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Jeff checking in: "Hello, goodbye" with Audio Note (UK); and more (updated)!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! I was just telling my Facebook pals about the weird Fall weather we have been having here in the Pacific Northwest. For a while we were about 10F warmer than average, which made it really nice for getting out on the bicycle or motorcycle for Fall rides. ... Read More »

Musings about vintage Altec loudspeakers, SET amplifiers, and vinyl & digital sources!

I've had a long time passion for vintage Altec loudspeakers. At the moment I own three pairs: A pair of Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers in my audio-video system, a pair of Altec 832A Corona corner loudspeakers in my bedroom system, and the custom Altec loudspeakers that were built for conductor Leopold Stokowski... Read More »

Listening and Musing: Audio Note (UK) AN-K/SPe loudspeakers Positive Feedback review follow-up!

With the publication of the Positive Feedback review of the Audio Note (UK) AN-K/SP3 loudspeakers (HERE), I've finished up my survey of the Audio Note (UK) Level Two and Level Three components that I have here at Jeff's Place, and they will be (mostly) winging their way back home in the not too distant future. ... Read More »

Positive Feedback Review Sneak Peek: Audio Note (UK) Meishu Phono Silver Tonmeister 300B SET Integrated Amplifier: The Mighty Master of Tone!

The full feature article has now been published at Positive Feedback HERE. As is my custom, I like to give you a 'review sneak peek' into my soon to be published feature articles for Positive Feedback.  This time the feature article 'sneak peek' is about the Audio Note (UK) Meishu Phono Silver Tonmeister 300B SET integrated amplifier. The... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Music, video, listening, Audio Note (UK), and other stuff!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well! 😃 The Music I've been all over the map in my music listening lately, from opera to funk, both which are well outside of my usual wheelhouse of jazz listening.  I find it's easy for me to get into an audiophile rut if I listen to the... Read More »

Listening (and watching): Audio Note (UK) Meishu Phono Silver Tonmeister 300B SET Integrated Amplifier!

I've been having a ball getting reacquainted with single-ended-triode (SET) amplifiers. Over the past few decades I've owned numerous SET amplifiers built around 45, 2A3, 300B, and 845/211  vacuum tubes. They were all unique and all had their desirable traits, and I really enjoyed my time with them. I can tell you for sure that... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: The Audio Note (UK) 300B Meishu Phono Silver Tonmeister Single-Ended-Triode Integrated Amplifier!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well. Today is the Thanksgiving Holiday in the US, and as you will read in a moment, I have a lot to be thankful for today, and my hope is that you do too. Today's Fresh Catch is the all-new version of the Audio Note (UK) 300B Meishu Phono... Read More »

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