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A Shielded Duelund DCA26GA Interconnect for Sunday!

09-17-2017 | By Jeff Day |

This morning I built a 1-meter shielded Duelund DCA26GA tinned-copper interconnect (shield connected at source end) to connect the 2-Ohm version of the Arai Lab MT-1 SUT that I am currently reviewing for Positive Feedback to my vintage MX110Z preamplifier's phono stage.

Arai Lab MT-1 SUT.

I now have shielded versions of the DCA16GA, DCA20GA, and DCA26GA tinned-copper interconnects built up so that I can use them with different cartridges to get the best 'voicing' match possible for a particular phono cartridge.

Ortofon SPU Classic GM MkII

The Arai Lab MT-1 SUT was designed specifically for a cartridge with 2-Ohm impedance, like my Ortofon SPU Classic GM MkII, that I have mounted on the Woody SPU tonearm.

50 Guitars

I’ve been having a ball listening to Tommy Garrett’s 50 Guitars albums produced back in the 1960s. The concept of the various 50 Guitars albums is similar to that of the classic audiophile album, Music for Bang, Baaroom, Harp, on RCA Living Stereo, except the focus is on guitars.

50 Guitars Go South of the Border

All of the 50 Guitars albums I have heard so far are recorded superbly, in that audiophile “spectacular” fashion that was so popular in the 1960s, which the Liberty Premier label refers to as "visual sound".

As a bonus, you can pick up 50 Guitars albums like the 50 Guitars Go South of the Border (above) out on Discogs inexpensively.

50 Guitars Go South of the Border

I listened to 50 Guitars Go South of the Border with the 2-Ohm Arai Lab MT-1 SUT and the shielded Duelund DCA16GA interconnects, first (which I have been using all along with my Ortofon SPU Classic GM MkII), and it was an excellent match, as I suspected it would be.

Then I listened to 50 Guitars Go South of the Border with the 2-Ohm Arai Lab MT-1 SUT again, with the shielded Duelund DCA26GA interconnects I just built replacing the DCA16GA interconnects.

Collings Waterloo WL-14L (left) Gibson Advanced Jumbo (right).

The sound with the shielded DCA26GA reminded me of what I heard when I first strung up my Collings (above, left) with a new set of Martin SP Custom Light strings, with it sounding a little lean, a little forward and aggressive, a little "bluesy".

The Martin SP Custom Light strings are settling down now and mellowing a bit, and I suspect the Duelund DCA26GA will do the same, particularly after a little voltage conditioning on the FryBaby2.

DCA16GA (left), DCA26GA (right)

In contrast, the shielded DCA16GA IC's were more analogous to what I hear from the Martin Medium SP strings I use on my Gibson Advanced Jumbo (above, right), being vibrant in the midrange, rich, nice and smooth treble response, dynamic, colorful, and a warmer overall presentation that makes everything sound great!

I also gave the shielded Duelund DCA20GA interconnects a listen with the 2-Ohm Arai Lab MT-1 SUT and the Ortofon SPU Classic GM MkII, and it was an excellent match to, just as it was with the Murasakino Musique Analogue Sumile phono cartridge.

Although, with the Ortofon SPU Classic GM MkII, I think the DCA16GA interconnect is a better match overall, with it's dynamic, colorful, and dramatic presentation, which goes wonderfully well withOrtofon's overall presentation.

The opposite is true of the Sumile, with its amazing resolution of nuance, dynamic gradations, and tone colors, it is better served by the Duelund DCA20GA.

It sure is nice to have some cable options to choose from though, as it really helps get the best voicing out of each phono cartridge possible.

Ok, well that's it for now, I've got to get back to writing up the review of the Arai Lab MT-1 SUT for Positive Feedback.

As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!

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