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Fotografie: The 2014 Tulip Festival in Washington State

04-28-2014 | By Jeff Day |

I was really looking forward to getting out and shooting some photos with my new Leica Summilux 1.4/35 ASPH FLE lens on the end of my Leica M9.

Leica M9 with Summilux 35 FLE

Towards the end of April every year there is The Tulip Festival north of Seattle in the area of LaConner and Mount Vernon. It's been about four years since I've been to The Tulip Festival and it is always a visual treat and a great place to snap a few photos.

Tulip Fest Bus

Many thanks to Karen for doing a truly great job of organizing a bus trip up to The Tulip Festival every year, and this year I tagged along to shoot some photos in the cozy comfort of a bus.

Hillcrest Lodge 2 (1)

Our first stop was Hillcrest Park Lodge where the Kiwanis Club puts on a great salmon barbecue to raise money to help kids in a lot of meaningful ways.

Hillcrest Lodge

Hillcrest Lodge 2

Here's the ladies out cooking the smoked salmon. Kudos to you for your loving kindness shown to the kids and community, ladies!

Salmon BBQ

If you get a chance to swing by you'll get served a great meal of wild salmon barbecued over alder, with baked potato, slaw, garlic bread, and ice cream, by these terrific folks.

Salmon BBQ Hillcrest Lodge Servers

Great food all around made for some fine fun.

Salmon BBQ Hillcrest Lodge

Everyone had a great time eating some tasty food for a good cause.

Salmon BBQ Inside Hillcrest Lodge

After a nice lunch we got on our way and stopped at Tulip Town to explore the tulip gardens.

Tulip Town

Lot's of beauty all around!

Tulip Town Statue of Liberty

A little closer ...

Tulip Town Tulips on the Water

The kite fliers were out having a ball in the breezy weather ...

Tulip Town Kites

Lots of romantics were out taking photos of their sweethearts in the fields of tulips.

Tulip Town People in the Tulip Fields

The fields of tulips are truly spectacular!

Tulip Town Tulip Fields & Kites

At play in the tulip fields

So much beauty.

Tulip Town Tulip Fields 2

At play in the tulip fields 2

Fields and fields of tulips.

Tulip Town Tulip Fields 3

So fantastic!

Tulip Town Tulip Fields 4

As far as the eye can see there's tulips ...

Tulip Town Tulip Fields

Tulip Fest Fields

There were some really tasteful displays of tulips from around the world.

Tulip displays outdoors

Lasting love

Lasting love (1)

There were also some beautiful indoor displays as well, like this fountain with a dove hovering over a yellow tulip ... or the Rococo display.

Tulip Town Fountain with Dove Over Tulip


Flamingo Parrot ...

Flamingo Parrot

Lady Rose ...

Lady Rose

Judith Leyster ...

Judith Leyster

Negrita ...


Grand Style ...

Grand Style

Tulip town is lots of fun with flowers and kites and all kinds of displays ... but now its time to move on ...

leaving tulip town

... for a visit to the village of LaConner!


LaConner 2

Street-side in LaConner ...

LaConner 3

One of my favorite places to have breakfast in all the world is the Calico Cupboard in Old Town LaConner! If you get to LaConner you've got to have breakfast at the Calico Cupboard. Lunch is wonderful too if you're running a little later like we were during the Tulip Festival tour.

Calico Cupboard in LaConner

LaConner is sweet.

LaConner storefront

Cattails and Dragonflies ...

LaConner storefront 2

LaConner storefront 3

I stayed in the LaConner Lodge four years ago when I went to The Tulip Festival. I recommend you get a water-side room on the ground floor, they're really nice with a patio outside the room to relax on. There was also live jazz piano in the evenings while I was there.

LaConner Lodge

Next up was the Mount Vernon Tulip Festival Street Fair.

Mt Vernon Street Fair

Mt Vernon Street Fair 2

The sound of live music is unmistakable ... I followed my ears to this spot.

Mt Vernon Street Fair 3

I didn't catch her name, but this musician had major talent!

Mt Vernon Street Fair 4

Street fair scenes ...

Mt Vernon Street Fair 5

Mt Vernon Street Fair 6

These guys were fantastic musicians. I didn't catch the name of their group either - anyone know who they are? I made sure to stuff some dollars in their tip box.


When the rain started pouring down I ducked into a nice little coffee house / wine bar for an espresso, to be followed by a glass of Pinot Noir and a nice club sandwich lunch.

Coffee & Wine bar 2

I braved my way back through the rain as it got time to go back to the tour bus to settle in for the ride back home.

The Leica Summilux 1.4/35 ASPH FLE on the Leica M9 camera is a really sweet lens. I haven't really adjusted from the shift to a 35mm lens from my 50mm yet, and the pictures show it, but I thought it was really promising, and I'm really looking forward to getting some more time in on it.

This weekend me and Ron, Leo, George, Stephaen, and maybe Pido will be gathering for a little Duelund-fest listening session, and there might even be a few other surprises in the mix - stay tuned!

Thanks for stopping by!

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