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Jeff Checking In: PAF 2024, Audio Note (UK) M6 RIAA, Yazaki-san's iPhone Adventure, music, and other stuff!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! I just got the latest email update on the Pacific Audio Fest for 2024, and here's the scoop: A Month Away! Pacific Audio Fest - Sept. 6-8, 2024. This is the last week to book discounted sleeping rooms at the Hilton Sea-Tac so Book Now for a... Read More »

Jeff Checking In: Acoustic Revive, Audio Note (UK), iPhone Adventure, audio centrism or audio relativism (?), and other stuff!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! 🙂  I love getting out on two wheels for a little exercise (bicycles) and a little exploring (motorbikes). The Spring weather up until now has been kind of erratic with rain, wind, cold, and heat, but I've been able to get in enough two wheel action on... Read More »

Jeff Checking In: Acoustic Revive, Audio Note (UK), Duelund, iPhone Adventure, Spatial Audio Lab, and music!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing great!  Life just seems to keep getting busier, but in good ways.  As I transition into the Winter months my activities tend to shift from outside to inside. I go full INFJ with my writing, reading books, music, audio, weight lifting for exercise, and just generally enjoying a... Read More »

Jeff Checking In: March Madness with Acoustic Revive, Audio Note (UK), Leben Hi-Fi Stereo Company, Spec Corporation, Yazaki-san, and more!

Greetings friends, I hope you are well! It is March Madness here at Jeff's Place! No, no, I'm not talking about basketball, March is all about audio (and video) here at Jeff's Place.  Acoustic Revive If you haven't had a chance to catch up on the latest Acoustic Revive news yet, you can see it... Read More »

Jeff Checking In: Acoustic Revive, Audio Note (UK), A-V, Duelund, Leben Hi-Fi, and Music!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! The dark winter months of January and February are tough for a lot of us. The winter weather where I live means I can't get outside much for my bicycling and motorcycling attitude adjustments due to cold temperatures and dangerous icy roads. Getting in a workout with... Read More »

Jeff checking in: "Hello, goodbye" with Audio Note (UK); and more (updated)!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! I was just telling my Facebook pals about the weird Fall weather we have been having here in the Pacific Northwest. For a while we were about 10F warmer than average, which made it really nice for getting out on the bicycle or motorcycle for Fall rides. ... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Duelund DCA10GA, Belden 8402 ICs, Sophia Electric 274B, Audio Note (UK), 78 record transfers, and other stuff!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing great! I'll start with the "other stuff" first, which is about my likely last multi-day motorbike ride of 2023 as the inclement Fall weather arrives - which officially signals the start of the indoor audio season!  For those interested in audio only you can scroll down the page... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... new-old music, Sophia Electric 274B, Duelund DCA10GA, Audio Note (UK), and other stuff!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! Fall has fallen here at home, with temperatures dropping, inclement weather settling in, sweaters coming out of the closet, hot toddies in the mugs ... which all signal one thing - the start of the Holiday Audio Season - cheers!  It also signals that I'll be getting... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... back in the saddle, Audio Note (UK), Duelund Coherent Audio, Sophia Electric, and more!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! I'm starting to feel better now, and am back in the saddle after recovering from a recent surgery. The surgery turned out to be more of an ordeal than I was expecting, so my ability to write was impacted, causing delays for all the cool hifi kit... Read More »

Jeff Checking In: Vespers martini, CDs, vinyl, Audio Note (UK), Duelund, Altecs, Westminsters, and Triode Lab!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well!  I've been enjoying the improving springtime weather here. Like the last few years, this could to turn out to be an extra-hot year, as we were within 1 degree of the hottest temperature on record here for this time of year just a few days ago.  That... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Saying goodbye to 2022, and welcoming in 2023!

For me, the end of a year is always a time for reflection upon the events of the past year, as well as doing a bit of daydreaming about what the coming year might hold!  2022 Highlights!  2022 actually felt like life was almost starting to get back to normal, with a waning coronavirus pandemic,... Read More »

Jeff checking in: The Perfect Sound, SPEC RSA-M3 EX Real Sound Amplifier DIY project, Leben RS-30EQ DIY project, SET magnificence, and other hifi ramblings!

Murphy's Law has been going full steam ahead in my life lately, it seems, with a series of Murphy-like disasters shuffling aside my plans for some travel and adventure on a motorcycle tour through Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, and Western Montana, that I had scheduled for this week. While I wait for life's positive vibes... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Amplifier heaven, listening to great Class A amplifiers, and an exciting upcoming amplifier project!

A couple of good friends - Leo and Santos - stopped by for a little "single-ended-triode (SET) amplifier and wine tasting event" here at Jeff's Place.    It's always fun to get together with good friends like Leo and Santos for a little wine tasting, single-ended-triode amplifier 'tasting', good food, and good music. It's the perfect way... Read More »

Jeff checking in: 4 systems, Audio Note (UK), DIY, First Watt & Pass Labs, Soundsmith, and much more!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well. It seems like my audio list of topics to write about just keeps growing, and at times I ponder how I'll be able to keep up with everything going on. Not necessarily a bad 'problem' to have for an audio nut.  However, particularly - at least for... Read More »

Jeff Checking In: Audio Note (UK), Triode Lab, SET Renaissance & Other Stuff!

2021 is now coming to a close, with just a few weeks to go before 2022 lands in our lap, so this seems like a good time to wish you all a Happy Holidays! Actually, let me revise that slightly, Happy Everything to you! The New Arrivals! The last few weeks have been absolutely thrilling... Read More »

Jeff checking in: What was, what is, and what is to come!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well. I always get retrospective in the closing months of a year, looking to the past, and giving consideration to where I'm at in life, while I try to 'crystal ball' my best guess for what the future holds.  There's been so much change in my life over... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Music, HiFi, and Other Stuff!

Greetings folks, I hope you are doing well, and welcome to Jeff's Place!  Other Stuff I'll start with the other stuff. I've been ogling new motorbikes ever since I gave away my vintage Honda CR450 cafe racer in January to a young lad and his father for a little father-son fun-time of getting it back up... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Columbia Grafonola, Acoustic Revive, Audio Note (UK), First Watt, Leben, Pass Labs, Sophia Electric, Triode Lab, long term reports, music, and other stuff!

Jeff here, and welcome to Jeff's Place! I hope you are doing well and holding up during this extended coronavirus pandemic.  I know a lot of people are stressed out - including me - and are looking for ways to destress during this extended pandemic.  Of course, if you are reading this, then like me, music... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Audio Note (UK), First Watt, Leben, Pass Labs, and Triode Lab!

With 2020 in the rearview mirror, I had hoped 2021 would usher in a reprieve from our troubled world, but it was not to be. Locally, we've had weeks of 100F+ weather, smoke from wildfires filling the air, and the delta variant of the coronavirus is filling the local hospitals to overflow with unvaccinated (mostly)... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Sophia Electric, Triode Lab, Audio Note (UK), First Watt, and more!

The Art of Vacuum Tubes: Sophia Electric 45 Mesh Plate Triodes and Aqua 274B Rectifier feature article for Positive Feedback is now live HERE. It has been a lot of fun revisiting 45 SET amplifiers, as it has been a couple of decades since Gordon Rankin built me a pair of 45 SET monaural amplifiers... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... high-performance "affordable" hifi, Sophia Electric vacuum tubes, Triode Lab 45 EVO, Audio Note (UK), Pass Labs, First Watt, and more!

I'm starting to get back into the hifi swing of things after going through a rough time in the December through January timeframe. It feels good to have life going in a good direction again.  Will life regain a more normal tempo in a semi post-coronavirus stasis by this summer? I sure hope so!  I... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Pass Labs XP-17 phono, Triode Lab 45 EVO SET, Sophia Electric 45 Mesh Plate & Aqua 274B Rectifier, and Audio Note (UK)!

Happy Holiday Season to you all! I hope you are well, safe, and are enjoying listening to music with your hifi rigs!  Next up for review at Positive Feedback is the Pass Labs XP-17 phono preamplifier, designed by Pass Labs' Wayne Colburn. I'll be writing about the XP-17 in combination with the First Watt SIT-3 amplifier (review... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Peter Qvortrup and Audio Note (UK), Leben, Triode Lab, Pass Labs, Allnic, upcoming reviews, mods, and other stuff!

First let me recommend a video to you, the Master Class in Audio - Session 5 - Featuring Peter Qvortrup, produced by Karthik Ramanathan. This video offers a glimpse into Peter's extensive experience with all kinds of vintage and modern audio over the decades, and how he came to his current views about which performance characteristics in... Read More »

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