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Jeff checking in: Adventure Travel on a BMW R1250GSA!

Greetings friends, I hope you are doing well. This is an 'other stuff' post about a fun adventure motorbike ride I just got back from, with a brief mention about the Leben CS-300F integrated amplifier that I'm writing a review about now. Man cannot live on hifi alone. At least that's what I've found to... Read More »

The Jazz Guitar Chronicles: Three Albums With Ed Bickert!

Greetings folks, I hope you are doing well, and welcome to Jeff's Place!  For me, the late Canadian jazz guitarist, Ed Bickert, is one of the 'great lights' of jazz guitar.   Like a lot of the great jazz guitarists, Ed played a Gibson ES-175 archtop jazz guitar early on in his career, before switching over... Read More »

Jeff checking in: Music, HiFi, and Other Stuff!

Greetings folks, I hope you are doing well, and welcome to Jeff's Place!  Other Stuff I'll start with the other stuff. I've been ogling new motorbikes ever since I gave away my vintage Honda CR450 cafe racer in January to a young lad and his father for a little father-son fun-time of getting it back up... Read More »

Canadian Rhapsody: Ode to Frankie & Live at the Senator!

Today I had a really nice afternoon taking a jazz guitar lesson from David Gitlen, and afterwards hearing a terrific couple of jazz albums that David had brought along for us to listen to. After David and I finished up with the jazz guitar lesson, we followed our usual ritual of having a couple of... Read More »

The Long-Term Report: Twelve Years with the Tannoy Westminster Royal Special Edition Loudspeakers!

I ordered my Tannoy Westminster Royal Special Edition loudspeakers on October 19, 2009. Tannoy built them, shipped them from Coatbridge, Scotland, and they arrived here at Jeff's Place on December 30, 2009. That's knocking on the door of twelve years ago now!  Twelve years ago feels like a long time ago, and my world has changed... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Columbia Grafonola, Acoustic Revive, Audio Note (UK), First Watt, Leben, Pass Labs, Sophia Electric, Triode Lab, long term reports, music, and other stuff!

Jeff here, and welcome to Jeff's Place! I hope you are doing well and holding up during this extended coronavirus pandemic.  I know a lot of people are stressed out - including me - and are looking for ways to destress during this extended pandemic.  Of course, if you are reading this, then like me, music... Read More »

The 78 Experience - Feeling the Music: join in on the fun!

I'll have more to tell you soon about some recordings of great musical performances I've come across from the acoustic (1877-1925) and electrical eras (1925-1945) of recording, but in this post I have a couple of fun things to share with you about the surging interest in the great musical performances found on 78 records.... Read More »

Review Sneak Peek: The New First Watt F8 Stereo Amplifier from Nelson Pass: Time Travel In a Black Box!

The full article about the First Watt F8 is now available at Positive Feedback to read HERE. Enjoy! As is my custom, I like to show you a "sneak peek" of upcoming articles for Positive Feedback.  In this sneak peek you'll see a preview of my upcoming The New First Watt F8 Stereo Amplifier from Nelson Pass: Time... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Audio Note (UK), First Watt, Leben, Pass Labs, and Triode Lab!

With 2020 in the rearview mirror, I had hoped 2021 would usher in a reprieve from our troubled world, but it was not to be. Locally, we've had weeks of 100F+ weather, smoke from wildfires filling the air, and the delta variant of the coronavirus is filling the local hospitals to overflow with unvaccinated (mostly)... Read More »

Burning Amp Festival Update: Burning Amp 2021 Changed to an Online Event!

Just in from Bryan Stanton (J B Stanton Communications). August 12, 2021— The organizers have reached the difficult decision that with the current Covid Delta surge in San Francisco and California, Burning Amp 2021 must be a Zoom-only event. The safety of all the participants is paramount. The same great presentations originally scheduled for the live event remain unchanged, in an... Read More »

The 78 Experience - Feeling the Music: 78 Record Label Survey!

Whether musing about the greater understanding the Belle II particle physics experiment at KEK may bring to questions around Standard Model predictions, dark matter, and the asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the universe, or the exciting themes of parallel universes, the multiverse, and time travel that we see imaginatively explored in science fiction, physics... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Audio Note (UK), First Watt, Leben, Pass Labs, and Music!

It was a pleasure writing about the Audio Note (UK) Io I MC phono cartridge, AN-S4 step-up transformer, AN-V silver interconnects, and AN-SPe silver loudspeaker cables for Positive Feedback ... ... as well as sharing some of my long term impressions about the Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier and Audio Note... Read More »

Review Sneak Peek: The Audio Note (UK) Io I MC Phono Cartridge, AN-S4 Step-Up Transformer, AN-V Silver Interconnects, and AN-SPe Silver Loudspeaker Cables: An ‘out of this world’ listening experience!

The full article has now gone live at Positive Feedback HERE. Enjoy!  I always enjoy providing you a 'sneak peek' of my upcoming feature articles for Positive Feedback. This time I am sharing with you a preview of "The Audio Note (UK) Io I MC Phono Cartridge, AN-S4 Step-Up Transformer, AN-V Silver Interconnects, and AN-SPe... Read More »

Attention DIY fans: Burning Amp Festival 2021 Set for Oct. 16th & 17th!

Here's something for all you DIY fans out there. I just got a message from Bryan Stanton (press contact HERE) that the Burning Amp Festival 2021 is set for Oct. 16th & 17th. "San Francisco, CA  July 14, 2021 — An expanded Burning Amp Festival 2021 returns after a year of Covid lockdown, October 16th & 17th at... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Audio Note (UK), First Watt, Leben, Triode Lab, 78 transfers, and other stuff!

Sometimes it seems like I am way busier as an old retired guy than when I was working full time. The difference now is I'm busy listening to music and cool hifi gear, writing about it for Positive Feedback and Jeff's Place, learning to play jazz guitar thanks to David Gitlen, riding my bicycle, getting... Read More »

The Jazz Guitar Chronicles: 'Undercurrent' by Bill Evans & Jim Hall!

Welcome to the fifth installment of The Jazz Guitar Chronicles.  If you just started reading The Jazz Guitar Chronicles, the idea is to share with you some of the most important jazz guitar players in our recorded jazz canon, as shared with me by my friend and superb jazz guitarist, David Gitlen, who has played and studied... Read More »

The 78 Experience - Feeling the Music: Marston Records, Naxos, and Nimbus Records 'Prima Voce' and 'Hermes' labels!

If you've been reading along, you know I've been having a lot of fun listening to 78 rpm record transfers to CDs from the acoustic (1860 to 1925) and electrical eras (1925 to 1945) of recording. Listening to 78 transfers will be a new musical experience for many of you, but one that I highly... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Triode Lab, Audio Note (UK), First Watt, and Leben!

It's hard to believe we're already half way through 2021! Yikes! Where does the time go? The feature article for the Triode Lab 45 EVO single-ended-triode integrated amplifier went live today at Positive Feedback HERE. It's been really nice getting reacquainted with single-ended-triode amplifiers, and the Triode Lab 45 EVO is an absolutely terrific integrated... Read More »

The 'All-Music' Trend That Is Emerging In High-Fidelity Audio.

In my efforts to let you know about all things audio and music, I want to tell you about a trend that is emerging in high-fidelity audio, the 'all-music' trend, and I hope that it will be a game-changer.  In two of my other favorite pastimes - bicycling and motorcycling - similar trends have emerged.... Read More »

The 78 Experience - Feeling the Music: Enrico Caruso in Opera Volume 1 1904-1920, from the Nimbus Records 'Prima Voce' series!

Today I have another exciting 78 transfer on CD to share with you, thanks to Stefano Bertoncello (TwoGoodEars), who recommended the Nimbus Records Prima Voce series to me. Thanks, Stefano! For more information on the Nimbus Records Prima Voce approach to these transfers you can read Stefano's excellent blog post HERE. The good news is... Read More »

The 78 Experience - Feeling the Music: New 78 reissues are on the way! Hooray!

Back in November of 2019 I started enthusing about my experience of listening to 78 transfers made by Anatoly Markovich Likhnitsky while visiting Peter Qvortrup of Audio Note (UK) fame in Brighton, England.  Little did I expect it, but listening to Peter's 78 transfers by Anatoly turned out to be quite literally a life changing... Read More »

Sneak Peek of the Upcoming Positive Feedback Article 'The Triode Lab 45 EVO Single-Ended-Triode Integrated Amplifier: The Evolution of the First Watt!'

As longtime readers know, I enjoy giving you a 'sneak peek' of my upcoming feature reviews a few weeks prior to their publication in Positive Feedback. This time the sneak peek is of the upcoming Positive Feedback article The Triode Lab 45 EVO Single-Ended-Triode Integrated Amplifier: The Evolution of the First Watt! Enjoy! Publication update:... Read More »

The Jazz Guitar Chronicles: 'Three for the Road' with Ed Bickert!

Welcome to the fourth installment of The Jazz Guitar Chronicles.  If you just started reading The Jazz Guitar Chronicles, the idea is to share with you some of the most important jazz guitar players in our recorded jazz canon, as shared with me by my friend and superb jazz guitarist, David Gitlen, who has played and studied... Read More »

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