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The Jeff Awards for 2015 ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ The Vintage Beat! ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

11-03-2015 | By Jeff Day |

I am continuing to roll out The Jeff Awards for 2015.

One of my biggest revelations over the last few years was how ridiculously good restored vintage vacuum tube gear could be, and I'd like to recognize the superb restoration work done by the vintage McIntosh specialist team of Tom Manley & Terry DeWick of McIntosh Home Audio & DeWick Repairs, and Yves Beauvais of Vintage Vacuum Audio, with the Vintage Beat Awards.

The Jeff Awards 2015 - The Vintage Beat MHA

My vintage electronics experience started when my friend Ron Barbee opened my eyes (and ears!) to the charms of vintage tone with his vintage electronics collection, and my musical life hasn't been the same since!

My first foray into the realm of vintage tone was through the McIntosh MX110Z tuner-preamplifier and the McIntosh MC240 stereo amplifier, purchased from the vintage specialist team of Tom Manley & Terry DeWick of McIntosh Home Audio & DeWick Repairs.

11 MX110Z walnut burl cabinet

Vintage McIntosh MX110Z tuner-preamplifier.

Vintage McIntosh MC240 stereo amplifier.

Vintage McIntosh MC240 stereo amplifier.

I was really pleased with what I was hearing from those vintage McIntosh gems, as they had a rich vintage tone and a natural presentation of timbre, and provided a strong emotional connection to the music that surpassed the musical performance of much of the modern gear that's available.

The Jeff Awards 2015 - The Vintage Beat VVA

My vintage McIntosh experience continued to grow when, back in September of 2013, my buddy Leo introduced me to the wonderful vintage restorations by Yves Beauvais of Vintage Vacuum Audio with his newly acquired McIntosh MC30 monaural amplifiers.

Leo Pete and Ron

Left to right: Leo, Pete, and Ron.

I was impressed by Yves' quality restorations of those monaural McIntosh MC30s, with their gleaming chrome chassis, impeccable innards, and deluxe vintage set of vacuum tubes.


One of Leo's vintage McIntosh MC30s from Yves Beauvais of Vintage Vacuum Audio.

Not only did Yves' MC30 restorations ooze with quality, they also sounded stunning, with prodigious amounts of timbral texture, tone color, and an emotionally engaging musicality that was irresistible.


Top view of the Yves Beauvais restored McIntosh MC30 monaural amplifier.

What did I really think of Yves' restored vintage McIntosh MC30 mono amplifiers? After hearing Leo’s restored MC30s I contacted Yves and ordered a pair of MC30s for myself!

I would come to find out that Yves Beauvais is also a world famous record producer, as well as a vintage vacuum audio enthusiast. Yves' does beautiful electronic & cosmetic restorations of these vintage Mac's, and I think that his musical sensibilities from his background of producing records gives him an ability to artfully voice his restorations with a choice selection of internal components and vacuum tubes, to give what is a truly musical version of what vintage Mac's should sound like.

21 MC225

The MC225 is one of the rarest and most desirable vintage McIntosh amplifiers, and I had desired one ever since dipping my toe into the vintage McIntosh waters.

I had been casually looking for a McIntosh MC225 stereo amplifier for a year or so, with no luck, and then one day I contacted Yves to let him know that I was wanting one. It turned out my timing was just right, as Yves was in the middle of restoring an MC225. I ordered it on the spot, and it has been delighting me every time I listen to music with it! The MC225 restored by Yves Beauvais is a wonderful amplifier!

I'll stop my narrative there, but I encourage you to go out to Positive Feedback and read The Vintage McIntosh Experience article I wrote for Issue 77.

Like me, you might very well decide that some of the most musically satisfying audio electronics available today are vintage!

Contact information:

Tom Manley & Terry DeWick of McIntosh Home Audio and DeWick Repairs.

Yves Beauvais of Vintage Vacuum Audio.

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