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A Duelund DCA tinned-copper cables comparison for the Duelund-Altec Project - the adventure continues!

As you know if you've been reading along, I've been experimenting with different combinations of the Duelund DCA tinned-copper tone cables for the Duelund-Altec Project (HERE), both as speaker cables and for connecting the Duelund CAST tinned-copper crossovers to the Altec 804A 16-Ohm compression drivers. I've already settled in on the Duelund DCA16GA tinned-copper cable for... Read More »

Live at Positive Feedback: Three Simple and Cost Effective Hot-Rod Mods for the Classic Thorens TD-124 Turntable!

I've just finished up an article for Positive Feedback that has been in the works for a couple of months. It's about three easy and affordable accessories / modifications for a classic Thorens TD-124 turntable, that elevated the performance of my Artisan Fidelity Thorens TD-124 Statement turntable beyond my wildest expectations, and I suspect these accessories will do... Read More »

The Duelund-Altec Project: DCA16GA vs DCA20GA for the Altec 804A 16-Ohm compression drivers?

I've been immensely enjoying listening to the "Stokowski" Altec's with the breadboard Duelund CAST tinned-copper crossovers. I haven't really been in any hurry to make changes to anything with the crossovers, which is a good sign that everything is coming together in a synergistic fashion musically and sonically. I've wired the breadboard versions of the... Read More »

A Learning Path for Music Lovers & Audiophiles!

I love learning about almost everything, which would help explain my taking time to earn a bachelor's degree in chemistry, a master's degree in chemistry, and a doctorate degree in analytical chemistry.  I have immensely enjoyed studying chemistry, mathematics, physics, law, literature, history, religions, philosophy, art and music, Koine Greek, computers, audio electronics, and many other topics which... Read More »

fern & roby brass record weight!

I bought a fern & roby brass record weight to go with the brass platter on my CTC Garrard 301 turntable, and it came in the mail today. If you flip the fern & roby brass record weight upside down the center piece is the same size as the hole in 45RPM singles records, so... Read More »

Preview of coming attractions - the GPA Altec drivers are coming to Jeff's Place!

I have some exciting Altec news to share with you. The new owners of Great Plains Audio - Troy Audio - envision a bright future for an Altec revival, and as an Altec enthusiast - I have 3 pairs of vintage Altec's - I'm particularly excited about this development!  They're going to be sending me... Read More »

Duelund 600V DCA12GA Sn-Cu cable vs. Duelund DCA12GA Sn-Cu cable - which is better?

There's been a lot of interest in the topic of the Duelund 600V DCA12GA Sn-Cu cable with its CAST-like dielectric that is primarily intended for use in power cables, versus the Duelund DCA12GA Sn-Cu cable with the baked oil-soaked-cotton dielectric that is intended primarily for use as speaker cables. That interest is largely driven by... Read More »

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