I just got back home from two weeks of travel with little to no internet & email access most of the time, so I'm way behind on addressing comments & writing blog posts, and I'm playing tag with jet lag.
I did get a chance to listen to a variety of live music performances of jazz, classical, folk, and opera (Madame Butterfly and Electra), while traveling, which was really nice.
There's nothing like listening to live music for pure musical enjoyment, and as a reality check too, as there's nothing that keeps you calibrated for hi-fi games like live music, so those concerts were a double treat!
I've actually lost track of how many concerts we attended during the last two weeks, as well as the almost daily musical experiences we had along the way, but it's an awesome way to recharge one's musical batteries!
If you haven't heard from me yet on a comment you've made here at Jeff's Place, it's not because I forgot you, rather I'm just way behind, so I'll be trying my best to get caught up over the next week or so.
I also tried something new.

The Power Reference TripleC NCF AC power cord & the RPT-6 Absolute NCF Power Distributor with the RPT-4 Ultimate Power Distributor and Power Reference AC Power Cord.
Since I knew my ability to write would be severely limited, I used WordPress's autopost feature while I was gone to post three new posts that I had written for you before I left.
I hope you enjoyed them!
- The Murasakino Musique Analogue ‘Sumile’ MC Phonograph Cartridge Makes Me Smile!
- Initial listening impressions: The Acoustic Revive Power Reference TripleC NCF AC Power Cord & RPT-6 Absolute NCF Power Distributor.
- Which is better? The Duelund DCA16GA, DCA20GA, or the Silver/Silk Interconnects?
I have news to tell you about a couple of exciting audio treats to come, so more about that in the near future!
Important news! Yazaki-san turned 70 on April 25th, so please join me in wishing Yazaki-san a belated "Happy Birthday!".
Happy Birthday, Yazaki-san!
I also have a guest article from Yazaki-san describing his life-long journey with the classic Marantz Model 7 preamplifier, which I'm really looking forward to sharing with you.
By the way, after Jeff's Place got hacked, my email notifier for new posts quit working, and I was able just today to get it back up and running. Thanks to all for the feedback on it!
As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!