I'm a bit jet-lagged after just getting back from England after a couple of weeks of traveling, so if I am rambling and a bit non-sensical in this post please forgive me, and hopefully I'll make more sense in a few days. 😉
Anyways, my buddy Doc Leo just bought a nice example of a vintage Eico HF-81 integrated amplifier for the princely sum of $400 USD, and asked me if I'd like to give it a listen - absolutely I would, Leo!

Vintage Eico HF-81 EL84 integrated amplifier sitting atop one of my vintage Altec 832A Corona loudspeakers.
Most of you know I'm a big fan of EL84 based integrated amplifiers, so a chance to give Leo's classic Eico HF-81 a listen on my vintage Altec 832A Corona loudspeakers was right up my audio alley!
I know a lot of you are interested in vintage gear, just as I am, so I thought you might find some listening impressions of the vintage Eico HF-81 to be fun.
I don't know if anything capacitor or resistor-wise has been updated in this vintage Eico HF-81, so that remains an open question at the moment, but still ... what fun!
I hope to give this a try in the next few days, so stay tuned for more vintage audio action!
As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!