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Siedy Checking in from The Netherlands: The Sablon Audio Panatela, Gran Corona, and Petit Corona

05-15-2013 | By Jeff Day |

If you've been following along you know that Siedy (photo below) has been a true inspiration for yours truly. If it wasn't for Siedy I would never have had the opportunity to try the superb ASR electronics that are hand-crafted by Friedrich Schaefer in Herborn, Germany.

It was a wonderful experience writing about the ASR electronics for Positive Feedback Online, and it forever changed my perceptions about what is possible for solid-state amplification - it can be amazing!  (12)

For many music lovers I can't imagine a better solution for your electronics needs than ASR, as it's the most musically satisfying high-performance audio electronics I've yet to come across when combined with my Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers. Buy it, forget about electronics, and build your music library. Do I miss them now that they're gone? Yes!


Siedy is a man of impeccable Hi-Fi taste, so when he told me he had decided to try some of the Sablon Audio products - hand-crafted by Mark Coles in London - in his system, I was delighted that Siedy wanted to share some of his impressions with us. Siedy purchased some Panatela interconnects and a Gran Corona power cord, and Mark sent along a Petit Corona power cord for Siedy to give a listen to as well. Without further ado, let me share with you Siedy's impressions:

Inspired by Jeff I started to read more about Sablon Audio and owner/developer, Mark Coles. I can say that Mark is a man of his word and service, as Mark was very responsive to my emails and kept me informed when he sent his cables to me. First I received the Panatela analog interconnect and the Gran Corona power cord, and as a service Mark also sent me a Petit Corona power cord so I could listen to it. My experiences with the Panatela, Gran Corona, and the Petit Corona were great.

Sablon Audio Panatela

In short, my Hi-Fi system (photo below), consists of the Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers, the ASR Emitter 2 Exclusive amplifier, the Linn LP 12 with Lingo/Ekos/EMT 15 TSD/Trampoline/Cirkus turntable, and the Jungson Impression 2 CD Player. I also use the Yamamura Milennium 6000 interconnects.

siedy wests

The Yamamura and Panatela are both unshielded interconnects, and on first hearing I thought they had much in common sonically, but the Panatela goes further. The Panatela opens up the sound more and is very, very, transparant. It will miss no detail at all. What makes the Panatela very special is that it is doing this in a very muscular and musical sense. This is what gripped me the most in the beginning and until now. 

I cannot precisely say why the cable is so musical. Mostly when cables are very transparant and muscular (or dynamic) they tend towards some kind of harshness in the treble, and they make half of your music sound awful. This is absolutely NOT the case with the Panatela. It has an great inner sense of quietness & peacefulness, a nice natural treble, and a tremendous natural timbre on the voices. The way the Panatela lets you listen to David Munyon's Purple Cadillacs was more than terrific! A friend of mine who uses Echole cables was realy surprised at how good the Panatela was in this area.

I must say that in the beginning all of these qualities of the Panatela did not 100% came through! Altough the cable was burned in by Mark, it started reaching its full potential only after 4 – 6 weeks of playing, and when I started using the Grand Corona powercord.

Grand Corona

But the Petit Corona is more than an excellent power cord too. I started listening to the Panatela using a powercord from Verastarr, the Grand Illusion, which is in fact also a very nice power cord. In combination with the Grand Corona the Panatela started to sound more organic and at the same time more dynamic. This is a strong point of the Grand Corona. The Grand Corona let the Jungson (I did all my listening through the CD Player) sound more three-dimensional and organic.

siedy digits

When I say organic, I mean the way it sounded had a nice and natural warm touch to it, without any stress or harshness. When you hear the Grand Corona you know that it is right. This is the case with the Panatela as well the Grand Corona. The cables also look gorgeous, and they have a sound to die for! I think the asking price is very, very reasonable.

About the Petit Corona: This powercord has much in common with its bigger sister the Grand Corona. But when you've heard the Grand Lady there is no way back!

Jeff, thank you very much for guiding me to the Sablon Audio route! A little note about the Panatela: Be aware that this is an unshielded cable. In some environments it can produce a little hum. At my home it had a little hum. Only slightly. This can also be caused by the length I am using: 1.10 meter. The shorter the Panatela is the less hum you will have.

I've tried to briefly explain why I have also became a big fan of these cables. I hope I gave you some insight into my experience with these, very, very nice cables.

 Kind regards,


Thank you very much, Siedy, for sharing your impressions with us about the Sablon Audio Panatela interconnects, and the Grand Corona & Petit Corona power cords.

I also have the Petit Corona in for review, and I'm working on the review right now. In addition to the Petit Corona I also have a very special power cord creation by Mark Coles that I am going to tell you about during the review (and maybe a sneak peek here), so stay tuned, there's some interesting times ahead!

Thanks for stopping by!

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