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Siedy Checking in from the Netherlands ... and Germany! Siedy Struck Gold!

02-16-2014 | By Jeff Day |

I always enjoy hearing from Siedy in the Netherlands, he's definitely a kindred spirit and always makes me smile! 🙂 Like me, Siedy is a big fan of the Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers and the amazing ASR Audiosysteme Emitter II Exclusive amplifiers handcrafted in Germany by Friedrich Schaefer.  In fact, it was Siedy who first put me in touch with Friedrich, which resulted in me writing about the ASR Audiosysteme Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue four-chassis integrated amplifier in Issue 66 of Positive Feedback, and the ASR Basis Exclusive Phono Equalizer in Issue 67.


The ASR Emitter Exclusive Version Blue is the finest audio amplification I've ever had in my home, and I was so impressed by it I nominated it for a Writers' Choice Award (above). If I could have afforded it I would have bought it on the spot!

Siedy just embarked upon another audio adventure with another ASR Emitter and he really struck Gold! I enjoyed Siedy's message so much I thought I'd share it with all of you:

Hello Jeff,

This week was a milestone event. I bought from a very enthusiastic German ASR Emitter fan his Emitter 2 Exclusive GOLD (version 2012 and made in November 2011). This is a friend of mine. The materials used for the print is gold. I do believe this is a version very similar to the version you had in your review. If I am not correct Friedrich will correct me!

The story of this big purchase started with my own Emitter (dated 2004). Friedrich developed an update for my older Emitter. It is an update in general. He calls it upgrade 1 and 2. I sent my old emitter to Herborn, this nice place in Germany where Friedrich has his factory. He lives also in Herborn. This upgrade changed in a very fine way the performance of my Emitter. In the beginning I was not so satisfied, but after a change in the op-amps everything felt in the right place! Friedrich's help in this was again awesome! This man deserves a prize for his service and patience with audiophiles!

This is an awesome update. It made my Emitter more detailed and transparent, with natural warmth and emotive sound, with the deep bass and 3D spacious sound. In the meantime I bought a nice little tube amp and I was for a part happy with it. But then came the big shock and surprise ... with this upgrade it blew away the tube amp. The unique aspect of an Emitter is how it can sound both musical, refined and powerful. And at the same time with a natural flow & ease that is toe-tapping. When you haver ever listened for a longer period of time to an Emitter you cannot go back to any other amp. The point is that there are some amps that excel in lot of aspects, and are indeed very good and earn also a high rating on the so called 'Best Ever Audio Components List Ever'. But, there is only one amp who has it all and with a big BONUS. That is The Human Factor in the sound. Ah, you know what I mean. You pointed it out in your excellent review of the Emitter.

This week I received an email from Uwe Nippert from Germany. He offered his beautiful Emitter 2 Exclusive Gold Accu to me. After some thoughts and talking with my beloved wife, Frederika, I, we, decided to get some money from the bank and give it a go!  (Below is Bert, Piet and Uwe, at Uwe's house).

Siedy 1

So, Yesterday I travelled to visit Uwe in Germany, with two friends of mine, Piet & Bert. Bert bought my Emitter and Piet bought this week the same Emitter Gold as I will buy from Uwe! A strange and fine coincidence! Really!

In this case I must point out that Werner Baer helped us very much. He is an diehard Tannoy/Emitter fan and one of the nicest people on earth. And really an audiophile!

We had a very and nice gathering at Uwe's house. (Below: Bert and the Kef Reference from Uwe's listening room).

Siedy 3

Uwe is an very nice and addicted Emitter fan. Mmmm, we can start an FAN club for Friedrich! (Below: Uwe's system with his new Emitter - with even more.....power!!!)

Siedy 2

Siedy 4

After I got home I was busy the whole evening installing the Emitter. (All those chassis takes some time to install! - Jeff)

Siedy 7

After some hard work the Emitter was warming up, and after an hour I started listening.

Siedy 6

I was completely shocked HOW GOOD THIS EMITTER SOUNDS!!!!! In another league from my old Emitter. Ok, the fundamentals were the same but holy ... something ... this goes further in very musical aspect!

This amp is building up a sound that comes from another world - I mean it! I can touch the musicians, I can see them, feel them and speak to them ... yep ... after a lot of albums I wanted to thank the artists for their performance! (Below: Rubber balls make the cooling fins even more quiet).

Siedy 5

I never heard such a SOUND. I can now better understand how good it sounded in your home together with the Tannoy Westminster, and how awesome would it sound with your Tannoy Westminster Royal SE with the DUELUND filter. I am 100% sure this would be a World Statement. I cannot stop thinking about this idea. Perhaps Friedrich MUST send you his newest Emitter 2 and let you listen to it ... for years!

While I am writing this I almost become emotional! Frederika is laughing at me a bit, and gave me a big hug and whispered "My emotional man, this is what an Emitter does with you!"

I could not wait to inform you about it. This is breaking news!

With nice greetings,


"Wow!" is all I can say, Siedy!

It looks like you, Bert, Piet and Uwe, all had a wonderful time having fun and listening to music through the ASRs. What wonderful Hi-Fi systems you all have! I may just drop in for a visit one of these days! 😉

Who knows, with a little good fortune we may one day again hear about an ASR Emitter at Jeff's Place!

Thank you for sharing the news with me and all the friends here at Jeff's Place - awesome!

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