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The Listening Games

Music and audio are grand hobbies that bring a lot of joy into our lives.  If you are looking for a little more entertainment and enjoyment to incorporate into your music & audio hobby, let me share some variations of the “listening games” I engage in that add to my enjoyment of the hobby, and... Read More »

Sneak Peek: The Hanze HiFi HAT Turntable Power Supply Review for Positive Feedback!

I thought you'd enjoy seeing a "sneak peek" of the Hanze HiFi HAT turntable power supply review for Positive Feedback that I'm putting the finishing touches on now. Enjoy! Welcome to Hanze HiFi! I always enjoy telling you about the people behind high-performance audio products and hifi shops, as quite often they are the most... Read More »

An awesome vintage system for ~$10K USD! now + postscript

An old high-school buddy that I reconnected with recently, Mark, asked me for a recommendation for a HiFi system for $10K or under. Mark is actually the person who introduced me to enthusiast audio way back when we were in high-school together, but he's been out of enthusiast audio for quite a long while. As... Read More »

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! The snow is really coming down right now, so it's a classic White Christmas here in Washington State. I'm bringing my Mom over to share Christmas with, have a nice Christmas dinner together, sip a hot toddy, and listen to some jazz! For me it's not only... Read More »

Happy Thanksgiving! (and a 2016 retrospective)

Thanksgiving kicks off the Holiday Season in the States, and I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! I have a lot to be thankful for, when reflecting back upon the past year, but it's also been a tough year with the passing of my Dad, and due to some health crises for my Mom,... Read More »

Why your hi-fi sucks or doesn't: Music, the brain, and emotion.

For many years I've been fascinated with what makes some home music systems so musically satisfying, and others not so much. It seems almost humorously non-controversial now, but back a decade ago or so when I started writing about my belief that a home music system's ability to realistically portray the fundamental aspects of live music, like timbre,... Read More »

Part Time Audiophiles' Road Trip to Jeff's Place - The Trip Report!

It sure was nice to have Rafe & Don visit me and my pals Ron, Leo, and Pete, here at Jeff's Place, and we had a ball listening to music together. Rafe published a very gracious writeup of their visit here to Jeff's Place at Part-Time Audiophile, which you can read here. Thanks for the kind words,... Read More »

Introducing ♫♪ The Jeff Awards ♫♪ for 2015

It's always tough for me to narrow down my award choices for Positive Feedback during the annual call for the Writers' Choice Awards, so I'm starting something new: The Jeff Awards. The Jeff Awards will include the best hi-fi equipment from my formal reviews, honorable mentions of gear that hasn't been formally reviewed, and recognition for notable albums... Read More »

An Akihabara Audio Adventure: Gary Bronner's Visit to Sun Audio in Tokyo

While Gary Bronner and I were discussing the upcoming A5 'Voice of the Theatre' project, he was telling me about his recent visit to Sun Audio in Tokyo. It sounded like such a fun trip I asked Gary if it would be ok to share it with all of you, as I thought you'd all enjoy... Read More »

The Vintage Beat: The Altec Lansing A5 ‘Voice of the Theatre’ Loudspeaker Project

In 1877 Thomas Edison invented recording with the phonograph, and kicked off the acoustic era of recording that lasted until 1925, when Western Electric initiated the electrical era of recording with the development of microphones, amplifiers, disc cutting machines, loudspeakers, and sound for movies. Western Electric supported the theater movie sound business until 1936, when... Read More »

Jeff Hangin' at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2015

I just got back from the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2015 in Denver, Colorado. Kudos to Marjorie and everyone else involved, they really did a great job of putting on the show! It's been quite a while since I've ventured out to an audio show. I got burned out on them years ago, but I... Read More »

Siedy Checking In from The Netherlands: Listening Adventures With SPEC Real Sound Amps!

Listening Adventures With the Wonderful SPEC Amps! By Siedy Abee I am one of those guys who is a regular reader of Jeff's Place. It is always a great pleasure to open up Jeff's website and to read about his newest adventures. This year Jeff reported about a new amp from SPEC (here). I had never heard about the SPEC... Read More »

Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki - Sneak Peek

I am hard at work on my article for Positive Feedback, Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki, and thought I'd share a snippet of it with you. I'll add more as time goes on. Adventures in Real Sound with Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki By Jeff Day In Issue 78 I introduced you to the remarkable... Read More »

Personal Thoughts About "Real Sound" from Mr. Yazaki-san of SPEC Corporation

If you've been following the blog posts here at Jeff's Place, you know that I asked Mr. Yazaki-san if he would tell us some of his thoughts about "Real Sound", and I'm very pleased to be able to share with you what he has written. Here's what Mr. Yazaki-san has written for us about "Real Sound": Dedicated to my... Read More »

Revisiting an old friend: The 'Vintage' Sony PlayStation 1 SCPH-1001

It seems an eternity ago when I wrote about the Sony PlayStation 1 SCPH-1001 back in 2007 at 6Moons as part of a 'Music Lovers' system. Keith Aschenbrenner of  Auditorium 23 fame told me about SCPH-1001, and how it sounded ridiculously good compared to even very expensive DACs and CD players of the time.  I said about it... Read More »

'My Gear' Page Added

I added a "My Gear" page so that you could see all of the hi-fi gear that I use as references during the review process. I thought it would be a good idea to put together a master list of reference equipment and accessories that I enjoy and use on an ongoing basis, as the pages that show... Read More »

New Valve Order News: The ISA-2 Integrated Amplifier and the P-2 Power Amplifier

As you know, I've been extremely impressed with the New Valve Order SPA-II phono equalizer I reviewed in and Issue 57 of Positive Feedback Online (and use as my reference for a stand-alone phono equalizer), and the SPA One phono preamplifier that I reviewed in Issue 69 of Positive Feedback Online. Andreas Hadjiminas, working out of... Read More »

The SPEC 'Real Sound Amplifier' and 'Real Sound Processors' Review is Now Live at Positive Feedback Online!

The SPEC 'Real Sound Amplifier' and 'Real Sound Processors' review is now live at Positive Feedback Online, and you can read it here. As I mentioned in my earlier post, it's a long 'feature-style' article with thirty pages of text and 65 photographs. I hope you enjoy the review. The SPEC 'Real Sound Amplifier' and 'Real... Read More »

Review: The SPEC RSA-M3 EX 'Real Sound Amplifier'

  The SPEC RSA-M3 EX Real Sound Amplifier from Japan By Jeff Day   Most regular readers of Positive Feedback Online know of my long-time passion for vacuum tube electronics. I’ve enjoyed the musical prowess and sonic chops of contemporary artisan-designed single-ended amplifiers with various output tubes, like the EL84, 45, 2A3, 300B, F2a, and... Read More »

Siedy Checking In From The Netherlands: Chaos!

It's always a pleasure to hear from Siedy in the Netherlands. If you've been following along the conversations here at Jeff's Place you'll recognize Siedy as the gentleman responsible for me becoming aware of the powerful and musical ASR Emitter II Exclusive Version Blue amplifier that was developed by Mr.Friedrich Schaefer in Germany. Siedy used the... Read More »

New Valve Order SPA One Special Edition & SPA-II/2 Special Edition

If you've been following my reviews (1 & 2), you know that the NVO SPA phono equalizers designed by Andreas Hadjiminas, working out of Nicosia, Cyprus, are my favorite phono equalizers. I just heard from Panikos Kontemeniotis, who exports NVO for Andreas, that there are now special edition versions of the New Valve Order SPA One (below)... Read More »

Stephæn’s Black Pearls Aquarius Phono Stage Article is Live at 6Moons!

I just got a note from Stephaen that his Black Pearls Aquarius phono stage review is live at 6Moons here. Check it out, it is a fun read! Thanks for stopping by!

Upcoming Review Ideas: Vintage McIntosh, Leben, and Lenco. What do you think?

I've had a couple of ideas for reviews that I've been wanting to write up for Positive Feedback Online for a while now, but time just hasn't allowed for it, as life has been incredibly busy both on the day job and on the personal front. Now there appears to be a little window of... Read More »

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