I'll start with the other stuff.

Members of our US Belle II project team with Energy Secretary, Rick Perry (center), receiving an award for our High Energy Physics project. That's yours truly in the grey suit standing next to Secretary Perry.
I traveled to Washington, D.C. this last week, where we received a Secretarial Award for our US Belle II High Energy Physics project at KEK, the particle physics laboratory in Japan.
A little bit of background:
The Belle II experiment’s global collaboration involves more than 600 members, 65 institutes, and 27 countries.
Our US Belle II project developed, assembled, and delivered advanced detector systems to the KEK particle physics laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan, which are essential for efficiently collecting high-precision data on positron-electron collisions within the SuperKEKB accelerator.
The upcoming Belle II experiment will make high-precision measurements of the properties of B-mesons and other heavy flavor particles to elucidate physics beyond the Standard Model and will likely contribute to a future Nobel Prize in Physics.

First-of-its-kind imaging Time-Of-Propagation counter (iTOP) being installed into the Belle II detector.
Our US Belle II project included team members from 13 universities and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Our team coordinated all aspects of the project with the larger Belle II collaboration at KEK, and successfully delivered ultramodern detector systems to KEK ahead of schedule and below cost.
It was really a great privilege to work with and be associated with such a talented & brilliant project team, and I would like to congratulate them all for doing such an outstanding job on the US Belle II Project!
When you live on the Left Coast, it's a long trip back from Washington, D.C. to get home.
Home sweet home!
That's a closeup of the award next to my Ellington album and turntable. I'll be handing it over on Monday for proper display at The Lab.
What would you do after getting home from a long trip?
I decided the best plan after a long trip home was to relax by rewiring the high-frequency circuit of my Westminsters' Duelund CAST crossovers with Duelund DCA20GA tinned-copper wire.
My reaction to the Duelund DCA20GA tinned-copper tone wire was pretty much the same as Jim Smith's (it's great!), and I have been wanting to rewire the high-frequency sections of my crossovers with DCA20GA for a while, but just having more to do on my 'to do list' than I could catch up on prevented it from happening until just now!
After removing the Western Electric WE16GA from the high-frequency sections of the crossovers, and rewiring them with the Duelund DCA20GA tinned-copper tone wire, I poured a wee dram of Macallan single malt, put a vintage 'Ellington At Newport' LP on the turntable, then put my feet up and listened to some music!
The change from the Western Electric WE16GA to the Duelund DCA20GA was even more dramatic than when I tried it as interconnects.
To echo what Jim said, the Duelund DCA20GA in the high-frequency crossover circuit was not somewhat better than the Western Electric WE16GA I had just replaced, it was tremendously better!
The tone is gorgeous, with vivid tone color distinctions, there is more robust presence of images, more refined and richer high-frequencies, and like Jim said, the "dynamic contrasts stood out in greater relief."
Overall the change to the Duelund DCA20GA made for a more realistic presentation, more musically natural, with an exciting presence that makes listening to music 'electrifying' in the best possible way.
Now I want to rewire my Westminsters' internally with the DCA20GA, and I hope it doesn't take too long to get to the top of my 'to do' list!
Ok, I've got lots to catch up on after being gone all week, so I've got to go and get on it.
I'll be filling you in with more details on my impressions of the Duelund DCA20GA as time goes on, and of course I'll go into great detail in my review of it for Positive Feedback.
As always, thanks for stopping by!