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Jeff checking in ... Acoustic Revive, Belden 8402, Collings, Fender, Soundsmith, Spec, Still Audio, and Waterloo!

I had lunch with my good friend, Santos Ortega, on Friday. It's always a pleasure to get together with Santos, who is one of the most interesting, insightful, and decent guys I've ever had the pleasure to meet, not to mention that he has impeccably good taste in all things!  I've known Santos for nearly... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Collings Eastside LC Archtop Guitar

I've always loved jazz guitar. One of the highlights in my life was being able to study with the extraordinary jazz guitarist, John La Chapelle (above left), who was Larry Coryell's guitar teacher when he was a youngster and introduced him to jazz, and the two maintained their friendship over the years. Jazz guitar is... Read More »

Jeff checking in ...

After a couple cups of coffee this morning, I sat down and practiced my fingerstyle guitar lesson for about an hour. I'm enjoying working my way through a beginning fingerstyle guitar course book, in hopes that I'll become a better guitar player (it wouldn't take much! 😉 ). One of my goals in retirement has... Read More »

A Duelund DCA12GA tinned-copper wire adventure to kick off the weekend!

Remember my Big Round Tone post from a couple of weeks back, where I discussed the relationship of tone to gauge size for headshell leads, interconnects, speaker cables, and speaker/equipment internal wiring? In relative terms, you get bigger, richer, and rounder tone as gauge size decreases (fatter wire). You can think of it in guitar terms too.... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Guitars, Duelund, Thorens, Arai Lab MT-1, Audio MusiKraft, and more!

Man, the last couple of weeks have been rough. A kidney stone that seems to think that playing hide and seek with me is a fun thing to do has been keeping me under the weather a bit, and as a result I haven't got nearly as much written as I like to. No worries... Read More »