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The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 15, is now live at Positive Feedback!

The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 15, is now live at Positive Feedback HERE. In Chapter 15 of the Acoustic Revive Chronicles I covered the RTS-30 turntable mat, RHS-1 headshell, RHR-21 Helmholtz resonator, and the updated versions of the CS-3K outlet stabilizer, RCI-3HK cable lifts, and RGC-24K ground conditioner. You can see a list of the... Read More »

Jeff Checking In: Acoustic Revive, Audio Note (UK), iPhone Adventure, audio centrism or audio relativism (?), and other stuff!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! 🙂  I love getting out on two wheels for a little exercise (bicycles) and a little exploring (motorbikes). The Spring weather up until now has been kind of erratic with rain, wind, cold, and heat, but I've been able to get in enough two wheel action on... Read More »

Listening: Acoustic Revive RHR-21 Acoustic Resolution Exciters! Part 2 (update).

The Acoustic Revive RHR-21 Acoustic Resolution Exciters are based upon the principle of Helmholtz resonance (HERE).  I was not familiar with Helmholtz resonators and their applications, so I decided to look into them a little more before doing any more listening with the RHR-21 Helmholtz resonator room tuning devices - I wanted to understand how... Read More »

First Listen: Acoustic Revive RHR-21 Acoustic Resolution Exciters! Part 1.

Greetings friends, I hope you are well! In my Today's Fresh Catch article from last month - here - I mentioned the Acoustic Revive RHR-21 Acoustic Resolution Exciter room conditioning devices.  The RHR-21s have a cylindrical shape reminiscent of Cole & Mason salt and pepper mill sets, and are about 6.75 inches in height, about... Read More »

First Listen: The Acoustic Revive RHS-1 artisanal headshell! Wowza!

Today's First Listen features the artisanal Acoustic Revive RHS-1 headshell.   In my recent Today's Fresh Catch article about the latest Acoustic Revive accessories that have arrived for review, I told you about the custom Acoustic Revive RHS-1 headshell that is the result of a collaboration between Ken-san and Shinichi Masuda (Fibonasound), who is a master artisan of... Read More »

First Listen: Acoustic Revive RTS-30 Turntable Mat!

Greetings friends, I hope you are well! For today's First Listen to the Acoustic Revive RTS-30 turntable mat, here's the system components of the moment: The Audio Note (UK) combination of the Io I moving-coil cartridge (mounted on the Schick tonearm of my CTC Garrard 301 turntable), AN-S4/L silver SUT, AN-V silver interconnects, M3 RIAA... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: Acoustic Revive!

Greetings friends, and let me wish you a Happy 2024! I hope you are doing well and that 2024 is your best year yet!   There was a knock on the door yesterday afternoon, and the FedEx delivery person dropped off a parcel of audio goodies sent to me by Yoshi Hontani of the MuSon... Read More »

2019 in retrospect, my 2020 New Year's Resolutions, the year ahead, and other stuff! Part 1.

2019 has been an outstanding audio and music year for me, and I thought a retrospective of its high points would be fun to reflect back upon and share with you, as 2020 is already knocking on the door and demanding attention. In 2019 there were all those little adventures and discoveries I wrote about... Read More »

Live at Positive Feedback: The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 14: The Absolute Power Cables, The RCA Absolute FM Interconnects, and the PC-TripleC/EX Headshell Leads Review

I finished up "The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 14: The Absolute Power Cables, The RCA Absolute FM Interconnects, and the PC-TripleC/EX Headshell Leads" while my old Jeff's Place site was down, so I never got the chance to let you know that it was published at Positive Feedback. You can read it HERE. For those of you who... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... fun with Altec's, Duelund, Artisan Fidelity Thorens, Spec, and Acoustic Revive!

It's time for some system maintenance, with my Classic 301 turntable off to visit Ray Clark in the UK for a little tune-up, and my vintage McIntosh MX110Z's volume pot finally died, so it's getting a new volume pot installed. So in the interim I've put together a really sweet combination of hifi gear for... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... turntables, the Duelund-Altec Project, Acoustic Revive, and Yazaki-san!

It's been a busy couple of weeks on the personal side of things, but I thought I'd report on what's going on at chez Jeff on the audio side of things at the moment, and what's coming up in the near term. Turntable Musical Chairs My Classic Turntable Company 301 (above) is on it's way... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... the Duelund-Altec Project and other stuff!

First of all I want to thank you for being patient with me. As some of you know, my Mom, almost 94 years of age now, has been going through some rough times health-wise. Getting her to and from doctors, hospitals, trying to help her out generally, and spending quality time with her has been... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Stokowski Altec's, Duelund CAST Sn-Cu, Acoustic Revive, and more!

After my buddy Chad helped me move the big Stokowski Altec's into the position normally occupied by my Westminster Royal SE's last weekend (thanks Chad!), we did a fair amount of listening, mostly to a lot of classic rock (Chad's fave), but also some jazz. I was a  bit surprised how good the Stokowski Altec's... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Acoustic Revive, Belden 8402, Collings, Fender, Soundsmith, Spec, Still Audio, and Waterloo!

I had lunch with my good friend, Santos Ortega, on Friday. It's always a pleasure to get together with Santos, who is one of the most interesting, insightful, and decent guys I've ever had the pleasure to meet, not to mention that he has impeccably good taste in all things!  I've known Santos for nearly... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The New Acoustic Revive Absolute Power Cords, Absolute RCA FM Interconnects, and PC-TripleC/EX Headshell Leads! (Now updated with USD pricing)

Today's Fresh Catch are the exotic new Acoustic Revive Absolute Power Cords, RCA Absolute FM Interconnects, and PC-TripleC/EX Headshell Leads. I always get excited when new Acoustic Revive products arrive from Mr. Ken Ishiguro (Acoustic Revive) via Mr. Yoshi Hontani (Muson Project, Exporter), as Acoustic Revive products always have an extreme level of quality materials, technical ingenuity, a ... Read More »

The 14th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2017!

The 14th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2017 are now live here. Actually the Writers' Choice Awards went live a few days ago but this is my first chance to tell you about it. Here's a preview of my little contribution for 2017. You can read the fully story at the link. ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪... Read More »

The Thorens TD124 and the Acoustic Revive RAS-14-TripleC NCF Power Stabilizer!

The other day I was thinking about what Mark Coles (Sablon Audio) had told me about how a quality AC power cord noticeably improved the sound of a turntable. Improving a system's sound by using a high-performance AC power cord on the turntable wasn't an intuitive hot-rod mod for me, and I sort of wondered if... Read More »

A look back at my year in reviewing, and choosing the Positive Feedback 2017 Writers Choice Award winners!

The Editors of Positive Feedback, Mr. Dave Clark and Dr. David Robinson, just sent out a message calling for the writers to turn in their three Writers Choice Awards for 2017. Every year Dave and David's message results in my going back and reflecting on my year in audio, the products I've written about for Positive Feedback, and... Read More »

The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 13, is now Live at Positive Feedback!

After a marathon writing session, The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 13, is now live at Positive Feedback! Woo hoo! In this article I discussed the RPT-6 Absolute NCF Power Distributor, the Power Reference TripleC NCF AC Power Cord, and the RAS-14-TripleC NCF Power Stabilizer that arrived for review, and they are new products that are intended... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... important update!

My morning started off with a bang today when I got a couple of text messages from my buddy Dave about a yard sale and an estate sale with some pristine records in it - thanks, Dave! I jumped in my Leaf and headed out to check the sales out, and I made quite a... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... I'm back!

I just got back home from two weeks of travel with little to no internet & email access most of the time, so I'm way behind on addressing comments & writing blog posts, and I'm playing tag with jet lag. I did get a chance to listen to a variety of live music performances of... Read More »

Initial listening impressions: The Acoustic Revive Power Reference TripleC NCF AC Power Cord & RPT-6 Absolute NCF Power Distributor.

I'm working on my next feature length article for Positive Feedback, which will be about the Acoustic Revive Power Reference TripleC NCF AC power cord, the RPT-6 Absolute NCF Power Distributor, and the RAS-14 TripleC NCF Power Conditioner. When I'm all done with this article for Positive Feedback, it will be my fourteenth feature length article about Acoustic Revive... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Lefson review is done, Duelund DCA20GA, and a look forward through the crystal ball!

It has been a busy audio weekend, and I'm trying to get caught back up after Jeff's Place going down due to the hacking event last week. The good news is that you've encouraged me to keep going with Jeff's Place for the foreseeable future. I was pretty discouraged after the hacking event, but with all... Read More »

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