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Pete Riggle is 'out his way'!

Pete Riggle has been outed: The always amazing Pete Riggle (he is amazing!) Cc'd me on a message to vacuum tube electronics designer extraordinaire Kara Chaffee of deHavilland Electric Amplifier Company, in which he told Kara about his new audio diary webpage on the VTAF/Woody web site. Pete's most recent diary post briefly discusses listening to a one-off deHavilland Chaffee... Read More »

Weekly Report: A little bit of everything ...

Well, it's been a nice past week of music listening and Hi-Fi Tom-foolery here at Jeff's Place: vintage vinyl, new remastered vinyl, playing with Acoustic Revive accessories, listening to the prototype Sablon Audio Panatella interconnects, listening again to the Leben CS660P amplifier and Leben RS-100 (not the 'U') preamplifier, listening to a variety of 300B... Read More »

Bringing in the new year with Ron, Cindy, and a trio of fine amplifiers!

My buddy Ron stopped by with three amplifiers from his collection for an afternoon of listening fun & games. The first one we listened to was Ron's vintage Harmon-Kardon Citation II that he fully restored - but not 'hot-rodded' - using Jim McShane's parts offerings. The vintage Harmon-Kardon Citation II sounded warm, rich, eminently musical,... Read More »

Apple TV Fun & Games

Just for fun I purchased an Apple TV to replace my the Roku box that I use to stream Netflix media. I hooked my new little Apple TV up via a Toslink connection to my Mhdt Labs Paradisea+ vacuum tube USB DAC. Toslink is not the best way to connect in the digital world, but... Read More »

Live at Positive Feedback Online: The Sablon Audio 'The Robusto' AC Power Cord Review

The Sablon Audio 'The Robusto' AC Power Cord review I have been working on just went live at Positive Feedback Online here. To quote the last section of the review as a teaser: "The Sablon Audio The Robusto power cord is a remarkable achievement in a power cord design, with performance that puts it right... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Sablon Audio 'Robusto' Power Cord

The Sablon Audio 'The Robusto' power cord is today's fresh catch, and believe me, it serves up some fine listening. More often than not, it’s through the ‘audio underground’ that I get tips about new or relatively unknown Hi-Fi products that really deliver the musical experience in spades, for it is from the underground’s deep... Read More »

A Tip from Chris of Shirehampton

I get a lot of good ideas from friends sharing tips about music and Hi-Fi with me, and this musical & audio sharing is what makes the 'audio underground' so fun and inspiring. Vintage Garrard 301 turntables and Sony Playstation SCPH-1001s come to mind as examples of past tips that provided a lot of enjoyment... Read More »

String-Theory 'Woody' Tonearm by Pete Riggle Engineering

I've been getting a number of inquiries about the new 'Woody' tonearm from Pete Riggle Engineering, so I thought I'd post this e-mail with photos (note the cool vintage Garrard 301 and Thorens TD124 turntables - drool) from Pete telling about his new String-Theory Woody Tonearm. I haven't yet seen or heard Pete's new tonearm... Read More »

A Quick & Easy “How-To” On Getting Started with a Computer as a Digital Source

Fellow music lover Charlie Schnyder asked me if I would be willing to write a quick and easy “how-to” post about getting started with a computer hard drive as a digital source. As Charlie mentioned in his e-mail to me, there are a lot of music lovers who would like to take their existing CD... Read More »

A record mat or not on the VPI Classic?

Static electricity had been giving me fits so I ended up putting a record mat on my VPI Classic to see if it would help - it did. I listened to it with the mat on it for a while, and then went back to using the platter nude (the platter, not me - see... Read More »

Shuguang and Genalex Gold Lion KT-66 Vacuum Tubes

I've had this post in draft for a while now, but due to general busyness it took me a while to get around to getting it posted. - but here it is. It's easy to take things for granted in life, and the Shuguang KT-66 vacuum tubes that come stock in the Leben CS660P power... Read More »

VPI Classic Turntable

I just purchased a VPI Classic turntable to use as my vinyl source, and I have to say it is a beautifully made turntable. It's got a heavy machined aluminum platter, a heavy chassis, a nice walnut finish that matches my walnut equipment cabinet, and it's just a general pleasure to use and listen to.... Read More »

6n3cE Vacuum Tubes

I’m a big fan of the New Old Stock Russian 6n3cE vacuum tubes and have been using them in my Leben CS-600 integrated amplifier and Leben CS-660P power amplifier since I bought them several years ago. The 6n3cE is all about tone, color, musicality, and is very evenly balanced top to bottom frequency wise. It... Read More »

Leben CS660P - Wow!

I get to try a lot of really good amplifiers with my Westminsters, but it seems I am always eager to get my Leben Hi-Fi Company CS660P power amplifier back into the system. The CS660P is shown here with Tung-Sol 6L6G reissue vacuum tubes that are made in Russia for New Sensor. See larger image... Read More »

Transcendent OTL Single Ended Mono Amps

My friend Ron brought over his little 4 watt Transcendent OTL single ended mono amps to give a listen to on the Westminsters. These are very refined little amps with a natural and relaxed presentation on the Westminsters. They didn’t seem to really have enough power at 4 watts to make the Westminsters come alive... Read More »

Master Sound Caesar 300B Integrated Amplifier

My friend Ron has more cool Hi-Fi gear than most Hi-Fi shops. After I got the Westminsters dialed in Ron brought over his little Master Sound Caesar 300B integrated amplifier from Italy. The Caesar is a beautiful little amplifier that is made to an extremely high quality standard. Its 9 watts sounds massively powerful on... Read More »

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