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Now Live at Positive Feedback Online! Survey of the Sablon Audio Corona Family of Power Cables

06-29-2013 | By Jeff Day |

My survey article of the Sablon Audio Corona family of power cables, designed by Mark Coles, is now live in the new issue of Positive Feedback Online, Issue 68, here.

1 Corona Family of Power Cords

Here's a few snippets from the article:

"I think its pretty cool that Mark practices the philosophy of continuous improvement for his cable products. You can be sure that if Mark comes across something that really makes a meaningful performance difference that he’ll be incorporating it into his cables. I also think its pretty cool that when Mark comes across a new discovery – like his cryogenically treated and modified Oyaide C-004 Platinum/Palladium plated beryllium copper 15-amp IEC connectors – he makes it available to his customers as an upgrade, which protects their original investment. What a great business model!"

28 Oyaide connecter on GC

"The Furutech is $100 USD and the Petit Corona is $495 USD, so it’s only fair to ask the question “Is the Petit Corona five times better than the Furutech?” No, actually it isn’t. It’s more like ten times better. Or twenty times better. When I put the Petit Corona into my system in place of the Furutech it was really quite a shock as to how much more performance it offered."

6 Petit Corona

"If you’ve never experienced what a truly high-performance power cord can do for your Hi-Fi system, I can’t think of a better place to start than with a Petit Corona. Even one Petit Corona can transform the music playing ability of your Hi-Fi. In fact, all of the listening impressions for this article were describing just the one power cord I changed on the amplifier – that’s it, nothing more. Honestly, I can’t think of a single improvement to your Hi-Fi that will be greater in magnitude for the cost involved than a Petit Corona power cord. For $495 USD the Petit Corona has the ability to transform your system for the good, and that’s a big deal."

8 Gran Corona with Oyaide CE IEC

"The Gran Corona ($975 USD) with the Oyaide IEC is my overall favorite in the Corona lineup. Actually it’s my new favorite power cord out of anything I’ve heard. The Gran Corona has superb sonics, beautifully rendered musicality, and I always felt like I was easily drawn into the flow of the beauty & feeling of the musical message."

29 Gran Corona

"The new Quantum Gran Corona ($1300) has an overall balance that leans a little more in the direction of traditional audiophile sonics than the others, and its quantum technology excels in transparency, soundstaging, imaging, soundspace, and resolution – sonically it’s a “Wow!” The Quantum Gran Corona is also the most dynamic from micro to macro of all the Sablon Audio power cables. It has great imaging with lots of body, lots of layering, and a soundstage width that’s not constrained by the speakers. It also has gorgeous timbre, and it presented melody lines that were lively and kept me engaged in the music. The Quantum Gran Corona is particularly good in the way it conveys classical music, and in that regard it has no peer here. If you are a classical music aficionado then a Quantum Gran Corona will be a good choice for you." (photo below)

30 Quantum Gran Corona

"I can very enthusiastically recommended each and every one of the Sablon Audio Corona power cords, and I suspect you’ll be as impressed with them as I am."

What's not in the review, is that after finishing the review, I installed the Quantum Gran Corona on the NVO SPA-II phono equalizer, with the Oyaide Gran Corona on the Sophia 91-03 integrated amplifier, and it's an incredible combination! I'm listening to it right now and its sublime ... sorry, I've got to go, the music's playing!

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