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Preview of coming attractions - the GPA Altec drivers are coming to Jeff's Place!

04-06-2019 | By Jeff Day |

I have some exciting Altec news to share with you. The new owners of Great Plains Audio - Troy Audio - envision a bright future for an Altec revival, and as an Altec enthusiast - I have 3 pairs of vintage Altec's - I'm particularly excited about this development! 

GPA Classic Series Altec Model 515-C low-frequency driver.  Price $1450 USD.

They're going to be sending me the latest version of the GPA Classic Series Altec Model 515-C low-frequency drivers to give a workout and write about here at Jeff's Place and Positive Feedback.

GPA Classic Series Altec Model 515-C low-frequency driver. Price $1450 USD.

To quote the Great Plains Audio literature: "Model 515-C Series Low-Frequency Loudspeaker. The Model 515-C is part of GPA’s new Classic Series of loudspeakers, all of which are hand-made, incorporating precision manufacturing practices, a distinctive paint scheme, and featuring the superb sonic performance that can only be achieved through the use of massive AlnicoV magnetic assemblies. In addition to the powerful AlnicoV motor structure, the GPA Model 515-C Series Low-Frequency Loudspeaker utilizes a relatively light cone assembly. The result is a low-frequency loudspeaker that exhibits the highest possible conversion that is ideal for use in bass-horns, direct radiator enclosures, or in multiple arrays of low-frequency units. Utilizing a lightweight cone, high-compliance suspension, a voice-coil of edge-wound copper ribbon, and a design that provides axial retention of the low- frequency voice coil in the magnetic gap at all times, the 515-C Series is an outstanding performer in all venues."

GPA Classic Series Altec Model 515-C low-frequency driver. Price $1450 USD.

GPA Classic Series Altec Model 515-C low-frequency driver. Price $1450 USD.

The vintage Altec 16 Ohm 515B low-frequency drivers are what I have in my Altec A5 Voice of the Theater loudspeakers, for example, so it'll be interesting to hear what the new 16 Ohm 515-C low-frequency driver sounds like compared to my vintage drivers.

Vintage Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers.

Also, coming to Jeff's Place and Positive Feedback are the GPA 802G Series 2 compression drivers, which are the closest current production driver to the Altec 804A 16-Ohm compression drivers in my "Stokowski" Altec's, and are essentially the current production version of the Altec 802D compression drivers that are in my Altec Corona 832A loudspeakers.

GPA 802-8G (16G) Series II compression driver. Price $900 USD.

The GPA literature says about them: "Our 802-8G (16G) Series II is a small format [1 in. (25 mm) diameter throat exit] high frequency compression driver, featuring a 1.2 lbs. (0.54 kg) AlNiCo V magnet, which produces an at-rest gap flux density of 1.525 T. It also features a 1.75 in. (45 mm) diameter, edge-wound, aluminum-ribbon voice-coil. The voice-coil is attached to a high grade aluminum alloy diaphragm. Sound waves from the high frequency voice-coil- diaphragm assembly are channeled through our Radial Waveguide phasing system. This system provides the proper phase relationship between the sound waves emanating from the center of the diaphragm assembly and the sound waves emanating from the edges of the diaphragm assembly."

GPA 802-8G (16G) Series II compression driver. Price $900 USD.

After I finish the Duelund-Altec Project and get the feature article written up for Positive Feedback - probably mid-summer 2019 - I'll be installing the 16 Ohm versions of these GPA Altec drivers into the "Stokowski" Altec's with with their Duelund CAST Sn-Cu crossovers and give them a good work out, and tell you all about it.

Stokowski Altec's with their Duelund CAST Sn-Cu crossovers.

In the meantime, should you be attending the Munich show in May, Troy Audio will be showing their beautiful Hellena MKII loudspeakers, so you'll get a real treat if you stop in for a visit.

Troy Audio Hellena MKII loudspeakers will be shown in Munich!

Did I mention that the Troy Audio Hellena MKII loudspeakers use GPA Altec drivers in beautiful custom enclosures? They do!

Here's what Troy Audio says about the Hellena MKII loudspeakers, "The Hellena MKII uses a 604-8E alnico driver made by Great Plains Audio. The 604-E, known as the original reference standard for point-source drivers, approaches transparent sound reproduction possibly more closely than any other transducer. The 604-E comprises a 15″ (381mm) low-frequency driver and a 1″ (25mm) high-frequency compression driver, both mounted on a single frame 16″ (406mm) in diameter. Each driver is structurally, magnetically, electrically, and mechanically independent of the other. For the woofer, we use Great Plains Audio’s Model 515-C Series Low-Frequency Loudspeaker. Handmade, incorporating a massive alnico V magnetic assembly, and utilizing a relatively light cone assembly, it has deep, fast response."

Troy Audio Hellena MKII loudspeakers will be shown in Munich!

Just in case you need to know how serious the guys at Troy Audio & Great Plains Audio are, the Troy Audio Hellena MKII loudspeakers use Duelund crossovers, just like I do - impressive!

Troy Audio says, "We now use a crossover with ultra-premium elements manufactured in Denmark by Duelund. This exponentially increases resolution, and translates into an exceptionally warm, silky, natural sound never before produced by any loudspeakers."

Duelund crossovers in the Hellena MKII loudspeakers!

I sure do wish I was going to be in Munich for the show so I could hear the Troy Audio Hellena MKII loudspeakers, they sure do look impressive.

Many thanks to Santos Oropel for providing the information for this post, and for making arrangements to provide the Great Plains Audio drivers for me to write about here at Jeff's Place and Positive Feedback.

Much more to come!

As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!

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