I just got home from a 26 mile bicycle ride and walked down to my mailbox, and there waiting for me was the July 2013 issue of Stereophile. As I thumbed through the issue I was delighted to see that Michael Fremer wrote about the New Valve Order SPA-II phono equalizer that is being imported to the US by Steve at Sounds of Silence. Michael likes it. A lot.
As you know I really love the NVO SPA-II too, and I really appreciate Panicos being so kind to let me use it on long term loan as a reference.
I find it really gratifying that word is getting out more and more about Andreas Hadjiminas' New Valve Order designs - they are something very special. It's particularly wonderful that Michael wrote about it as that will give Andreas some great visibility in the print media.
As I mentioned in my last post, the review of the New Valve Order SPA one phono equalizer is coming up before too long, and I really like it. Andreas has hit two home runs here with the SPA II and the SPA one.
The other thing that was waiting for me when I got home was an email from Panicos with a couple photos of the new SPA-II2. It really looks nice!
Here's one with the outboard power supply.
I'll have more to say as the story unfolds!