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Coming Soon at Positive Feedback Online!

05-15-2010 | By Jeff Day |

I'm writing The Acoustic Revive Chronicles – Chapter 8 for Positive Feedback Online right now. In Chapter 8 I'll be covering the Acoustic Revive Single Core speaker cables, RCA interconnects, and the RCI-3 Cable Insulators.

For those who are not familiar with The Acoustic Revive Chronicles let me explain what this series of articles is about, and how it came about.  Back in late 2007 Yoshi Hontani, the exporter of the beautiful and musical Leben Hi-Fi Company valve gear from Japan, told me that he was very impressed with the Acoustic Revive system and room tuning accessories, and had decided to start exporting them too, and wanted to know if I would like to listen to a couple of their products in my own system. I pay close attention to what Yoshi-San says, because he has exquisite taste in picking Hi-Fi gear that maximizes the musical experience. So when Yoshi-San asked me if I'd like to check out a couple of Acoustic Revive products, knowing they had impressed Yoshi-San, I immediately said, "Yes!"

Three big boxes of Acoustic Revive products arrived at my front door instead of the couple of little-bitty boxes I was expecting, and after unpacking everything I was even more surprised at the number of Acoustic Revive room and system tuning devices that were laid out in front of me. I knew there was no way I could do justice to all of the Acoustic Revive products provided for review in a single article, so I divided them up in logical groups and began working through them as a series of articles over time, and thus The Acoustic Revive Chronicles were born.

Chapter 1 appeared in February 2008 and I have been steadily working through writing articles about Acoustic Revive products for over two years, and I have just now finally come to the last group – nine articles in total! I think that has to be some kind of record in audio writing for a single product line, and if not, well it is certainly a record for me! Here's all the links to the previous articles for those who might have missed those (they're also on the links page):

Chapter 1 – RR-77 ultra-low frequency pulse generator – 6Moons

Chapter 2 – RIQ-5010 & RIQ-5010W Quartz Insulators and the QR-8 Quartz Resonators – 6Moons

Chapter 3 – RCC-24 Ground Conditioner, the SIP-8F RCA Input Shorting Plug – 6Moons

Chapter 4 – RPT-2 and RPT-4 Ultimate Power Distributors and the Power Reference Power Cables – Positive Feedback Online

Chapter 5 – REM-8 EMF Canceler – Positive Feedback Online

Chapter 6 – RWL-3 Acoustic Conditioner; CB-1DB Receptacle Base Plate, the CFRP-1F Carbon Fiber Outlet Plate, and the CS-F2 Outlet Stabilizer – Positive Feedback Online

Chapter 6a – Getting Top Performance From Your Digital Media: Shine Ola Optical Disc Cleaner, the Acoustic Revive RIO-5II Negative Ion Generator, and the Acoustic Revive RD-3 Disc Demagnetizer – Positive Feedback Online

Chapter 7 – Custom Series Loudspeaker Stands, the RST-38 and TB-38 Quartz Under-Boards, and the RAF-48 Air Floating Board – Positive Feedback Online

Those who have been following my writing over the years know that I have adopted a policy of not wasting my time writing about things that I don’t think are wonderful and can whole-heartedly recommend to like-minded listeners. As much as anything I could write, the fact that I have written 9 articles about the Acoustic Revive products ought to tell you how highly I regard them and how comfortable I feel recommending them to you. If anything, over time I have come to appreciate the Acoustic Revive products more and more, which is probably the strongest recommendation I could make about make about any Hi-Fi product. I mean how many Hi-Fi products have you ever had in your system that you continue to be impressed with over the years? If you’re like me that list is not a long one.

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