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August 15, 1965

It was on August 15, 1965, that my Mom took me to see Louis Armstrong in a parking lot concert at the Lloyd Center Mall in Portland, Oregon. Exactly 50 years ago today. It made a huge impression on me, and I've loved jazz ever since. So today, 50 years later, we celebrated the good... Read More »

Saturday Afternoon Jazz ... and other stuff

I like to bring my Mom & Dad over to visit on the weekend, fix them a nice dinner, and spend some time catching up. They've been through a hard time the last few years, starting with when my Dad took a bad fall at home, ended up in the hospital, then a skilled nursing facility,... Read More »

Having Fun with Real Sound and Mono!

My friend Leo sent me a message yesterday saying, "I found some Johnny Smith albums, I thought I'd drop them by if you're around." What a great guy! My friend Leo knows how much I love those old Johnny Smith albums on the Roost Records label, and when he's out and about he picks them up for me when... Read More »

The Vintage Beat: Western Electric WE16GA in the Duelund-WRSE Low-Frequency Crossovers - update with listening impressions.

I have now installed vintage Western Electric WE16GA in the Duelund low-frequency crossovers of my Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers to replace the Neotech copper wire I used originally as part of the Duelund-WRSE crossover project. As you know, last week I replaced the Neotech silver wire I was using in the high-frequency section of... Read More »

An Experiment: Western Electric WE16GA in the Duelund CAST WRSE HF Crossovers - Updated

I got up this morning and fixed a nice double espresso to get the day started, fired up the stereo, and started listening to Gil Evan's New Bottle Old Wine. In a sudden inspiration, I decided I wanted to try a short length of Western Electric WE16GA in the high-frequency section of the Duelund CAST crossovers... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Western Electric, Belden 8402, McIntosh, Westminsters and a Woody!

It's been a fun & interesting time here at Jeff's Place, with an overwhelmingly positive response from all of you to the posts about the DIY projects of Western Electric WE16GA wire for use as speaker cables, and the Belden 8402 microphone cable for use as interconnects, that Mr. Yazaki-san of SPEC told us about. Thank you... Read More »

Follow-up: The SPEC RSP-901EX Real Sound Processors on the Duelund-Westminster Royal SE Loudspeakers

In the Issue 78 Positive Feedback Online review of the SPEC RSA-M3 EX Real Sound Amplifier and the SPEC RSP-901EX Real Sound Processors, I only reviewed the Real Sound Processors on my Harbeth Super HL5 loudspeakers. If you read the review, you know I was very impressed with what the Real Sound Processors did for my Harbeth Super HL5s:... Read More »

Siedy Checking In From The Netherlands: Chaos!

It's always a pleasure to hear from Siedy in the Netherlands. If you've been following along the conversations here at Jeff's Place you'll recognize Siedy as the gentleman responsible for me becoming aware of the powerful and musical ASR Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue amplifier that was developed by Mr.Friedrich Schaefer in Germany. Siedy used the... Read More »

Frank Rodgers Checking In: State of the Duelund-WRSE System Report

It's always a treat to hear from Frank, and Frank's system is looking awesome! Hi Jeff,  The Tannoy/Duelund story has been quiet so I thought it was time to bring you my new and perhaps final musical experience resting place. A few weeks ago you reported on “Howard Checking in from the U.K.” about his Tannoy/Duelund... Read More »

Howard Checking in from the UK: Duelund Silver WRSE Internal High-Frequency Crossover

Howard sent me a quick email and photo of the superb internal Duelund high-frequency crossover he developed for his Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers. Jeff, I have been following your articles on the Duelund mods to your Westminster Royals over last 6 months. Really excellent work – congratulations. I have carried out - maybe - the final... Read More »

The Duelund-WRSE Project, Part 2: Duelund CAST Silver Capacitors and Duelund CAST Silver & Copper Autotransformers – Listening Impressions

Here's my listening impressions for the Duelund CAST Silver Capacitors and Duelund CAST Silver & Copper Autotransformers. I hope you enjoy it! Listening Impressions The Stock Westminster Royal SE Loudspeakers Let me repeat myself a little, with excerpts from the Part 1 article of the Duelund-WRSE Project, to put everything in context for the Part 2 changes... Read More »

Part 2 of the Duelund-WRSE Project is now live at Positive Feedback Online!

Part 2 of the Duelund-WRSE Project is now live at Positive Feedback Online! Enjoy!

The Duelund-WRSE Project, Part 2: Duelund CAST Silver Capacitors and Duelund CAST Silver & Copper Autotransformers - Introduction

I just completed the second Duelund-WRSE Project article and sent it to Editors Dave & David at Positive Feedback Online. I ended up at 42 pages of Word text and 69 photographs by the time I finished it. I have to say I'm pretty excited about the article, and I really hope you all enjoy... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: Custom McIntosh Audio Cabinets (and a short Duelund Update)

Hi Everyone! Like usual, I've had way too many things going on at once so it has been hard for me to get some new posts up for you. One of the things I've been wanting to tell you about is some custom McIntosh audio cabinets that I have run across that I think look really... Read More »

David King Checking In: 4-Point Support for Tannoy Westminster Royals

It's always a pleasure to hear from fellow enthusiasts, and David King always has some great things to share with us about getting the most performance out of Tannoy Westminster Royals. In David's latest message he tells us about his result experimenting with 4-point support for the big West's:  Enjoy!   Tannoy Westminster Royal HE -... Read More »

Deep Into Duelund - Updated With Listening Notes

I've really been enjoying the charms of all things Duelund, and I am hard at work writing Part 2 of the Duelund-WRSE Project  for Positive Feedback Online right now. The focus of Part 2 of the Duelund-WRSE Project are the 6.8uF Silver Duelund CAST Capacitors for the C1 position of the crossover (shown above), and... Read More »

Sunday Afternoon at Jeff's Place

I had my friends Leo, George, Ron, Stephaen (6Moons), my girlfriend Rosalie, and Santos, over for a listening session last Sunday afternoon. First we listened to some interesting grounding loops from Mark Coles (Sablon Audio) that can be used on speaker cables, interconnects, and the Duelund-WRSE connections. Mark says the grounding loops are basically short loops of... Read More »

The Week in Review and a Look Ahead!

It has been a busy couple of months here at Jeff's Place, with lots going on across multiple fronts. On the hi-fi front it has been non-stop excitement with the Duelund CAST components from Frederik Carøe in Denmark as Part 2 of the Duelund-Westminster Royal SE External Crossover Project kicks into high gear! Duelund-WRSE external crossovers... Read More »

Duelund CAST Silver Autotransformers for Tannoy Prestige Loudspeakers

In my last post I described the new Duelund CAST Copper & Silver Autotransformers designed by Frederik Carøe to replace the stock Tannoy autotransformer. The same model of Tannoy autotransformer is used in all Tannoy loudspeaker crossovers where an autotransformer is used, and like all of the parts choices in the stock Tannoy crossovers, they were chosen... Read More »

More About the Duelund CAST Autotransformers for Tannoys

The new Duelund CAST Autotransformers that Frederik Carøe developed are truly a watershed product for Tannoy aficionados around the world.  As you have no doubt read here in these pages, we aforementioned Tannoy aficionados have been eagerly awaiting the appearance of a high-quality autotransformer solution to replace the stock Tannoy autotransformer with, particularly those of us who have... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: Duelund CAST Copper & Silver Autotransformers - Updated

Today's Fresh Catch are the Duelund CAST Copper & Silver Autotransformers for the Duelund-WRSE Project that all of you have been waiting for more information about. I am very happy to report that today a pair each of Duelund CAST copper and silver autotransformers have arrived from Frederik Carøe in Denmark - thank you Frederik! I... Read More »

David King Checking In From England: Get Better Sound from Westminster Royals

I got a nice email from David King, telling me about some of his experiments in setting up his Westminster Royal loudspeakers (below), which I thought would be valuable reading to all of you here at Jeff's Place:   "Since I was last in touch I have been doing a whole series of experiments based... Read More »

The Duelund CAST Silver Autotransformer!

Those of you who have been reading about the Duelund-WRSE external crossover project know that pretty much everyone has wanted to use silver wound autotransformers in their Tannoy crossovers to provide the treble energy control (see below), including Paul Mills at Tannoy, Jignesh, Pambos, Frank, and of course, me. The autotransformer in the Tannoy crossover allows the... Read More »

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