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A Duelund Coherent Audio Saturday at Jeff's Place! OMG!!!

Like usual, I've been up since 4 a.m. this Saturday morning writing like a crazed man so I can get the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA premium tinned-copper cable article finished up for the November-December issue of Positive Feedback. I'm done with the article and it will appear on November 1st. I think (I hope) you'll find my... Read More »

Breaking News: The Duelund 'surprise' has arrived from Frederik!

I love surprises, and particularly surprises like the ones sent to me by Frederick Carøe at Duelund Coherent Audio in Denmark! When I first opened the box from Frederik, what did I see? I was looking through squinty, blurry eyes, and I was like, "Wow! Frederik sent me a whole box of Cuban cigars! How cool is... Read More »

Sneak Peek: The Positive Feedback Review of The Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Premium Tinned-Copper ‘Vintage Tone’ Cable

I'm hard at work this weekend, working on finishing writing the review for Positive Feedback of the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Premium Tinned-Copper ‘Vintage Tone’ Cable that will be appearing in the November-December issue, but I thought you would enjoy a little 'sneak peek', so here you go! Enjoy! The Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Premium Tinned-Copper ‘Vintage Tone’... Read More »

Yazaki-San Checking In: The Adventures in Real Sound Continue!

It's always a pleasure to hear from the delightful Yazaki-san about his ongoing audio adventures, and this time Yazaki-san is checking in from Bangkok while visiting Nattawut-san and Tanawat-san. "I hope you are all well, Jeff-san!" "I am far away, southwest of Japan, and I meeting again with Nattawut-san and Tanawat-san in Bangkok. They have been eager readers of Jeff's... Read More »

It's a Duelund Coherent Audio sort of Saturday morning!

This weekend I'm really focused in on Duelund Coherent Audio. First of all, I'm writing like a crazy-man this weekend to get a feature article written about the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA tinned-copper 'vintage tone' wire for the upcoming November-December issue of Positive Feedback. The main reason I want to get the DCA16GA wire into... Read More »

Breaking news! The 12.5-inch Woody SPU Tonearm™ review for Positive Feedback just went live!

Breaking news! I finished up 12.5-inch Woody SPU Tonearm™ review for Positive Feedback, and it just went live here. I'm so impressed with the 12.5-inch Woody SPU Tonearm™ that I bought it from Pete Riggle as my reference for what is possible with tonearm performance. I really hope you enjoy the article! As always, thanks for... Read More »

Sneak Peek: The Positive Feedback Online Review of the Woody SPU Tonearm by Pete Riggle Audio Engineering

I'm writing non-stop this weekend trying to wrap up my review of the impressive Woody SPU Tonearm™ by Pete Riggle Audio Engineering for the November-December issue of Positive Feedback, and I thought you'd enjoy reading a sneak peek before it hits the presses in a few weeks. Enjoy! The Woody SPU Tonearm™ from Pete Riggle Audio... Read More »

A Duelund Adventure! Updated.

I really appreciate Yazaki-san introducing me to the 'real sound' of the vintage Western Electric WE16GA wire as speaker cables, and the Belden 8402 microphone cable as interconnects, as they completely changed the way I think about audio cabling. What do they have in common? Tinned-copper conductors! Their unfailing musicality, realistic timbral textures, vivid tone... Read More »

A Really Great Visit from Chris & Chloe!

It's been a great couple of days visiting with my nephew, Chris, and his daughter, Chloe, who travelled all the way from Arlington, Virginia, to visit Grandma Jaine & Uncle Jeff here in Washington State! Grandma Jaine is 91 now, soon to be 92, and loves jazz and Robert Redford movies! Grandma Jaine is Chris' Grandmother... Read More »

A Duelund Coherent Audio Surprise from Frederik! What could it be? Help me figure it out!

I awoke to a surprise message from Frederik at Duelund Coherent Audio this morning, pointing me towards Facebook. Frederik said in his Facebook post, "The start of a fun experiment. Hopefully, the resulting prototype should ship to Jeff Day in 14-21 days." The photo below was attached to the message. What a great message to be... Read More »

A Sunday Afternoon At Place de Jeff: Altec, Duelund, Yamamoto, and R2R! Update x 2.

It's always fun to get together with good friends, and I was delighted to have pals Leo, Pete, Ron, and Santos visit me for a frivolous Sunday afternoon of laughter, music, and hi-fi tomfoolery at Jeff's Place! Besides a nice selection of food & wine to nip & sip on, the menu included: 1) Finalizing the crossover... Read More »

The Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre Project - Wow!

I'm excited by what I'm hearing from my Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers. I've made a few modifications to the crossovers I'm building, and to the wiring from the crossovers to the drivers, that really are working great together. I still have a few experiments I want to try with the crossovers, but I feel like I'm... Read More »

Today's Fresh Catch: Duelund, Duelund, Duelund, and more Duelund!

I really like the musicality & sonics of the 2-meter DCA16GA interconnects I made (with Switchcraft 3502AAU RCA's) to go from my vintage McIntosh MX110Z tuner-preamp to my vintage McIntosh MC30 monaural amplifiers. I described them like this: "The overall presentation is warmish, beautifully musical, a little bit dark, but with a surprising amount of transparency... Read More »

A5 VOTT Project, Western Electric WE16GA, Belden 8402, Duelund DCA16GA, Red Astron, and a Woody SPU! Update.

Last week was a rough week, so it was especially sweet to relax on Saturday, and work through some listening tests with the A5 Voice of the Theatre Project, Western Electric WE16GA wire, Belden 8402 microphone cable interconnects, Duelund DCA16GA wire, Jupiter Condenser Red Astron capacitors, and the Woody SPU tonearm. The Pete Riggle Audio Engineering Woody SPU Tonearm: I'll start with a... Read More »

Duelund DCA16GA on the Altec 16 Ohm 515B Alnico drivers in the 825B bass horns, and now with a little 1005B 10-cell horns & 288C Alnico high-frequency compression drivers action thrown in.

After writing my last post, I got all excited about wiring up my A5 VOTT's Altec 16 Ohm 515B Alnico drivers in the 825B bass horns with Duelund DCA16GA wire. First I removed the backs of the Altec 825B bass horns so I could get at the 16 Ohm 515B Alnico drivers, and then removed the vintage... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Altec's, Duelund DCA16GA, a Woody SPU tonearm, and a look ahead!

It sure was fun to go to Matt's and Milagros' wedding at Mount Vernon, and to visit with all the family and friends that attended. They sure are a fantastic group of people, and it makes me thankful and proud that I can call them 'family'. Now I've got a few things to tell all... Read More »

Milagros' and Matthew's Wedding at Mount Vernon - Congratulations!

I had an absolutely fantastic weekend visiting with family at my nephew Matt's wedding held at Mount Vernon, near Alexandria, Virginia. In the photo above, left to right, is Milagros, Matt's lovely new wife, then Matt my nephew, the priest, my awesome sister-in-law JoAnne, my nephew, Chris, Chris' lovely daughter, Chloe, and his charming wife, Joanna.... Read More »

A Duelund DCA16GA adventure for Sunday morning! Updates.

I got up this morning and started a load of laundry, made some coffee, and fired up my Stokowski Altec A7 loudspeakers & SPEC RSA-M3 EX Real Sound Amplifier based system. Soon as the coffee was ready, I settled in to catch up on my correspondence while listening to the superb Jazz24 stream. Yazaki-san’s amazing SPEC RSA-M3... Read More »

A little Duelund DCA16GA & Belden 8402 for my Leben CS600 & Harbeth Super HL5 system. Yeah!

Back 10 years ago now when I first tried the combination of the Leben CS600 integrated amplifier (and RS-30EQ phono stage) with my Harbeth Super HL5 loudspeakers, I was so impressed with the immense musicality of their combined performance that I sold the much more expensive reference system I had at the time, and replaced it with... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... jazz albums, Duelund DCA16GA, and other stuff. Update.

I've picked up some new albums from Acoustic Sounds that I think you jazz cats will enjoy. First up is the 45 RPM Bill Evans Paris Concert Edition 1 from the Original Recordings Group (ORG), which was recorded live at L'espace Cardin in Paris, France, November 1979, about 10 months before Bill's death in September 1980. The album... Read More »

Jeff checking in ... Duelund DCA16GA, 'Vintage Tone', and other stuff! Updates.

It's always good to get home and fire up the stereo after being off on a long week of work travel. The first thing I did after getting home from a long day of flying was to plug in my vintage McIntosh vacuum tube electronics and vintage Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers based system to... Read More »

Some more listening impressions of the Duelund DCA16GA on the A5 VOTT Project loudspeakers!

It's been really busy lately for yours truly, but tonight I'm relaxing for a little bit, and listening to a little jazz over my vintage Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers project, which at the moment is playing my Analogue Productions test pressing of Chet Baker's Chet. I probably shouldn't say this, as it drives prices up,... Read More »

In Memory of Jack Day - Godspeed Dad!

I would like to thank John Butterfield (third from the left), Art King (third from the right), and the Kennewick, Washington, Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars for performing a memorial service for my Dad, Jack Day. Both Mom & I deeply appreciate everything you have done. As some of you know, my Dad passed... Read More »

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