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¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ A Little Music For A Monday! ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

Christmas has come and gone, and I'm relaxing this morning drinking a little coffee and listening to some  'new' music that I thought you'd like to know about. Mom gave me a copy of A Night At Birdland with the Art Blakey Quintet for a Christmas gift (thanks, Mom!), featuring Art Blakey (drums), Clifford Brown (trumpet), Lou Donaldson... Read More »

¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Christmas Day 2016 with Jaine & Jeff! ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

I've had the good fortune to spend almost every Christmas Holiday with my Mom (Jaine) and Dad (Jack). Last year after a brief illness, at age 92, we lost Dad just before Christmas, so neither Mom or I were much in a Christmas mood in 2015. This year Mom and I celebrated Christmas together, and we... Read More »

Ho ho ho!¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ A Rockin' Merry Christmas from Jeff's Place!¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

Ho ho ho! A very Merry Christmas to you from Jeff's Place! Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; Jeff hung a stocking on the Westminster with care, In hopes that St. Mick soon would be there; The LP’s were nestled all snug in... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Acoustic Revive RPC-1 Power Supply Conditioner!

As you probably know, I really enjoy writing about the Acoustic Revive audio accessories that are designed and manufactured by Mr. Ken Ishiguro in Japan. If you look closely at the photos in my articles for Six Moons, Positive Feedback, and Jeff's Place over the last nine years (!), you've seen Acoustic Revive accessories everywhere,... Read More »

Duelund news from Frederik! Updated!

I've got a couple of updates for you from Frederik, and there's good news! The Duelund DCA20GA tinned-copper cable is getting ready to be wrapped in its oil-soaked and baked cotton dielectric, and the first batch of the Duelund CAST tinned-copper capacitors are shipping this week. "Metal for DCA20GA wire is now done. Finished wire... Read More »

Music, Real Sound, and Vintage Tone! Update.

2016 is rapidly coming to a close, and if two words could sum things up for 2016 here at Jeff's Place, it would be 'tinned-copper', with 'Real Sound' and 'Vintage Tone' coming in as a close tie for second place. It has been a remarkable year of musical revelation for me as I've been meditating on all... Read More »

♫♪ The 2016 Jeff Awards: World Class Mentors! ♫♪ (Part 2)

As I mentioned in Part 1 of this post, I’ve been reflecting back on my time in the audio hobby lately, and thinking about what a tremendously satisfying hobby it has been on so many levels. A lot of what is wonderful about this hobby are those individuals that I’ve met over the years, like Ron Barbee, Frederik Carøe, Jonathan... Read More »

♫♪ The 2016 Jeff Awards: The 0.22uF/400V Duelund CAST Sn-Cu Prototype Capacitors! ♫♪

Those of you have been reading along know that Frederik Carøe of Duelund Coherent Audio really wowed me (and many of you) with the debut of his impressive Duelund DCA16GA tinned-copper ‘tone wire’ that is an affordable musical marvel. Then hot on the heels of the DCA16GA, Frederik sent me some 0.22uF/400V Duelund CAST tinned-copper prototype electronics capacitors... Read More »

♫♪ The 2016 Jeff Awards: World Class Mentors! ♫♪ (Part 1)

I've been reflecting back on my time in the audio hobby a lot lately, and thinking about what a tremendously satisfying hobby it has been on so many levels. A lot of what is wonderful about this hobby are those individuals that I've met over the years, who together have had such a dramatic influence on my enjoyment and understanding... Read More »

♫♪ A 2016 Jeff Award for the Acoustic Revive RR-888 Schumann Generator! ♫♪

My favorite audio accessory of all time is the Acoustic Revive Schumann ultra low-frequency pulse generator, and I am delighted to award the Acoustic Revive RR-888 Schumann Generator a 2016 Jeff Award! I've used every version of of the RR, spanning the last nine years:  the first RR-77 (now discontinued), the second version, the RR-777 (now discontinued), and the current RR-888, spanning... Read More »

♫♪ A 2016 Jeff Award for the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Tinned-Copper Tone Wire! ♫♪

Kudos to Frederik Carøe of Duelund Coherent Audio, who developed the Duelund DCA16GA tinned-copper 'tone wire' that is a modern interpretation of the incredibly popular, but now extinct, vintage Western Electric WE16GA tinned-copper wire. I'll tell you what, there's been nothing in 2016 that was more highly anticipated by the readers (and me) here at Jeff's Place,... Read More »

♫♪ The 2016 Jeff Awards Are Coming! ♫♪

In 2015 I started what is intended to be the start of a new tradition for me, called the Jeff Awards, which are intended to recognize the most momentous events of musical & audio significance that happened here at Jeff's Place during the year. The Jeff Awards can include hi-fi equipment from my Positive Feedback articles, or honorable mentions... Read More »

It's cap swap Saturday! OMG, the prototype Duelund CAST Sn-Cu cap's are ... (updated x 2)

I got up this morning and drank an adequate amount of coffee to wash down a slice of Thanksgiving's leftover pumpkin pie for breakfast, while listening to Jazz24 on the Stokowski A7 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers. Yazaki-san’s superb SPEC RSA-M3 EX Real Sound Amplifier is a perfect match to my Stokowski A7's, giving a musical... Read More »

Happy Thanksgiving! (and a 2016 retrospective)

Thanksgiving kicks off the Holiday Season in the States, and I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! I have a lot to be thankful for, when reflecting back upon the past year, but it's also been a tough year with the passing of my Dad, and due to some health crises for my Mom,... Read More »

Duelund DCA16GA & Soft Annealed Silver Foil & Silk Interconnects on the WRSE's

I've found it's always a good idea to try out equipment or cables with a range of other equipment to get an idea of how versatile it is in different systems. I've had really good success with the Duelund DCA16GA as speaker cables across a variety of very different loudspeakers, like my vintage Altec-Lansing A5 Voice... Read More »

Why your hi-fi sucks or doesn't: Music, the brain, and emotion.

For many years I've been fascinated with what makes some home music systems so musically satisfying, and others not so much. It seems almost humorously non-controversial now, but back a decade ago or so when I started writing about my belief that a home music system's ability to realistically portray the fundamental aspects of live music, like timbre,... Read More »

Cool video on how Mullard made vacuum tubes - enjoy!

I ran across this fascinating video out on YouTube on how Mullard vacuum tubes were made, circa 1950's. Very impressive. Enjoy!

Care & Cleaning of the Vintage McIntosh MX110Z Tuner-Preamplifier

Man, I love my vintage McIntosh MX110Z tuner-preamplifier, but lately the main volume control has become noisy, as have the little volume pots on the phono & auxiliary inputs. I had been dragging my feet on doing the needed maintenance, but when I watched the Care & Cleaning Of Vacuum Tube Audio Amplifiers & Amateur Radio... Read More »

Yazaki-san checking in: A kindred spirit in Surabaya, Indonesia!

It is always a delight to hear from Yazaki-san as he travels the world pursuing audio adventures with kindred spirits, this time checking in from Surabaya, Indonesia, while visiting Handoko-san at his shop Mega Audio & Disc Collection. Thanks for sharing your audio adventures with us Yazaki-san! "Dedicate to Jeff-san, After pleasant business talk with... Read More »

The 13th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2016!

The 13th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2016 are live here. There were lots of great nominees from me for this year, but only three winners! Please stop by Positive Feedback and check out all the winners from 2016, from me, and all the other Positive Feedback contributors. As always, thanks for stopping... Read More »

Duelund Soft Annealed Silver Foil & Oil-Soaked Baked Silk Interconnects - Update

The last week or two I had begun to miss my usual Tannoy Westminster Royale SE loudspeakers with their Duelund CAST crossovers, so I pulled my vintage Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre project loudspeakers out of the system, and put the big West's back in. Please don't take that as condemnation of the vintage... Read More »

Breaking News: Duelund Update!

This morning Frederik announced: "Following a lot of interest - we have today started production of a new DCA20GA wire. Made in the same way as the renowned DCA16GA wire - featuring tinned/copper multi-strand conductors in cotton and oil. The wire will have less metal than the 16GA and thus a higher AWG. It will be ideally... Read More »

Sneak Peek: The 13th Annual Positive Feedback Writers’ Choice Awards for 2016

You'll have to wait a while before the full 13th Annual Positive Feedback Writers’ Choice Awards for 2016 appear at Positive Feedback, but I thought you'd enjoy this sneak peek into my nominees for 2016. Enjoy! The 13th Annual Positive Feedback Writers’ Choice Awards for 2016 It’s always an exciting time of year when the Positive... Read More »

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