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Jeff checking in: Music, video, listening, Audio Note (UK), and other stuff!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! 😃 The Music I've been all over the map in my music listening lately, from opera to funk, both which are well outside of my usual wheelhouse of jazz listening.  I find it's easy for me to get into an audiophile rut if I listen to the... Read More »

Long term report: The Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier!

Greetings friends, I hope you are well.  I also hope you had a chance to read my feature article about the Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier in Positive Feedback Issue 108 (HERE).  The Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier arrived here at Jeff's Place in October of 2019, I wrote the feature... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Audio Note (UK), First Watt, Leben, Pass Labs, and Triode Lab!

With 2020 in the rearview mirror, I had hoped 2021 would usher in a reprieve from our troubled world, but it was not to be. Locally, we've had weeks of 100F+ weather, smoke from wildfires filling the air, and the delta variant of the coronavirus is filling the local hospitals to overflow with unvaccinated (mostly)... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Audio Note (UK), First Watt, Leben, Pass Labs, and Music!

It was a pleasure writing about the Audio Note (UK) Io I MC phono cartridge, AN-S4 step-up transformer, AN-V silver interconnects, and AN-SPe silver loudspeaker cables for Positive Feedback ... ... as well as sharing some of my long term impressions about the Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier and Audio Note... Read More »

Review Sneak Peek: The Audio Note (UK) Io I MC Phono Cartridge, AN-S4 Step-Up Transformer, AN-V Silver Interconnects, and AN-SPe Silver Loudspeaker Cables: An ‘out of this world’ listening experience!

The full article has now gone live at Positive Feedback HERE. Enjoy!  I always enjoy providing you a 'sneak peek' of my upcoming feature articles for Positive Feedback. This time I am sharing with you a preview of "The Audio Note (UK) Io I MC Phono Cartridge, AN-S4 Step-Up Transformer, AN-V Silver Interconnects, and AN-SPe... Read More »

Jeff checking in: PAF, Sadowsky, Triode Lab, Sophia Electric, Audio Note (UK), and other stuff!

Geez, 2020 sure was a bummer. Coronavirus. 2021 started out rough too, and if you haven't heard yet, the Pacific Audio Fest that all of us have been looking forward to with so much enthusiasm is the latest victim of coronavirus.  I know Lou Hinkley has put a tremendous amount of effort over the last... Read More »

The Audio Note (UK) kit meets the Westminster Royal SEs - a long-term follow up with a few sneak previews!

I just finished up my article about the Pass Labs XP-17 phono equalizer for Positive Feedback (HERE). If you had a chance to read the XP-17 article, you know I had some very favorable things to say about the Audio Note (UK) Io I moving coil phonograph cartridge, which made a cameo appearance there ahead... Read More »

The Audio Note (UK) CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD player article is now live on Positive Feedback!

I just wrapped up the review for Peter Qvortrup's Audio Note (UK) CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD player this morning, and submitted it to Positive Feedback Editors Dave and David for their consideration and editing, and it was just published (HERE).      I can tell you this: the CD 2.1x/II is one... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Sophia Electric, Pass Labs, First Watt, Audio Note (UK), and more!

It is one of those time periods where I am in the midst of shuffling equipment around between systems in  preparation for upcoming reviews. As you are no doubt aware, the performance of a component is greatly dependent upon the associated equipment in a given system, and the room it is installed in. I've found... Read More »

Tube swapping in the Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier!

If you've been keeping up with the posts here at Jeff's Place, you know I've been thoroughly enjoying listening to music with the combination of the Audio Note (UK) CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD player combined with the Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier. The combination of the Audio Note... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Audio Note (UK), Duelund, Leben HiFi Stereo Company, Pass Labs, Sophia Electric, and other stuff!

I just finished up the feature review of the Leben HiFi Stereo Company CS-600X vacuum tube integrated amplifier for Positive Feedback, which you can read HERE.  Like the CS-600 integrated amp that preceded it, the CS-600X is a terrific moderately powerful integrated amplifier, with 32W from 6L6GC output tubes, and 28W from EL34 output tubes. ... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Audio Note (UK), Fender, Leben, Pass Labs, Sophia Electric, and other stuff!

POST COVID-19 RECOVERY I’m doing a little better all the time in my Covid-19 recovery phase. My post Covid-19 symptoms are reducing in intensity and frequency, so things are going in a good direction. I'm hoping to be fully recovered in the next three to four weeks, so I can resume more of my normal activities,... Read More »

Initial Listening Impressions: The Audio Note (UK) CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD Player!

Life has been a little chaotic of late with the COVID-19 pandemic occurring, and then being infected with it and getting sick myself.  The good news is that over the last two days my temperature has dropped down into the normal range, and this morning as well. According to the health care professionals treating me,... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... COVID-19, Audio Note (UK), Leben, Sophia Electric Vacuum Tubes, Pass Labs, and Other Stuff!

Due to the rapidly increasing threat of the wave of the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping over Washington State where I live, I started home-isolation on March 13th in an attempt to stay safe from the virus. Today is April 10th, and I'm in my 28th day of home-isolation due to COVID-19.  Even being extremely careful, and... Read More »

The Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier feature review is now live at Positive Feedback!

The Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier feature review is now live at Positive Feedback! You can read the review HERE. Enjoy! As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!

Jeff checking in ... upcoming reviews, posts, and other stuff!

Everything is a bit topsy-turvy at the moment, with much of Planet Earth being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as I write this. I live in Washington State, which was the epicenter in the USA for the COVID-19 outbreak that has now spread around the country. As you might imagine the situation is rather dire... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Sophia Electric, Leben, Pass Labs, Audio Note, Fender Telecaster, and other stuff!

It's been a busy time for me, both personally and on the audio & music side of things, but I thought I'd take a moment and tell you about what's going on here at Jeff's Place. First of all, there's the whole COVID-19 outbreak thing going on here in Washington State, which is the epicenter... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Audio Note (UK) CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD Player!

Today's Fresh Catch is the Audio Note (UK) CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD player ($3874.00 USD).  I have thousands of Red Book CDs that I haven't listened to in years. My Red Book CD collection is full of great music, a lot of which is not available on LPs, and I have really... Read More »

Sneak Peek: The Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature Integrated Amplifier Feature Review for Positive Feedback! Part 2.

In this Jeff's Place post you'll find Part 2 of my "sneak peek" of the Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier feature review that will be coming to Positive Feedback in the very near future. If you haven't yet read the Part 1 "sneak peek" yet you can read it HERE.  The... Read More »

Sneak Peek: The Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature Integrated Amplifier Feature Review for Positive Feedback! Part 1.

I'm getting very close to having my Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE integrated amplifier feature review for Positive Feedback completed and ready for publication. As is my tradition, I like to offer a "sneak peek" of my feature reviews to readers here at Jeff's Place. I do that for two reasons, the first being I think... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Fender Telecaster, Ed Bickert, Pass Labs XP-12, First Watt SIT-3, Audio Note UK, music, booze, and good friends!

I've been on a semi-pilgrimage to build a "near replica" of the 1964 Telecaster of the late Canadian jazz guitarist, Ed Bickert, who is definitely one of my favorite jazz guitarists. Many thanks to Roman Pokorny for sharing his photos with me of his visit with Ed and of Ed's Telecaster. You might notice I... Read More »

Listening Update: The Audio Note UK Oto Phono SE Signature Integrated Amplifier!

It's been about three weeks since my last update on the Audio Note UK Oto Phono SE Signature Integrated Amplifier (HERE), and it has undergone some rather serious transformation in musicality & sonics over those three weeks of additional run-in time, as I have alluded to briefly in some other posts. So tonight I thought I'd... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Audio Note UK, Duelund, GPA, Guitars, Leben, Music, Pass Labs, and Spec!

It is Thanksgiving week here in the States, and its a good time to reflect upon what we are thankful for. I'm looking forward to spending Thanksgiving Day with my 94 year old Mom, and hanging out with my friends Chad, Leo, Ron, and Santos for a little hifi fun & games and some general... Read More »

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