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Siedy Abee checking in from the Netherlands - Westminster Royal SEs!

06-30-2012 | By Jeff Day |

I'd like you to meet Siedy Abee, a new friend checking in from the Netherlands. I always enjoy hearing from Hi-Fi friends about a system that they are really enjoying, and a new Hi-Fi friend with a pair of Westminster Royal SEs is a treat because we can share our tips & tricks regarding the big beasts! Take a look at Siedy's beautiful listening room in the photo below - that's a wow!

Siedy uses the optional Tannoy Prestige Super Tweeter with his Westminster Royal SEs: "I use the Super tweeters from Tannoy, the ST 200. I do believe you must hear them, and as Tannoys says, "Hearing is believing ... with the ST you have more air and bass." I connected this weekend the earth from the ST to the Westminster. Wow, it sounded better! (more transparent with silence)."

Siedy really likes the way the German brand Audiosysteme Friedrich Schaefer (ASR) Emitter HD 2 Exclusive amplification works with his Westminster Royal SEs: "The heart of the system is my beloved ASR Emitter HD 2 Exclusive. It gives a huge stage with a real tubelike sound, and it delivers the power the Westminster likes. This is the version with the Akkupower, which gives a HUGE SOUND, and which is so beloved for its ORGANIC and HUMAN presentation, allowing you to play music (if you want) at really high volumes without any signs of stress."

On the analog front: "I use an turntable from Linn, the LP 12 Sondek. I have it with the Lingo 2 power supply. It is fitted with an Ittok LV3 arm and the EMT TSD 15 phono cartridge. You know this phono cartridge very well! (Yes! A favorite of mine! - Jeff) My Linn also has Cirkus and Trampoline kits." 

"The phono amp is made by Jaap Pees. In Holland/the Netherlands he is 'worldfamous' for his enormous collection of tubes (more than 4000), and he is working at a very nice audioshop in Zwolle called Hanze HiFi. He developed this phonoamp with the HAT team from the shop in Zwolle (HAT= the Hanze HiFi Team). Hanze means "from the past". Jaap made the amp as a custom order, and I do believe it is a very nice amp. Handbuilt and with TUBES!" 

"My CD player is the Jungson CD 2 Luxury Impression. I had for many years beloved Krell KPS-20i, but the Jungson came sounded better than the Krell. With pain in my heart I sold the Krell. This old chap gave me years lots of pleasure but the time has come that the old master needed to be replaced by an new master. Through its TUBE output stage the Jungson sounds very good. One of the best."

"My speaker cables are from Siltech, the FT12 SG G3, a silver cable. It sounds very powerful, with lovely voices, and with a very sweet treble. For interconnects I use those made by a friend - silver solid-core cable."

The power cables are from TELOS, the gold and the platinum. These power cords are AWESOME!

"I use a netfilter from DSS. Very good. The netfilter does not diminish dynamics like other power-line filters do. DSS wants you to use it with a TRENNTRAFO (= German). How to translate? A separating trafo? It makes from our 220 V, 2 x 110 V. (It sounds like it's an isolation that also drops the voltage. - Jeff). It gives a better bass and more silence. I lend it to a friend of mine."

I also notice that Siedy uses an Acoustic Revive RR-77, a long time favorite of mine!

Many thanks to you, Siedy, for sharing your beautiful Hi-Fi system with us, it's lots of fun!

Happy listening!

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