As I alluded to in yesterday's post, there have been some exciting developments on the Duelund Coherent Audio front: Frederik Carøe has announced a new copper & silver hybrid Duelund CAST capacitor that gives a big slice of the ultra-expensive pure silver Duelund CAST capacitors' performance (below) at a price very close to that of the copper Duelund CAST capacitors. That's news!
For example, the current retail price of a 6.8uF copper Duelund CAST capacitor used in the C1 position of my WRSE crossovers is $700 USD, and the new 6.8uF copper/silver hybrid Duelund CAST capacitor is $744 USD. So now you can choose between a copper Duelund CAST capacitor and a copper/silver hybrid Duelund CAST capacitor for essentially what is the same price. That means that you can choose the 'voicing flavor' you want for very little cost impact.
That's really good news!

Duelund CAST 6.8uF capacitor used in the C1 position of the high-frequency crossover (upper right hand corner). Directly in front of it is the custom pure silver Duelund CAST 6.8uF capacitor.
In the photo above you can see the copper Duelund CAST 6.8uF capacitor in the upper right-hand corner that's used in the C1 position of the WRSE high-frequency crossover. Directly in front of it is the custom pure silver Duelund CAST 6.8uF capacitor that completely blew my mind when I put it in the C1 position of crossover.
Yes, if you've got big piles of money the custom pure silver Duelund CAST capacitors are worth it, and they have never left the C1 positions of my Duelund-Westminster project high-frequency crossovers.
As a reminder to set the context, the custom handmade pure silver Duelund CAST capacitors are priced at the time of the order (they're available by custom order only), based on the current spot price for silver. At the time I reviewed them the silver spot price put the cost of the 6.8uF Duelund CAST capacitors at $10,289.48 USD each. Breathtaking.
Some readers freaked out at the cost of the custom pure silver Duelund CAST 6.8uF capacitors, and thought it was just blatant profiteering, but it's really just the difference between the cost of the copper & silver used in their construction. I had asked Frederik to break out the costs so everyone would understand what was going on here, and I wrote about it in detail here.
But what if you don't have that kind of money for capacitors? This cost dilemma was not lost upon Frederik Carøe, who went to work on developing a solution that would deliver a big slice of the silver Duelund CAST capacitors’ performance for very close to the cost of the copper Duelund CAST capacitors.
Frederik is very pleased with the solution he has come up with - the copper/silver hybrid Duelund CAST capacitor - and he is building a pair of the new 6.8uF Duelund CAST hybrid capacitors for me to try in the Duelund-Westminster project crossovers as I write this.

The Duelund-Westminster Project crossovers with a full complement of Duelund CAST capacitors, inductors, and resistors - a work of art!
I’ll be able to compare the new hybrid Duelund CAST capacitors to the copper & silver Duelund CAST 6.8uF capacitors I have here now in the C1 positions of the Duelund-WRSE project high-frequency crossovers.
I’ll be telling you a lot more about these new Duelund CAST capacitors in the very near future – stay tuned!