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♫ Requesting a Review

First of all, I'd be glad to write about your audio component at some point in the future, so contact me and we'll discuss if it is a good fit for the both of us.

Scheduling a Review

If you would like me to do a review, I would be glad to consider it, but it is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and you'll need to let me know in advance that it is something you want to do, and I'll do my best to schedule it in a timeframe that works well for both of us.

The Review Process

My review process starts with blogging here at Jeff's Place about your product as I get familiar with it, and then concludes with a feature review at Positive Feedback, which has turned out to be a popular combination of writing because it provides more coverage than a typical stand-alone review.

Once I receive a component to be reviewed I write a "Today's Fresh Catch" post to introduce it to my readers, to be followed with additional blog posts describing my initial impressions of it as I start to get familiar with it and optimize its performance in my various review systems.

The feature review of a component at Positive Feedback typically includes the following:

  • A bio of the designer and/or history of the company.
  • An overview of the company's product lines.
  • A technical description of the component to be reviewed.
  • The review systems used in the review.
  • Listening impressions.
  • A summary and conclusions section to wrap up the review.

You may not realize it, but when someone asks me to do a review of their products, it takes up a lot of my time. In my case - depending on the type of article being written - that's about 100 hours. 

There's time involved in doing photo shoots, swapping in and out audio components, doing modifications for DIY projects, getting audio equipment run-in properly, optimizing components in the audio system, gathering listening impressions, writing multiple blog posts for Jeff's Place, and then writing a feature article for Positive Feedback.

What you might not know is that writing articles about audio equipment is an interactive process that requires a lot of my time, and a little of your time. 

You will need to provide me with enough information about you, your company, and your products so that I can write blog posts and a comprehensive feature article, so you need to know that you too must make a time commitment to make it all happen.  

Typically the review period is 90 days from my receipt of the products, but it can be longer or shorter than that, depending on unforeseen factors.  

Reviewer Loan Liability Policy

Everyone sending a product to me for review must agree to the Positive Feedback reviewer loan liability policy, which you should read in depth to make sure you understand it and can agree with it (HERE). 

In brief the policy states that "... it is PF's general policy that all review samples of any kind are to be considered “at risk” by the source company, and are considered by us to be the property and responsibility of the source company. All review samples must be insured by the source company against any form of accident, damage, loss, fire, theft, or acts of God."

Fortunately, in the two decades or so that I've been writing about audio I've never had a single incident arise related to an item sent for review, and I hope that stays that way forever. 

If you have any questions about the application of this policy, you will be referred to the Editor-in-Chief of PF, Dr. David W. Robinson ([email protected]).

After the Review is Complete

After the review is published, I will pack up the component for you in its original shipping container, and then you will be responsible for arranging for its shipment to its next destination.

I think I've covered most of the necessary information, but if you have any additional questions about scheduling a review, or the review process, or whatever, please feel free to contact me HERE and I'll help answer your questions the best I can.

For those who desire more information about me, you can view my Linkedin profile HERE

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