Today's Fresh Catch are the beautiful hand-crafted Triode Lab parallel 2A3 single-ended-triode RSR mono block amplifiers (HERE, scroll down).

Triode Lab Parallel 2A3 Single-Ended-Triode RSR Mono Block Amplifiers! $22,000 USD.
Frank at Triode Lab asked me if I would like to listen to his 'statement' Triode Lab parallel 2A3 single-ended-triode RSR mono block amplifiers, and I of course said, "Yes!".

Triode Lab Parallel 2A3 Single-Ended-Triode RSR Mono Block Amplifiers!
Below you can see the build list for this particular pair of Triode Lab parallel RSR mono block amplifiers.
Frank single-handedly (pun) created a single-ended-triode renaissance in my life with his remarkable 2 watt Triode Lab 45 EVO singled-ended-triode integrated amplifier (photo below), which is able to drive my big Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers with an authority I would never have expected from a 2 watt amplifier.

The Triode Lab 45 EVO integrated SET amplifier.
But what if you want more power than 2 watts provides, and you desire state-of-art mono block amplifiers instead of a stereo integrated amplifier?

Triode Lab Parallel 2A3 Single-Ended-Triode RSR Mono Block Amplifiers - rear view.
Frank wanted to quadruple - actually parallel - the fun with his beautiful Triode Lab Parallel 2A3 Single-Ended-Triode RSR Mono Block Amplifiers, which have a robust output power of 8 watts.

The Triode Lab Parallel 2A3 Single-Ended-Triode RSR Mono Block Amplifiers utilize Hashimoto transformers.
Here's a top view of one of the mono amps so you can see all the Hashimoto transformers.

Triode Lab Parallel 2A3 Single-Ended-Triode RSR Mono Block Amplifiers - top view of Hashimoto transformers.
Other goodies abound, check out those exotic Furutech rhodium & carbon fiber binding posts ...

Exotic Furutech rhodium & carbon fiber binding posts.
Furutech IEC inlet ...

Furutech IEC inlet.
End view ...

Triode Lab Parallel 2A3 Single-Ended-Triode RSR Mono Block Amplifiers - end view.
Other end view ...

Triode Lab Parallel 2A3 Single-Ended-Triode RSR Mono Block Amplifiers - other end view.
Vacuum tube complement ...

Triode Lab Parallel 2A3 Single-Ended-Triode RSR Mono Block Amplifiers.
... the power tubes are Sophia Electric 300B 2.5V mesh plate triodes. Frank tells me that all the good new production 2A3 tubes are sold out right now, so he used the Sophia Electric 300B 2.5V mesh plates, which he says sound like good 2A3 mesh plates.
"Sophia Electric 300B 2.5V mesh plate tube adds more power, dynamics and transparency to your 2A3 amplifiers. High musicality will be your first impression," according to Richard of Sophia Electric.
The rectifiers are my favorites, the Sophia Electric Aqua 274B, which have really impressed me in every amp I've tried them in.
Preamp / driver tubes are the Sophia Electric 12 AX7 and the Electro-Harmonix 12BH7AEH.
The Triode Lab Parallel 2A3 Single-Ended-Triode RSR Mono Block amplifiers are truly something to behold. Beautiful craftsmanship and appearance, with superb components in the build.
Ok, that's it for now, I'll have much more to tell you about these!
As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!