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A little live music for a Saturday morning! Guitars and more!

08-26-2017 | By Jeff Day |

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I laid down my guitars a few years ago and haven't played them since then, as the focus of my time was helping my Mom and Dad through some difficult times healthwise.

I decided I needed to pick the guitars back up as I was really missing that in my life, so I got back out my guitars and have been practicing and playing again.

It's taking some effort to shake off the mental cobwebs and get the fingers & hands back into shape, but I'm really enjoying the journey.

I've been mostly playing my acoustics up until today, when I was playing / practicing a little jazz chord melody style on my Eastman archtop and Henriksen Jazz Amp.

Jazz chord melody style is a challenging but satisfying way to play guitar, because you're playing chords / harmony and the melody line at the same time.

It turns out that Mark Coles (Sablon Audio) just sent me an email to say "Hi!" and see what was going on, and to tell me that he might be able to offer some of his Gran Corona power cords at a considerable savings due to the effects of Brexit.

"Over the past few days, I've been having a much overdue spring clean and found sufficient materials to offer another batch of Gran Corona ... Given the fall in the value of GBP following Brexit, I have been able to reduce the selling price to $750. Should sufficient interest be shown, then I may reintroduce this model."

As most of you know, Mark's Gran Corona is one of my all-time favorite AC power cords, and as I'm doing reviews it is one of a couple different AC power cords that I swap in and out while I'm dialing in the voicing for sonics and musicality.

Like everything else in audio, what AC power cord is best for a particular set of components in a setup varies, so it's nice to have a couple of different power cords so you can get the voicing just right.

Currently my two favorite AC power cords are Mark's Gran Corona and the Acoustic Revive Power Reference TripleC NCF.

The Acoustic Revive Power Reference TripleC NCF is $5750 USD, so $750 USD for a Gran Corona is a steal. If you want one you better act fast, as quantities will be limited.

Anyways, Mark's email gave me the idea that I should try a Gran Corona on my Henriksen Jazz Amp.

Holy moly! Mark's Gran Corona totally transformed my Jazz Amp, the tone I'm getting from my archtop is just blowing me away!

I sent Mark an email to tell him about it.

"Guess what? A Gran Corona makes as much difference on a guitar amp as it does on an audio amp. That's pretty cool! Maybe you should consider doing a little marketing to the guitar player market, as there are way more electric guitarists than there are us of audio nuts!"  

I'll tell you what, guitarists should consider following the high-performance audio lead and give a premium power cord a try, I think most guitarists would be stunned by improvement a quality AC power cord like the Gran Corona brings to the music.

Ok, back to the music, I was just so thrilled about the result of using the Gran Corona on my Jazz Amp that I had to tell you about it.

As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!

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