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Coming Reviews and Other Stuff

06-15-2013 | By Jeff Day |

Here’s what’s in my current review queue and what you can expect to see reviewed at Positive Feedback Online in the future.

30 ASR Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue

The last reviews to be finished up were of the wonderful ASR Basis Exclusive phono equalizer and ASR Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue amplifier (above). I'm still in withdrawal after their departure - wonderful gear!


I am working right now on a review of the complete line of the Corona family of power cords from designer Mark Coles of Sablon Audio fame, and you can expect to see it live at Positive Feedback Online in the next issue in a week or two.

RL-30 Mark III Demagnetizer 3

Next comes Chapter 10 of The Acoustic Revive Chronicles. Ultra-cool guys Mr. Ken Ishiguro (designer) and Yoshi Hontani (exporter) have sent a variety of the beautifully constructed Acoustic Revive performance enhancing devices for me to review for your reading pleasure.

Acoustic Revive Chronicles 2

Like last time I’ll probably have to break the Acoustic Revive components into two groups in order to do them justice and give them the coverage they deserve, so this group will likely be broken into Chapter 10 and Chapter 11.


Then comes the review of the New Valve Order SPA one phono equalizer created by Andreas Hadjiminas, working out of Nicosia, Cyprus. I can tell you already that I really like it. Andreas is really good.

binding post bypass on crossover closeup

Then comes the feature article for The Duelund-WRSE Project that many of you have been following, and believe me it's a doozy! I'll continue blogging about The Project here at Jeff's Place to let you know about progress until publication of the feature article at Positive Feedback Online. I'll be finishing up installing the Panatela internal wiring today, so you'll probably here more from me on that front this weekend.

Sophia Electric 91-03 300B int 5

Then comes the review of the Sophia Electric 91-03 300B integrated amplifier. Shall we see what this little beauty can do on the big system? I think so!

Mhdt stockholm 2

Then comes the review of the Mhdt Stockholm USB DAC. Shall we see what the Fab Four of Mhdt Labs: Mouse, Horse, Dog, and Tiger, have up their sleeves with the new Stockholm V2 USB DAC?


Then comes the review of a very special vintage McIntosh MX110Z stereo FM tuner / preamplifier from the 1960s that I purchased for my personal use. I bought a mint+ version from Tom Manley (McIntosh Home Audio) and it will be lovingly restored and fine-tuned by Tom Manley and Terry DeWick over the coming months. It will be lots of fun to listen to this vintage piece of kit from our audio history with its FM tuner, treble and bass controls, phono equalization, and lots of other good stuff! I'm excited! Hint: Mastering engineer Steve Hoffman has recommended it as a very musical piece of history! (photo is an example of a restored MX110Z sitting next to an MC225 amp courtesy of Terry's website)

Review Queue Status

My review queue is shut down at the moment and I’m not accepting any new items for review until I get caught up. Please, please, please do not send me anything for review unless checking with me first. While I appreciate the vote of confidence that implies, it also means it will be a long time before I’ll be able to get to it, and if I don't like what I see I'll ask you to have it picked up and returned to you.

When you do the math of an absolute minimum of 3-4 weeks for me to listen, take photos, and write an article about each of these items it should be pretty apparent that I’ve got a many month waiting list even for the items already in for review. While I’d like to review everything everyone asks of me, I just don’t have that volume of time to devote to it, and even with those I accept its going to take a while. Please remember I have a day job, a family, friends, and other life sorts of things that need attending to just like you do, so while I want to accomodate everyone and write up a nice article for you, the reality is that other priorities are also vying for my time and I can only do so much.

So please, check with me about review times before sending anything. Normally it takes 3 months after a receipt of an item for review to see the review appear in print, but right now it’s running double or triple that because of the backlog (now I know how Don Garber feels with his waiting list of 18 months for his Fi Hi-Fi electronics). Many thanks to you who have been understanding of the time constraints and have been so patiently waiting, I truly appreciate it, and like always I will get to your review as soon as humanly possible and will endeavor to do the best possible job on writing meaningful reviews for you.

Thanks for stopping by!

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