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The 14th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2017!

The 14th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2017 are now live here. Actually the Writers' Choice Awards went live a few days ago but this is my first chance to tell you about it. Here's a preview of my little contribution for 2017. You can read the fully story at the link. ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Thorens TD124, Sophia Electric, Duelund DCA ... and more!

Last weekend was a rough one. I was felled by a kidney stone on Sunday, which earned me a ride in an ambulance to the emergency room. The little bugger hasn't passed through yet, and still has some fight left in it, which it has been keen to remind me of from time to time. Ugh. I've... Read More »

The Positive Feedback Review of the Murasakino Musique Analogue ‘Sumile’ MC phonograph cartridge just went live!

My article about the Murasakino Musique Analogue ‘Sumile’ MC phonograph cartridge just went live at Positive Feedback here. I hope you enjoy it! As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!

The Positive Feedback Review of the Murasakino Musique Analogue ‘Sumile’ MC Phonograph Cartridge is Coming Soon!

This weekend I've been hard at work on the Positive Feedback article about the impressive Murasakino Musique Analogue ‘Sumile’ MC phonograph cartridge. Over the last few weeks I've got a lot of the writing done for the article, and I'm hoping to wrap it up today, but if not, in the next few days, if... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Arai Lab MT-1 Step-Up Transformer!

I got a nice surprise delivered to my doorstep, the Arai Lab MT-1 step-up transformer (SUT), courtesy of Mr. Yoshi Hontani of the Muson Project in Osaka, Japan. Yoshi-san exports hi-fi exotica from Japan like that from the Leben Hi-Fi Stereo Company, the Spec Corporation, fo. Q, Audio Replas, KRYNA, SFORZAT, Murasakino Ltd, Acoustic Revive, and now... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: Oyaide Silver & Silk Headshell Leads! Updates.

A while back as I was fine tuning the voicing of the Sumile MC phono cartridge that's in for review, I noticed the stock headshell wires on my Schick headshell were looking a little ragged from swapping cartridges in and out a lot, so I thought I'd replace them. My first thought was to replace... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... I'm back!

I just got back home from two weeks of travel with little to no internet & email access most of the time, so I'm way behind on addressing comments & writing blog posts, and I'm playing tag with jet lag. I did get a chance to listen to a variety of live music performances of... Read More »

The Murasakino Musique Analogue ‘Sumile’ MC Phonograph Cartridge Makes Me Smile!

The Murasakino Musique Analogue ‘Sumile’ MC phonograph cartridge makes me smile while I'm listening to music! The Sumile reminds me of the exotic Lefson Ultra resistors from France, and like the Ultra's, the Sumile is astonishingly transparent & resolving, while being rich, natural, and exceedingly musical at the same time - a very nice magic trick! With the wirewound resistors... Read More »

Jeff Checking in: Lefson, Duelund, Sumile, and the Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre Project!

This morning I'm writing the introductory part of the Lefson resistor article for Positive Feedback while listening to music, with plans to write up listening impressions on how the Lefson resistors performed in my Altec A7 Voice of the Theatre project crossovers tomorrow, and hopefully write a summary & conclusions section before the end of the weekend. I hope... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... the Sumile MC phono cartridge!

Happy Weekend! I was really glad to see this weekend arrive, as during the week I had come down with a nasty cold and had been only working half days trying to get feeling better. Ugh. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but right after co-worker Melanie gave me some Cold-EEZE lozenges to try... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Murasakino Musique Analogue 'Sumile' MC Phonograph Cartridge from Japan!

I've mentioned before that I get pretty excited whenever I hear from Yoshi-san & Elia-san (father & son) of the MuSon Project in Osaka, Japan, who export Japanese audio exotica to The World, because it means that something exciting is about to happen audio-wise! Yoshi-san told me that he had a new phonograph cartridge that he... Read More »

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