It sure is delight to be up and running here on Jeff's Place at Positive Feedback for 2019, and I'm "sharpening up my pencil" now to do a little writing about music, hifi, and other stuff for you!
I'm in the process of vetting review inquiries sent to me, and sending out review inquiries of my own for 2019, so the crystal ball will become clearer in the coming weeks and months.
Here's what I have already scheduled for the early months of 2019:
The Duelund-Altec Project
This is a combined project and review of the recently released Duelund Coherent Audio CAST tinned (Sn) - copper (Cu) capacitors, inductors, and resisters (in the photo below).
As many of you know, the Duelund CAST Sn-Cu capacitors have created quite a sensation in certain parts of the high-performance audio universe as a major capacitor advancement.

Duelund CAST tinned-copper prototype capacitor.
Those who've been following my writing know I've been gushing for a while now about the prototype Duelund Sn-Cu capacitors I've tried in my McIntosh MX110 tuner-preamplifier and Altec A5 Voice of the Theatre loudspeakers' crossovers.

18uF Duelund CAST Sn-Cu capacitor with 8 oz. coffee cup for a size comparator.
Humble Homemade Hifi also came to a similar conclusion in their review of the production version of the Duelund CAST Sn-Cu capacitors that you can read about HERE, and provided a very articulate explanation of their aural performance.
I'll have much more to say about the Duelund-Altec Project in future posts, but in the mean time you can read more about the project at the following locations:
- The Duelund-Altec Project announcement HERE.
- The arrival of the Duelund CAST Sn-Cu components at Jeff's Place HERE.
- A detailed description of the Duelund CAST Sn-Cu Air-Core Inductor HERE.
- A detailed description of the Duelund CAST Sn-Cu Capacitor HERE.
- A detailed description of the Duelund CAST Carbon/Sn-Cu Resistor HERE.
- An introduction to breadboarding the Duelund CAST crossovers for the Duelund-Altec Project HERE.
The Duelund 600V DCA12GA & DCA20GA Wire and Duelund RCA Plugs
Some of you may remember that I wrote an article about the various vintage inspired Duelund tinned-copper tone wire in the Positive Feedback article "An Adventure in the Art of Tone with the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA Series of Tinned-Copper Cables, Part 1" HERE.

The new Duelund 600V DCA20GA for use in wiring components internally.
Sometime after the Duelund-Altec Project article for Positive Feedback I'll be starting on Part 2 of the "An Adventure in the Art of Tone with the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA Series of Tinned-Copper Cables" article, which will be about the 600V DCA wires, the Duelund RCA connectors, and perhaps even about the eventual internal re-wiring of my Tannoy Westminster Royal with Duelund tinned-copper wire that I'd like to do.

The new 600VDC Duelund DCA12GA tinned-copper tone wire!

Duelund Gold RCA plugs.
I'll be writing more posts about all of the above, but until then you can read more here:
- Read more about the 600V Duelund DCA20GA tone wire HERE.
- Read more about the 600V Duelund DCA12GA tone wire HERE and HERE.
Thorens TD-124 Turntable Hot-Rodding
In my post HERE I told you about hot-rodding my Thorens TD-124 turntable with the Woodsong Audio TD-124 Platter Adapter and the SPEC AP-UD1 Analog Disc Sheet (mat).
Jaap Pees, a notable world expert on the Thorens TD-124, of Hanze HiFi in the Netherlands, has sent me the Hanze HiFi motor decoupling spring modification kit for the Thorens TD-124 to try on my TD-124.

Hanze HiFi motor spring decoupling kit.
My buddy Ron Barbee has installed these kits on his Thorens TD-124's and says it's a significant upgrade, and has offered to help me with my kit installation. Thank you, Ron, I am looking forward to it!
I've got lots more to tell you about, but I'm going to take a break and grab a bit to eat and play my guitar for a while, so more soon!
As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!