of the hi-fi systems they already own! That's Jim in the photo below with his beautiful Tannoy Canterbury SE loudspeakers. It's easy to get... Read More »

Checking In: Sophia Electric 91-03 Review Online, Sunday Afternoon at Jeff's Place

Hello everybody! I've been missing in action for a while now, with it being a month to the day since my last post. Thanks to those of you who dropped me a note to check up on me to make sure I was ok - appreciated! It has been a rough go for a while... Read More »

Siedy Checking in from the Netherlands ... and Germany! Siedy Struck Gold!

I always enjoy hearing from Siedy in the Netherlands, he's definitely a kindred spirit and always makes me smile! 🙂 Like me, Siedy is a big fan of the Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers and the amazing ASR Audiosysteme Emitter II Exclusive amplifiers handcrafted in Germany by Friedrich Schaefer.  In fact, it was Siedy who... Read More »

Godspeed Ed Sheftel

I am sorry to report that I was just informed by Bob Reite that trumpeter extraordinaire, Ed Sheftel, passed away on Tuesday. Many of you will recognize Ed's name from the 6Moons articles I wrote back when Ed introduced the work of Tom Evans to US music enthusiasts. Ed had just recently told me how... Read More »

Dr. Paul Mills on 'The History of Tannoy and the New 'Prestige Gold Reference''

Here's a real treat: a video of Dr. Paul Mills talking about 'The History of Tannoy and the new 'Prestige Gold Reference''. Watch the video HERE. Enjoy!

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