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Jeff checking in: Thorens TD124, Sophia Electric, Duelund DCA ... and more!

Last weekend was a rough one. I was felled by a kidney stone on Sunday, which earned me a ride in an ambulance to the emergency room. The little bugger hasn't passed through yet, and still has some fight left in it, which it has been keen to remind me of from time to time. Ugh. I've... Read More »

The Sophia Electric EL34-ST and Aqua 274B Vacuum Tubes Review is Now Live at Positive Feedback!

I wrote all day yesterday and finished up the review of the Sophia Electric EL34-ST and Aqua 274B vacuum tubes. The Sophia Electric EL34-ST power tubes (above) and Aqua 274B rectifiers (below) outperformed everything that's ever graced my Leben CS-600 integrated amplifier, and vintage McIntosh MC30 monaural amplifiers, respectively, and by a large margin. I don't... Read More »

Sneak Preview: The Sophia Electric EL34-ST and Aqua 274B Vacuum Tubes Article for Positive Feedback!

I'm hard at work listening and writing this weekend for my article about the Sophia Electric EL34-ST and Aqua 274B vacuum tubes for Positive Feedback. I hope to be finished up with the article either this or next weekend, but I thought in the meantime you might enjoy a sneak peek, so here you go! ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Duelund DCA, FryBaby2, Sophia Electric, and more!

Using the Hagerman Audio Labs FryBaby2 in voltage-only mode has revealed itself to be a powerful voicing tool for the Duelund DCA line of tinned-copper cables. Every single time I've used the FryBaby2 on the Duelund cables it has been a smashing success. In its voltage-only conditioning mode the FB2 has worked wonders on my... Read More »

Jeff checking in ...

It sure was nice getting together with Andy, Pete, and Ron, last weekend to listen to music, talk about hifi, and just have a fun ol' time! I could use a little more musical & audio fellowship in my life! Alas, it's been particularly busy of late, both on the day job, and in my... Read More »

The New Sophia Electric EL34-ST Vacuum Tubes in the Leben CS600 Integrated Amplifier!

It's been far too long since I've done some tube rolling, so I was delighted to hear from Sue & Richard at Sophia Electric that they wanted me to give their new Sophia Electric EL34-ST vacuum tubes a review for Positive Feedback. I'm a real pushover for the ST bottle shape, I just love the way... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: Sophia Electric EL34-ST & Aqua 274B Vacuum Tubes!

I get really excited about vacuum tubes! When Sue and Richard at Sophia Electric contacted me about doing an article about their new Sophia Electric™ EL34-ST vacuum tubes I was quite intrigued. I don't know what it is, but every time I see a vacuum tube with the 'ST' style of glass bulb shape I just swoon, I... Read More »

Positive Feedback Online Writers Choice Awards for 2014!

The complete Positive Feedback Online Writers Choice Awards for 2014 just went live a little bit ago here. My contributions to the awards are below. Jeff Day's Awards for 2014 It is always an exciting time of year when the Annual Positive Feedback Online's Writers' Choice Awards roll around, because I get to tell you about... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Sophia Electric Magik Box!

After I finished up my review of the super-sweet Sophia Electric 91-03 integrated 300B amplifier for Positive Feedback Online for Issue 72, Sue asked me if I'd like to give their new Magik Box a listen (below). I told Sue that I  couldn't review the Magik Box at this time due to a combination of... Read More »

Review: The Sophia Electric 91-03 300B Stereo Integrated Amplifier

I thought I would start mirroring the reviews I write for Positive Feedback Online here at Jeff's Place. The tradeoff is that my reviews will appear in print earlier at PFO, so if you want the latest reviews you'll want to tune in there. On the other hand, here at Jeff's Place I can include... Read More »

Checking In: Sophia Electric 91-03 Review Online, Sunday Afternoon at Jeff's Place

Hello everybody! I've been missing in action for a while now, with it being a month to the day since my last post. Thanks to those of you who dropped me a note to check up on me to make sure I was ok - appreciated! It has been a rough go for a while... Read More »

Duelund Silver CAST Caps, NOS RCA Black Plate 6L6GCs, New Vinyl, Vintage Vinyl, and Other Stuff

Last Sunday George, Leo, Ron, and myself had a blast listening to music, drinking some fine wines, and munching down on pizza. I mentioned how impressed we were with Ron's pristine vintage H.H. Scott stereomaster integrated vacuum tube amplifier on the big Tannoy Westminster Royal SEs ... ...  but something I hadn't mentioned, and wanted to... Read More »

Winter, Duelund, and Vintage Crown Jewels!

It's officially Winter in North America, with snow and cold temperatures the norm, particularly in the Northeast! Fellow Duelund-WRSE Project adventurer, Frank, just sent me a couple of chilly looking photos. The first is the view from Frank's listening room (below) ... ... and the second is looking out from his loft over the fishing... Read More »

2013 in Review, Secret Insights, and a Look Behind the Veil of 2014! (part 2)

Yesterday evening I wrote myself into a state of burnout, so for therapy I spent the rest of the evening listening to music for pleasure, drank a cup of good Ethiopian coffee with its 'citrus & dark cocoa' flavor tones to help keep my ears open, and then finally had a glass of a nice... Read More »

Hi-Fi Road Trip: George's Place

It's always a lot of fun to gather together with friends for a little Hi-Fi listening, and Leo, Ron, and myself had a blast visiting George's Place for a little Hi-Fi fun and games. That's George's system below, with Leo, George, and Ron, left to right. Here's a description of George's system starting with the... Read More »

Coming Reviews and Other Stuff

Here’s what’s in my current review queue and what you can expect to see reviewed at Positive Feedback Online in the future. The last reviews to be finished up were of the wonderful ASR Basis Exclusive phono equalizer and ASR Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue amplifier (above). I'm still in withdrawal after their departure - wonderful... Read More »

The Duelund Westminster Royal SE Project: A Few Listening Notes & Next Steps

I've been listening to the breadboarded versions of the Duelund crossovers on the Westminster Royal SE's this week, in the evenings after I got home from the office, and man, what a revelation! I decided to take today off and get some more work done on Duelund-WRSE Project.  Before getting started on what I need to... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Sophia Electric 91-03 300B Integrated Amplifier

As most of you know, the Sophia Electric 91-01 300B mono amplifiers that I reviewed for Positive Feedback Online back in January of 2011 reignited my interest in SET amplification, because they made incredibly beautiful music with my Tannoy Westminster Royal Special Edition loudspeakers. Richard Wugang, the President of Sophia Electric, just sent me a... Read More »

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