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Update: The Duelund-Altec Project

It's time for another update on the Duelund-Altec Project. In my most recent updates of the Duelund-Altec Project I discussed the overall project context HERE, the selection of speaker cables for the most complementary voicing HERE, and I wrote a just-for-fun post about the musicality magic of vintage Altec's HERE.  I've never been enamored of... Read More »

A Duelund DCA12GA tinned-copper wire adventure to kick off the weekend!

Remember my Big Round Tone post from a couple of weeks back, where I discussed the relationship of tone to gauge size for headshell leads, interconnects, speaker cables, and speaker/equipment internal wiring? In relative terms, you get bigger, richer, and rounder tone as gauge size decreases (fatter wire). You can think of it in guitar terms too.... Read More »

Take Two: Duelund Coherent Audio 0.01 uF Tinned-Copper Paper-In-Oil Bypass Capacitors! Update.

As I mentioned in my last post, I just got a note from Frederik Carøe that the first batch of the new Duelund Coherent Audio 0.01 uF tinned-copper paper-in-oil bypass capacitors are ready and will be arriving at Parts ConneXion this coming week. I was really impressed with the Duelund 0.01uF tinned-copper bypass capacitors' performance on the 6.8uF Duelund... Read More »

A Complete Duelund DCA Rewire of the Westminster Royal SE's Crossovers!

Yesterday after I rewired the high-frequency circuits of my Westminster's Duelund CAST crossovers with the Duelund DCA20GA tinned-copper tone wire, I was so excited by the results that I decided I wanted to rewire the low-frequency circuits too. It was spur of the moment decision to rewire my crossovers, so I didn't precondition any of the... Read More »

Jeff Checking In: Duelund DCA20GA Tinned-Copper Tone Wire, and Other Stuff.

I'll start with the other stuff. I traveled to Washington, D.C. this last week, where we received a Secretarial Award for our US Belle II High Energy Physics project at KEK, the particle physics laboratory in Japan. A little bit of background: The Belle II experiment’s global collaboration involves more than 600 members, 65 institutes,... Read More »

State-of-the-System Report for January 2017. Update x 2.

It's bright and early on Saturday morning and I'm up drinking espresso, as my custom is lately, starting my mornings with two café allongés to get the morning rolling. It works! My primary music system has achieved such a nice overall balance musically & sonically of late that I'm just sitting back, settling in, and enjoying the fruits of... Read More »

Happy Thanksgiving! (and a 2016 retrospective)

Thanksgiving kicks off the Holiday Season in the States, and I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! I have a lot to be thankful for, when reflecting back upon the past year, but it's also been a tough year with the passing of my Dad, and due to some health crises for my Mom,... Read More »

Duelund Soft Annealed Silver Foil & Oil-Soaked Baked Silk Interconnects - Update

The last week or two I had begun to miss my usual Tannoy Westminster Royale SE loudspeakers with their Duelund CAST crossovers, so I pulled my vintage Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre project loudspeakers out of the system, and put the big West's back in. Please don't take that as condemnation of the vintage... Read More »

Breaking News: Duelund Update!

This morning Frederik announced: "Following a lot of interest - we have today started production of a new DCA20GA wire. Made in the same way as the renowned DCA16GA wire - featuring tinned/copper multi-strand conductors in cotton and oil. The wire will have less metal than the 16GA and thus a higher AWG. It will be ideally... Read More »

Sneak Peek: The 13th Annual Positive Feedback Writers’ Choice Awards for 2016

You'll have to wait a while before the full 13th Annual Positive Feedback Writers’ Choice Awards for 2016 appear at Positive Feedback, but I thought you'd enjoy this sneak peek into my nominees for 2016. Enjoy! The 13th Annual Positive Feedback Writers’ Choice Awards for 2016 It’s always an exciting time of year when the Positive... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... a look into the crystal ball: the past, present, and future!

The Vintage Beat It sure has been a wonderful experience dipping my toe into the waters of vintage hi-fi gear, like with my original Garrard Project (1, 2, 3) articles: Or with my restored vintage McIntosh kit like the MX110Z tuner-preamplifier, stereo MC240 amplifier, stereo MC225 amplifier, and MC30 monaural amplifiers: Or the world of vintage... Read More »

Preliminary Listening Impressions of the New Duelund CAST Silver-Copper Hybrid Capacitors.

I was able to get in a nice listening session with the new Duelund CAST silver-copper hybrid capacitors, and I wanted to give you the scoop on my initial listening impressions. My apologies to Frederik for the lengthy delay in writing about his new hybrid silver-copper Duelund CAST capacitors, as it has taken much longer than I... Read More »

The Duelund CAST Hybrid Silver-Copper Capacitors Adventure

I wanted to tell you a little more about the new 6.8uF Duelund CAST hybrid silver-copper capacitors from Frederik that I mentioned in this post. As a refresher, let me remind you how the hand-crafted Duelund CAST silver & copper capacitors are made. In the Duelund CAST capacitors Frederik uses only pure annealed soft copper... Read More »

The Westminster Royal SE Duelund CAST Crossover Project: Hybrid Silver-Copper CAST Capacitors

I'm on a crossover roll to start off 2016, and now it's time to discuss some exciting developments with the Duelund CAST crossovers that form the beating heart of my Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers. In the The Duelund Coherent Audio / Tannoy Westminster Royal Special Edition Project that I chronicled in real time here at Jeff's... Read More »

Frank Checking In: Westminsters, Duelund, The Lark Ascending, and an Old Friend

With its cooler temperatures and wetter weather, Autumn in the Pacific Northwest is a time when life starts to shift indoors. It means kicking off new audio projects, getting the fireplace going, getting out a good book, with the muse of music stirring thoughts of the past as well as dreams for the future. So it is also with my... Read More »

Breaking News: The Duelund CAST Copper/Silver Hybrid Capacitors!

As I alluded to in yesterday's post, there have been some exciting developments on the Duelund Coherent Audio front: Frederik Carøe has announced a new copper & silver hybrid Duelund CAST capacitor that gives a big slice of the ultra-expensive pure silver Duelund CAST capacitors' performance (below) at a price very close to that of the... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... a peek into the crystal ball at what is to come!

There's a lot of exciting audio projects coming up which I think you'll find very interesting. The one that's occupying a lot of my attention right now is the upcoming Altec Lansing A5 Voice of the Theatre project. In my introductory post I mentioned that I had chosen the Altec Lansing 515E ceramic magnet low... Read More »

Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki is now live at Positive Feedback!

I finished up my Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki article yesterday, and it is now live at Positive Feedback here. It has been an immense pleasure for me to get to know Yazaki-san and to tell you about him, and his ideas & recommendations for 'Real Sound' have made a wonderful difference in my hi-fi.... Read More »

Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki - Sneak Peek

I am hard at work on my article for Positive Feedback, Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki, and thought I'd share a snippet of it with you. I'll add more as time goes on. Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki By Jeff Day In Issue 78 I introduced you to the remarkable... Read More »

Vintage Western Electric WE16GA

"Nobody is going to believe what we're hearing from your Westminsters with this Western Electric internal wiring," said Ron, "it's hard to put into words how good it sounds." Ron and I just spent Sunday morning and a good part of the afternoon rewiring my Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers with vintage Western Electric WE16GA wire from Mr.... Read More »

Having Fun with Real Sound and Mono!

My friend Leo sent me a message yesterday saying, "I found some Johnny Smith albums, I thought I'd drop them by if you're around." What a great guy! My friend Leo knows how much I love those old Johnny Smith albums on the Roost Records label, and when he's out and about he picks them up for me when... Read More »

The Vintage Beat: Western Electric WE16GA in the Duelund-WRSE Low-Frequency Crossovers - update with listening impressions.

I have now installed vintage Western Electric WE16GA in the Duelund low-frequency crossovers of my Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers to replace the Neotech copper wire I used originally as part of the Duelund-WRSE crossover project. As you know, last week I replaced the Neotech silver wire I was using in the high-frequency section of... Read More »

An Experiment: Western Electric WE16GA in the Duelund CAST WRSE HF Crossovers - Updated

I got up this morning and fixed a nice double espresso to get the day started, fired up the stereo, and started listening to Gil Evan's New Bottle Old Wine. In a sudden inspiration, I decided I wanted to try a short length of Western Electric WE16GA in the high-frequency section of the Duelund CAST crossovers... Read More »

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