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Sneak Peek: Positive Feedback Review of the New Soundsmith Carmen Mk II Phonograph Cartridge!

I am hoping to finish up writing my Positive Feedback review of the new Soundsmith Carmen Mk II phonograph cartridge next week, with the reviews of the Soundsmith Zephyr Mk III phonograph cartridge and MMP3 Mk II phono preamp to follow in separate articles in due time. I thought you would enjoy reading a little "sneak peek"... Read More »

Audio & music ramblings ... and other stuff!

I'm into my fifth month of retirement from the day job now. My internal clock is still mostly geared to the hours that I worked, up at 4:30AM, arriving at the lab at 6AM, and getting home by 4PM. I'm sleeping in later and staying up later every day, but not by much. Even though... Read More »

A look into the future through the audio crystal ball! Part 5 – The Review Process & Master Review List at Jeff's Place!

There's so many new readers at Jeff's Place these days, that I thought it would be a nice idea to go over the purpose of my Jeff's Place audio blog again, describe where it fits in my spectrum for audio reviewing and reportage, discuss my reviewing methodology, my biases & preferences, and give you a 'master list' of... Read More »

The Call for Positive Feedback Writers’ Choice Awards for 2015

The call for Positive Feedback writers to submit their annual Writers' Choice Awards came out yesterday from Editors Dave & David.   It’s always an exciting time of year when the Positive Feedback Writer’s Choice Awards roll around, as it provides a time for me to reflect back on the past year and think about its... Read More »

Stephæn’s Black Pearls Aquarius Phono Stage Article is Live at 6Moons!

I just got a note from Stephaen that his Black Pearls Aquarius phono stage review is live at 6Moons here. Check it out, it is a fun read! Thanks for stopping by!

The Duelund-WRSE Project, Part 2: Duelund CAST Silver Capacitors and Duelund CAST Silver & Copper Autotransformers - Introduction

I just completed the second Duelund-WRSE Project article and sent it to Editors Dave & David at Positive Feedback Online. I ended up at 42 pages of Word text and 69 photographs by the time I finished it. I have to say I'm pretty excited about the article, and I really hope you all enjoy... Read More »

Review: The Sophia Electric 91-03 300B Stereo Integrated Amplifier

I thought I would start mirroring the reviews I write for Positive Feedback Online here at Jeff's Place. The tradeoff is that my reviews will appear in print earlier at PFO, so if you want the latest reviews you'll want to tune in there. On the other hand, here at Jeff's Place I can include... Read More »

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