It sure was nice to have my nephew Chris and his daughter Chloe come to visit us this weekend!
Chris and Chloe came all the way from Washington, D.C. to visit Washington State, and had some fun adventures in Seattle, Vancouver, B.C., and visiting Grandma Jaine and Uncle Jeff here at Jeff's Place.

Chris checking out Ken Kessler's history of McIntosh book. Chris has been into vacuum tubes since he was a kid, collecting vintage radios.
We took Grandma Jaine out for a nice lunch and some shopping. Grandma Jaine was excited about the new purse she found on sale, and she was really thrilled to visit with Chris and Chloe!
We had music playing, and Grandma was up dancing to Tony Bennett, walker and all!
We also had some Nirvana playing for a little vintage Washington State music vibe!
The photo above is from Chris and Chloe's previous visit, with Chloe standing next the vintage Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers.
We decided we would do a photo of Chloe with the jumbo speakers here at Jeff's Place each visit to chart her growth - Chloe sure has grown up since the last visit!
It sure was nice to visit with Chris and Chloe, and to have four generations of Day's all together at once!
Thanks for coming to visit, Chris and Chloe, it was great to see you and catch up with you!
From our family to yours, may your favorite music be playing and the happiness flowing like a river!