I finished up "The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 14: The Absolute Power Cables, The RCA Absolute FM Interconnects, and the PC-TripleC/EX Headshell Leads" while my old Jeff's Place site was down, so I never got the chance to let you know that it was published at Positive Feedback. You can read it HERE.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the exotic Acoustic Revive accessory products from Japan, they are ultra-high performance products of incredible quality and innovation that are designed by Mr. Ken Ishiguro.

Acoustic Revive Absolute Power Cable
They're also quite expensive in the USA, but if the price isn't an issue for you, you really can't go wrong.

The new Acoustic Revive RCA Absolute FM Interconnects.

Acoustic Revive PC-TripleC/EX Headshell Leads
Enjoy the review!
As always, thanks for stopping by and may the tone be with you!