Yesterday after I rewired the high-frequency circuits of my Westminster's Duelund CAST crossovers with the Duelund DCA20GA tinned-copper tone wire, I was so excited by the results that I decided I wanted to rewire the low-frequency circuits too.
It was spur of the moment decision to rewire my crossovers, so I didn't precondition any of the wire on my Audiodharma Cable Cooker, so the Duelund DCA20GA and DCA16GA was "cold off the roll" so to speak.
For the low-frequency circuit I chose the Duelund DCA16GA tinned-copper wire, which is also what I am using for speaker cables for the low-frequencies.
I removed the Western Electric WE16GA tinned-copper wire from the crossovers and then replaced it with the Duelund DCA16GA tinned-copper wire.

A bi-wire set of Duelund speaker cables with DCA20GA for the high-frequencies and DCA16GA for the low-frequencies.
At the moment I'm experimenting with a set of bi-wire Duelund DCA speaker cables with DCA20GA for the high-frequencies and DCA16GA for the low-frequencies (above).
So that gives me continuous runs of DCA20GA from my vintage McIntosh MC30 monaural amplifiers to the high-frequency connections of the crossovers, and through the high-frequency circuits of the crossovers.
It's the same thing for the low frequencies, but with DCA16GA.
The red wires you see in the photo above are the Western Electric WE16GA ground wires that are connected internally to the Westminster's dual concentric drivers' ground connections, and which exit out of the Westminster's cabinets to connect to the ground connections on my MC30 monaural amplifiers.
In the photo above you can see the Duelund DCA16GA wire used for the low-frequency speaker cables connecting at the right side of the external crossover (the upper binding posts), and the DCA16GA going through the low-frequency circuit and connecting to the binding posts where the internal wiring of the Westminster's connects to the external crossovers.
The red wiring you see coming out of the Westminster's cabinet into the left side of the crossover is the Western Electric WE16GA that I wired my Westminster's internally with.
You can probably guess where this is going. The next step will be to remove the Western Electric wire from my Westminster's and rewire them with the Duelund DCA wire.
That's a big job though, so that won't happen right away.
Yesterday after I wired up the high-frequency crossovers with the DCA20GA I put on a number of records to give the result a listen. A really nice improvement! One of those albums was "The Alternate Blues" (above).
Then after I wired up the low-frequency circuits with DCA16GA I gave it another listen.
It's amazing what just changing out a few short lengths of Western Electric WE16GA wire in the low-frequency crossovers with the Duelund DCA16GA did for the system's overall sound and musicality.
I let the system play NPR overnight to get a little more time on the new DCA wire in the crossovers.
Today I'll be listening on and off to the system and will try to report back with some preliminary impressions a little later.
As always, thanks for stopping by!