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Today's Fresh Catch: A Vintage McIntosh MC225 Stereo Amplifier from Yves Beauvais at Vintage Vacuum Audio

11-08-2014 | By Jeff Day |

The comment from Hans' this morning asking about news on the vintage McIntosh article I've been wanting to write for Positive Feedback Online couldn't have been more timely. You see, I've been looking for a McIntosh MC225 stereo amplifier for a year or so, with no luck (that's the cover of an owners manual below).

McIntosh MC225 Owner's Manual Front Cover

McIntosh MC225 Owner's Manual Front Cover


The MC225 is one of the rarest and most desirable vintage McIntosh amplifiers, and I really wanted to be able to write an article about the - arguably - holy trinity of vintage Mac-dom; the MC240 stereo amplifier (below), the MC30 mono amplifiers (below), and the MC225 stereo amplifier.

McIntosh MC240 Stereo Amplifier

McIntosh MC240 Stereo Amplifier

McIntosh MC30 Mono Amplifier

McIntosh MC30 Mono Amplifier

I've purchased restored mint+ vintage examples of the McIntosh MC240 stereo amplifier & MX110Z tuner-preamplifier from vintage McIntosh vacuum-tube specialist Tom Manley at McIntosh Audio, which were restored by Terry DeWick in Knoxville, Tennessee.

McIntosh MX110Z Tuner-Preamplifier

McIntosh MX110Z Tuner-Preamplifier

I purchased a pair of restored vintage McIntosh MC30s mono amplifiers from Yves Beauvais at Vintage Vacuum Audio, which also have been an absolute delight. I decided to check in with Yves to see if he had any news on the availability of an MC225, and he wrote back and told me, "... working on some as we speak. Should have something within a week or two."

I immediately put in my request for one of the MC225s with Yves, and have been counting the days until it was done. Then I heard from Yves:

Hello Jeff,

Here it is, just finished and been running for three hours now.  Sounding super sweet and looking darn good if I may say so myself.  Chassis rechromed and reprinted, base powder coated.   Completely rebuilt inside, new caps a combo of paper in oils, polypropylene, mylar, and silver mica.   All resistors are new carbon comps. Only cosmetic issue are some scratches on top of transformers.  I do not have film for those silkscreens (no stickers on those like on the 30s), therefore do not repaint transformers. 

Tubes are RCA long black plate 7025 (low noise version of 12AX7), 2 x 12AU7 long grey plate General Electric, 2 long black plate RCA 12BH7, all tested and strong of course.   Audio path electrolytics are Sprague Atoms.   Power supply ones are German made. All are brand new and freshly manufactured. 
Output tubes are four vintage US Westinghouse made 7591 (two labelled RCA, two labelled GE), but both identical construction.  

Totally quiet of course.  My best sounding 225 to date.


Now that's a message that'll get a vintage McIntosh fan excited! Below are a couple of the accompanying photos Yves sent to me. Click on the photos for a screenshow view.

Well today the nice deliveryman from FedEx dropped off the completed MC225 from Yves, and I busied myself unpacking it and setting it up in the big system.

I've got the MC225 installed in the big system, and it's warming up while I'm listening to Jazz at the Pawnshop. It's sounding mighty fine!

MC225 installed

Here's a couple of closeups of the MC225:

MC225 first listen

MC225 first listen

MC225 first listen - closeup

MC225 first listen - closeup

My first impressions of the MC225 are very positive, and it's easy to hear why it's gained legendary status. I'll have much more to say in the future about this delightful stable of vintage McIntosh.

Many thanks to Yves Beauvais for the beautiful MC225!

Stay tuned!

From my home to yours, may the music make you happy!

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