As long-time readers know well, I really love my Leben CS600 integrated amplifier and the matching Leben RS-30EQ phono preamplifier (as well as the new Leben CS600X that I think is even more gorgeous sounding than my original CS600).

NOS vacuum tubes for Leben RS-30EQ.
There's only one caveat to consider with some of the Leben components, like the Leben CS600 and the Leben RS-30EQ (below), for example, and that's that some of the NOS vacuum tubes used in their circuits are no longer in production and supplies are starting to dwindle.
It's time to stock up if you haven't already.

Leben RS-30EQ phono preamplifier with my now long gone Leica MP film camera. I miss that camera!
For the CS600 that's no big deal regarding the rapidly dwindling supply of NOS twin-triode 6CS7's used in the first-stage amplification, as Leben is in the process of issuing a service bulletin for CS600 owners that allows owners to update its circuit from the 6CS7 tubes used in the first stage of amplification to the 12AU7's and 12BH7A's used in new CS600X, a complement of vacuum tubes that are easily replaced due to there being new production versions (or NOS if you prefer) that are readily available.
Contact your local Leben dealer for more information if you want to update your CS600.

However, the CS600 and CS600X both use NOS 6CJ3 rectifier tubes - originally used in color TVs - that allows for a delay of high voltage (B-Voltage) supply to the output tubes to protect them from damage and to extend tube life.

6CJ3 behind the selector switches for 6L6GC or EL34 operation in the Leben CS600.
A word to the wise: At the current time there is a decent supply of NOS 6CJ3 tubes so there is no immediate reason for concern.
However, don't expect the supply of NOS 6CJ3 rectifier tubes to last forever, as there is no current production version of this tube. Stock up now while you can. I did.

NOS GE 6X5GT for the Leben RS-30 EQ phono preamplifier.
Also, concerning the Leben RS-30EQ phono preamplifier, my vacuum tube sources tell me that the NOS 6X5GT (military version is the VT-126B) cathode-type rectifier tube used in the RS-30EQ are starting to dwindle as well, although not to the extent of the 6CS7. As with the NOS 6CS7, there is no current production version of the 6X5GT tube, so when they are gone, you are out of luck.
If you are like me and love your Leben CS600 integrated amplifier and RS-30EQ phono equalizer, and want to keep them playing music for the rest of your stay on Planet Earth, you should seriously consider stocking up on the necessary NOS 6CJ3 and NOS 6X5GT rectifier tubes used in them, respectively. I did.
In fact, what led to this particular Today's Fresh Catch post was me doing exactly that, I ordered a bunch of NOS tubes for my Leben RS-30EQ to ensure I'll have a stash of them for a good long time.
Like usual, I ordered mine from Roy and Dale at Radio Electric Supply, who have the largest stock of US made NOS vacuum tubes in the world. I highly recommend Roy and Dale, they are terrific guys. If you order from them be sure to tell them Jeff sent you!
Here's the NOS vacuum tubes I ordered from Roy and Dale for my RS-30EQ (all in USD):
6X5GT, 4 pieces (NU, GE, RCA, JAN Raytheon), at $10 each for a total of $40.
6X5GT 2 pieces, Sylvania, at $10 each for a total of $20.
6X5GT 10 pieces, JAN Sylvania, $10 each for a total of $100.
12AT7, matched pair of GE 12AT7 triple mica, at $20 each for a total of $40.
12AT7, matched pair of RCA 12AT7 black plate, at $20 each total $40.
12AT7, two matched pairs of Sylvania 12AT7 triple mica, at $20 each for a total of $80.
I am a huge fan of the NOS Sylvania 6CS7's for the first stage in my CS600, as their warmer tonal balance nicely complements the leaner nature of the CS600 (I consider them to be the Western Electric 300B of 6CS7 tubes).
Good luck finding those though, as far as I know true NOS Sylvania 6CS7 tubes are impossible to obtain.

NOS Sylvania 12AT7's.
However, my preference for those NOS Sylvania 6CS7's led me to order a bunch of NOS Sylvania & NOS JAN Sylvania 6X5GT's, and two matched pairs of NOS Sylvania 12AT7's so I could have a stash.
This nice selection of NOS vacuum tubes for my beloved Leben RS-30EQ from Roy and Dale will surely result in some tube rolling, so stay tuned for more reports on this topic in the future!
As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!