I just finished up the feature review of the Leben HiFi Stereo Company CS-600X vacuum tube integrated amplifier for Positive Feedback, which you can read HERE.
Like the CS-600 integrated amp that preceded it, the CS-600X is a terrific moderately powerful integrated amplifier, with 32W from 6L6GC output tubes, and 28W from EL34 output tubes.
Originally I had planned to include coverage of the high-performance Sophia Electric KT88-ST (above) and EL34-ST (below) vacuum tubes in the Leben CS-600X feature review for Positive Feedback, but I decided that the contribution of the Sophia Electric KT88-ST and EL34-ST vacuum tubes are so significant that they deserve their own feature review at Positive Feedback, which I'll start working on in the near future.
I've been thoroughly enjoying exploring and listening to Red Book CDs again with the Audio Note (UK) CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD player, which combined with the Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier is a stupendous match.
If CD players had sounded this musically & sonically competent when CDs first came out, we might not be seeing vinyl having such a dominant presence as we do now.
My friend Nancy, who is preparing to move to Denver to be near her family after the passing of her husband, Duke, asked me if I would like to have Duke's CD and record collection (thank you, Nancy!).
I was expecting a few records and CDs, so when Nancy's brother brought over 7 big boxes of records (even some 78's!) and CDs for me, I was astonished! I'm still going through them, and will be for some time!
Duke had great taste in music and he kept his albums in pristine condition, so they are almost all like brand-new. Duke was definitely a man after my own heart!
I've been enjoying listening to Duke's CDs and LPs, and Duke, if you're up there seeing this, your albums are in a good home, and are very much appreciated and loved by me - Godspeed Duke!
Whether I am playing CDs through the Audio Note (UK) CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD player, or listening to LPs played on my CTC Garrard 301, both sources sound fantastic with the Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier over my "Stokowski" Altec's with their Duelund CAST tinned-copper crossovers.
I know the CD 2.1x/II Level Two Red Book CD player and Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier are entry level Audio Note (UK) products, but man oh man, you'd never know it to listen to them, they're fantastic.

Pass Labs XP-12 line-level preamplifier.
I continue to be impressed with the Pass Labs XP-12 line-level preamplifier in my Altec 832A Corona loudspeakers system.
The XP-12 is really something special, and has sounded fantastic with the Pass Labs XA25 stereo amplifier (HERE), the First Watt SIT-3 stereo amplifier (HERE), and the Leben CS-600 vacuum tube stereo amplifier (run in power amp mode).
I have to pinch myself now and then to remind myself how lucky I am to get to listen to such a variety of high-performance hifi gear that is so musically and sonically compelling.
Nelson Pass is making some amazing hifi gear, components that transcend the whole vacuum tube vs solid-state debate, to deliver world class musicality and sonics by any measure you care to use. And ... Nelson is doing it at a price point that is within reach of many hifi enthusiasts and music lovers - what an accomplishment!

Pass Labs XP-12 preamplifier.
After I finish up the feature review of the Sophia Electric KT88-ST and EL34-ST vacuum tubes, I'll be playing audio system musical chairs, and installing the XP-12 along with the XA25 and SIT-3 into my main music system with the "Stokowski" Altec's as I prepare for the feature review of Pass Labs XP-12 line-level preamplifier for Positive Feedback. That review is a ways off still, but my plan is to get it written before Fall arrives.
If you have been considering buying an XP-12 of your own and are still on the fence about it, I say don't hesitate, it's a no-brainer, the Pass Labs XP-12 line-level preamplifier is a great product that'll bring you many years of trouble free listening satisfaction.
One of the highlights of my life over the past few weeks was fun and exciting FaceTime call with Frederik Carøe of Duelund Coherent Audio in Denmark.
Frederik walked around with his iPhone set to FaceTime, showing me their new factory, where they are currently installing and setting up all the equipment they have purchased from Jensen.
It's really exciting what is happening at Duelund Coherent Audio right now, as they will be able to dramatically expand their capacity, and at the same time lower their costs quite a bit, meaning that a lot more people (and companies) will be able to afford Duelund products, which is really a good thing!
At some point in the future, Frederik talked with me about doing a video tour of the new factory for all of you, while we do an interview, with Frederik explaining operations as we go.
We also talked about the possibility of a video interview with the Jensen brothers, who have about a 100 years of capacitor making experience in Denmark. I would love to hear from them about their history!
As time goes on we may be able to expand on the videos to cover more topics, which should be very interesting as well.
I'm really happy for Frederik and all those at Duelund Coherent Audio, as this is an exciting new chapter they are entering into!
I'll keep you posted as I learn more!
Ok, that's all I have for now, but there is much more to come here at Jeff's Place and Positive Feedback in the coming months that I think you'll really enjoy.
As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!