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An Experiment: Western Electric WE16GA in the Duelund CAST WRSE HF Crossovers - Updated

I got up this morning and fixed a nice double espresso to get the day started, fired up the stereo, and started listening to Gil Evan's New Bottle Old Wine. In a sudden inspiration, I decided I wanted to try a short length of Western Electric WE16GA in the high-frequency section of the Duelund CAST crossovers... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Western Electric, Belden 8402, McIntosh, Westminsters and a Woody!

It's been a fun & interesting time here at Jeff's Place, with an overwhelmingly positive response from all of you to the posts about the DIY projects of Western Electric WE16GA wire for use as speaker cables, and the Belden 8402 microphone cable for use as interconnects, that Mr. Yazaki-san of SPEC told us about. Thank you... Read More »

The Vintage Beat: Western Electric WE16GA Speaker Cable

Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki of SPEC Corporation (photo below, second from left) has told me how highly he regards the performance of vintage Western Electric WE16GA wire used as speaker cable. Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki uses the Western Electric WE16GA wire as speaker cables as his personal reference both for the research & development work he does for... Read More »

The Vintage Beat: A Forgotten Voice from the American Recording Studio

If you read my SPEC RSA-M3 EX Real Sound Amplifier review in Issue 78 of Positive Feedback Online, you know how impressed I am with the audio designs of Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki in Tokyo, Japan. (second from the left in the photograph below) It is my opinion that Yazaki-san is one of those rare gifted listeners/designers with an... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: Acoustic Revive!

Today's Fresh Catch includes the Acoustic Revive RR-888 Ultra Low-Frequency Pulse Generator, and the remarkable Acoustic Revive PC-TripleC interconnect cables. As many of you know, over the years I’ve written a lot about the innovative Acoustic Revive audio accessories manufactured by the brilliant Mr. Ken Ishiguro in Japan. In fact, I've spent more time writing about... Read More »

Upcoming Review Ideas: Vintage McIntosh, Leben, and Lenco. What do you think?

I've had a couple of ideas for reviews that I've been wanting to write up for Positive Feedback Online for a while now, but time just hasn't allowed for it, as life has been incredibly busy both on the day job and on the personal front. Now there appears to be a little window of... Read More »

Pido and Stephæn Visit Jeff's Place: Black Pearls and the Sign of Aquarius

It was a true pleasure to have my friends Stephæn Harrell (left) and Pete Riggle (right) stop by for a little hi-fi tomfoolery on Saturday. Stephæn brought by some tasty pizza from Greek Islands Cuisine, and we had a grand time sipping a little Pinot Noir from the Sonoma region of sunny California, along with  some Newcastle brown ale... Read More »

2013 in Review, Secret Insights, and a Look Behind the Veil of 2014!

The end of 2013 is arriving rapidly and 2014 will be on us in no time! I thought it would be fun to take a look back at 2013's notable moments and to take a look behind the veil of 2014 to see what might be waiting. First up are those treasures that I wrote... Read More »

The Duelund-Westminster Project is Live on Positive Feedback Online!

The Duelund-Westminster Project is live on Positive Feedback Online in Issue 70! As I mentioned in an earlier post, the article is huge with over 40 pages of text and 137 photographs. Editor Dave decided to break it up into two parts to make it a little more manageable to read on the website, and... Read More »

The Week In Review and A Look Ahead: Musical Nirvana, LPs, Chapter 10 of the Acoustic Revive Chronicles, and Upcoming Reviews

I have achieved a level of musical nirvana over the last week that I haven't experienced since the departure of the wonderful ASR Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue amplifier designed by the talented Friedrich Schaefer in Germany. In fact, my system is performing at a level quite a ways above even what I was experiencing when that... Read More »

Now Live at Positive Feedback Online! Survey of the Sablon Audio Corona Family of Power Cables

My survey article of the Sablon Audio Corona family of power cables, designed by Mark Coles, is now live in the new issue of Positive Feedback Online, Issue 68, here. Here's a few snippets from the article: "I think its pretty cool that Mark practices the philosophy of continuous improvement for his cable products. You... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Sablon Audio Quantum Gran Corona Power Cord

Mark Coles of Sablon Audio fame has developed a new power cord in his Corona product line: the Quantum Gran Corona. Here's what Mark told me about the Quantum Gran Corona: With the quantum power cord, I have thrown every tweak I know at the existing Gran Corona design to create an ultimate statement cord.... Read More »

Upcoming Reviews at Positive Feedback Online

Happy Sunday everyone!  😀 Here's what's in my current review queue and what you can expect to see reviewed at Positive Feedback Online in the future. Next in the queue is the ASR Basis Exclusive phono equalizer that is the matching equalizer for the ASR Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue amplifier just reviewed at Positive... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Acoustic Revive Single Core Interconnects

Today's Fresh Catch are the Acoustic Revive Single Core Interconnects. Some of you might remember that I wrote about the Single Core interconnects back in Issue 49 of Positive Feedback Online in their 1-meter length. I've been wanting to find a really nice interconnect that works well in long lengths so I could put my equipment rack on the... Read More »

Upcoming Reviews and Feature Articles at Positive Feedback Online

I've been busy reviewing Hi-Fi gear of late, and I'm entering into an even busier time on the review front in the coming months. As I schedule my reviews out into the future I do it on the basis of the order I receive things in, so the list below could change a little for... Read More »

Sablon Audio Panatela Special Edition Component Speaker Cable Review Live at PFO!

The Positive Feedback Online review of the Sablon Audio Panatela Special Edition Component Speaker Cables has just gone live here. Mark Coles of Sablon Audio has really outdone himself with his new custom tailored Panatela loudspeaker cables. The Special Edition version of the Panatela speaker cables tailors performance to a particular loudspeaker in order to... Read More »

Coffee This Morning with Lucinda Williams

After I got up this morning, and puttered around for a while, I made some really fine coffee and sat down to spend some time with Lucinda Williams. I really like Lucinda Williams' album World Without Tears and the way it explores the dark side of human emotions. She sings about lost love, depression, lost... Read More »

Live at Positive Feedback Online! The Tempo Electric Aurum Ag Big Twist Interconnects

The Tempo Electric Aurum Ag Big Twist interconnects review just went live at Positive Feedback Online here.  Here's a snippet from the review: "The Aurum Ag Big Twist interconnects are a purist design incorporating 28 gauge 24-Carat gold signal wire and 4N 30 gauge silver wire for the return. They're wrapped in 8 gauge Teflon... Read More »

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