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The Listening Games

Music and audio are grand hobbies that bring a lot of joy into our lives.  If you are looking for a little more entertainment and enjoyment to incorporate into your music & audio hobby, let me share some variations of the “listening games” I engage in that add to my enjoyment of the hobby, and... Read More »

Listening: When words fail ... beyond high-fidelity!

Peter Qvortrup (Audio Note (UK)) has been talking with me for a number of years about the need for a revised audio reviewing vocabulary, one that better captures the full span of performance that occurs with *some* high-performance audio components. I say *some* because until the arrival of Peter's Audio Note (UK) Tomei 211 SET... Read More »

Music and musings, equalization, audio fun and games, and other stuff!

Greetings friends, I hope life is treating you well! I'm still motorbiking around, bicycling around, doing a light weight lifting routine to slow the decline of strength with age, and of course, still having a ball with music & hi-fi. All good things in my book.  Overall it's been a great year all around for... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Duelund DCA10GA, Belden 8402 ICs, Sophia Electric 274B, Audio Note (UK), 78 record transfers, and other stuff!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing great! I'll start with the "other stuff" first, which is about my likely last multi-day motorbike ride of 2023 as the inclement Fall weather arrives - which officially signals the start of the indoor audio season!  For those interested in audio only you can scroll down the page... Read More »

Listening to Ellington Indigos on vinyl and CD with the Audio Note (UK) CD 5.1x and Io I MC & silver AN-S4 SUT!

I'm a huge fan of Duke Ellington's music. One of my Duke favorites is Ellington Indigos, which is one of those albums I just never seem to tire of listening to.  Ellington Indigos was originally released in 1958 as a mono LP (CL 1085), a stereo LP (CS 8053), and as a 7 1/2 ips reel-to-reel (GCB 18),... Read More »

Embrace your inner audiophile nerd: Bob Sharples and His Orchestra!

It just sort of fell into my hands while I was looking at CDs in my collection to play through the Audio Note (UK) CD 5.1x CD player, Triode Lab 45 EVO SET integrated amp, and Duelund-ized Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers combination of hi-fi kit. Bob Sharples' Contrasts in Hi-Fi and Bob Sharples and His... Read More »

Jeff checking in: The Audio Note (UK) CD 5.1x Red Book CD player!

Years ago I had written off CDs as a worthy software format for high-fidelity music listening. Boy, was I wrong about that one. It has turned out that a high-fidelity CD player is an indispensable source for me, and it compliments my listening to LPs in ways I would have never imagined possible, back when... Read More »

The nanny state is taking away your freedom to listen to loud music!

The nanny state is taking away your freedom to listen to loud music!  Huh? What? What did you say? The World Health Organization has launched a global standard for safe listening at venues and events that is worth reading (HERE), and in response numerous countries around the world are putting in place legislation that sets legal... Read More »

Listening and Musing: Audio Note (UK) AN-K/SPe loudspeakers Positive Feedback review follow-up!

With the publication of the Positive Feedback review of the Audio Note (UK) AN-K/SP3 loudspeakers (HERE), I've finished up my survey of the Audio Note (UK) Level Two and Level Three components that I have here at Jeff's Place, and they will be (mostly) winging their way back home in the not too distant future. ... Read More »

Jeff checking in: audio reviewing, listening, music, and more!

Greetings friends, and Happy Holidays! I hope you are doing well! My Positive Feedback review of the Audio Note (UK) AN/K-SPe loudspeakers has been published, and you can read it HERE.  Audio Reviewing and Listening to Music During my time with the Audio Note (UK) AN/K-SPe loudspeakers a few ideas came to mind about hi-fi performance attributes... Read More »

Sources of 78 transfers for early recorded music explorers! Downloads coming!

 As I mentioned in my last post, the great musical performances available on acoustic, electric, and early monaural magnetic era recordings don't normally circulate out of the cognoscenti music lover circles into the audiophile realm. I'll tell you what, very few people in the world have heard what those 78 records are really capable of in... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Music, video, listening, Audio Note (UK), and other stuff!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! 😃 The Music I've been all over the map in my music listening lately, from opera to funk, both which are well outside of my usual wheelhouse of jazz listening.  I find it's easy for me to get into an audiophile rut if I listen to the... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Sergio Mendez at Jazz Alley in Seattle, Audio Note (UK), Triode Lab, analog, digital, SET, solid-state, music, and other stuff! Part 2.

In Part 1 of this post I started telling you about the "other stuff" first, which was my trip to Jazz Alley in Seattle to attend a Sergio Mendez concert with friends.  There's two reasons for that. Firstly I wanted to give you some ideas of additional things to do for those of you contemplating... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Sergio Mendez at Jazz Alley in Seattle, Audio Note (UK), Triode Lab, analog, digital, SET, solid-state, music, and other stuff! Part 1.

I'm getting back into the swing of things for 2022, now that the Holiday Season has receded in the rear-view mirror. I have a lot to tell you about, including Audio Note (UK), Triode Lab, analog, digital, SET, solid-state, music, and of course some other stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to lightly touch on each... Read More »

Listening: Triode Lab 2A3 Parallel Single-Ended-Triode RSR Monaural Amplifiers!

Greetings, and I hope you are doing well. I also hope you got a chance to read my First Listen impressions of the Triode Lab 2A3 parallel single-ended-triode RSR monaural amplifiers in my vintage Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers based  audio-visual system (HERE). I was impressed with their performance. I often put new arrivals here... Read More »

The Jazz Guitar Chronicles: Paul Desmond & Ed Bickert - The Complete 1975 Toronto Recordings!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well. I've got a superb recommendation for you today in The Jazz Guitar Chronicles.  On the Thanksgiving Holiday here in the US, my friend David asked me, "Do you have the 7 disc box set with Desmond and Bickert in Toronto?" David knows that along with Jim Hall and... Read More »

The 78 Experience - Feeling the Music: Nimbus Records Prima Voce, 'The Spirit of Christmas Past!' & 'Marian Anderson'!

Greetings friends, I hope you are well, and thanks for stopping by to visit. First of all, let me say how thankful I am that there are individuals and record labels who recognize the musical treasures that fall within the early eras of the recording arts, the acoustic (1877-1925) and electrical eras (1925-1945) of recording, and... Read More »

The Jazz Guitar Chronicles (and other stuff ...): The Paul Desmond Quartet and Larry Goldings!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well. We are in the midst of Fall weather flurries here in Washington State of the USA, with the temperatures dropping, and inclement weather making more frequent appearances.  Temperatures have dropped down into the low 40F range making it a bit chilly to go for motorbike rides on... Read More »

The Jazz Guitar Chronicles: Three Albums With Ed Bickert!

Greetings folks, I hope you are doing well, and welcome to Jeff's Place!  For me, the late Canadian jazz guitarist, Ed Bickert, is one of the 'great lights' of jazz guitar.   Like a lot of the great jazz guitarists, Ed played a Gibson ES-175 archtop jazz guitar early on in his career, before switching over... Read More »

Canadian Rhapsody: Ode to Frankie & Live at the Senator!

Today I had a really nice afternoon taking a jazz guitar lesson from David Gitlen, and afterwards hearing a terrific couple of jazz albums that David had brought along for us to listen to. After David and I finished up with the jazz guitar lesson, we followed our usual ritual of having a couple of... Read More »

The 78 Experience - Feeling the Music: join in on the fun!

I'll have more to tell you soon about some recordings of great musical performances I've come across from the acoustic (1877-1925) and electrical eras (1925-1945) of recording, but in this post I have a couple of fun things to share with you about the surging interest in the great musical performances found on 78 records.... Read More »

The 78 Experience - Feeling the Music: 78 Record Label Survey!

Whether musing about the greater understanding the Belle II particle physics experiment at KEK may bring to questions around Standard Model predictions, dark matter, and the asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the universe, or the exciting themes of parallel universes, the multiverse, and time travel that we see imaginatively explored in science fiction, physics... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Audio Note (UK), First Watt, Leben, Pass Labs, and Music!

It was a pleasure writing about the Audio Note (UK) Io I MC phono cartridge, AN-S4 step-up transformer, AN-V silver interconnects, and AN-SPe silver loudspeaker cables for Positive Feedback ... ... as well as sharing some of my long term impressions about the Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier and Audio Note... Read More »

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